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mcMMO (an RPG leveling mod)

Folas1337 edited this page Aug 28, 2019 · 8 revisions

mcMMO provides a skill for pretty much everything you do in game, be it mining, fighting, farming or just fishing. You can improve those skills by doing whatever is necessary for them. It adds a lot of long term motivation and the abilities just make playing more interesting.

Skills also have special abilities that you will unlock over time, certain levels unlock certain abilities or higher levels of that ability.


Everything you need to know about a skill can be looked up in game by using /<skillname>, for example /herbalism, /axes or /acrobatics, it'll tell you what you have to do to level it up as well as what level you're on with how much experience and its abilities that can be unlocked or when they'll be unlocked.

More pages that explain the abilities as well can be found by going through those pages with /<skillname> [page] like so /swords 2, /swords 3 and so on.

A command that lets you see all your skill levels and experience is /mcstats, it lists them with your current level like so:

All skills with levels and xp in a list

A similar list with your current rankings (compared to all other players) in all skills independently will be shown with /mcrank. /mctop [page] shows the current top power level (all levels combined) players.


If you want to team up with a friend and share experience, items or just chat seperately, you can do that with mcMMO as well. It might take some time to level up your party until you can do all that but once created, your party will never be removed. All commands and information is listed here:

Command Usage / Information
/party create <name> [password] Create your own party, with a password if you want. Parties are created in a locked state so nobody can join without an invite. Use /party <lock/unlock> to change this.
/party invite <player> Invite someone to your party (if you are the leader)
/party accept Accept a pending party invitation
/party join <player> [password] Join the party of another player with an optional password
/party chat, /pc, /p Toggle "party chat only" mode
/party info See info about the party you're in
/party itemshare <none/equal/random> Change the way items are shared within your party (works up to 75 blocks)
/party xpshare <none/equal> Change the way experience is shared within your party (works up to 75 blocks)
/party <lock/unlock> Lock or unlock your party
/party owner <player> Give someone else the leadership of your party
/party password [password/clear/reset] Set a new password or remove it
/party quit Leave the party
/party alliance Form an alliance with another party
/party rename <name> Rename your party
/party kick <player> Kick a player from your party
/party disband Disband your party


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