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GriefPrevention (claiming land)

Folas1337 edited this page Apr 26, 2020 · 9 revisions

Griefers got no chance on this server if you set up your claims properly and since you don't want to lose your beloved houses and everything inside them this page is just for you.

A word of warning though, what's not claimed won't be restored so pleeease make sure that everything is claimed.

Your first claim

As you place your first chest in the world a claim is automatically created with it. It's 9x9 with the chest being its center and it'll even show the corner blocks (gold and glowstone blocks). This will quickly become too small so you probably want to expand soon.

Claim blocks

Claim blocks are the blocks needed for claiming areas and you start off with 100 of them. You will be getting more claim blocks by just being online on the server. You can check your current claim block count by using /claimslist. The output will look something like this: /claimslist output

It shows your total amount of claim blocks (20,992) and how many you have left to spend (10,054) as well as where you spent how many. If your total amount of claim blocks (20,992) is above 2.000 your claims will never be removed, otherwise they will get removed after 60 days of inactivity!

About claims

Claims reach all the way up to the build limit (Y = 255) and almost down to bedrock (Y = 6) which allows to build under every claim there is. Should this ever change you can still check it with a stick. You can make as many claims as you want but it might get hard to keep track of them all.

Everything inside a claim is safe from griefing, you can't trample crops, can't destroy or place blocks, can't access chests or any other containers, can't destroy or take from armor stands or item frames and everything else a griefer could possibly want to do won't work! This has been tested thoroughly so you don't have to worry.

There are a few exceptions though: Wooden doors and trap doors can be used as well as any pressure plate. Use buttons and iron doors if you want to keep others out!

Managing permissions to your claim

You play with a friend and want to share a claim? No problem, just use /trust <player> while you are standing inside a claim. This will allow the other person to build and access this claim (none of your other claims though). If you ever get confused who's got access to what, just use /trustlist inside the claim to get a nice list of users and their permissions: List of permissions

For most people /trust is enough to manage their stuff but you can also give a person only access to certain things but not others. Here's a list of those:

Trust command Alias command Permission
/trust <player> /t <player> Gives another player permission to edit in your claim.
/accesstrust <player> /at <player> Gives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, and beds.
/containertrust <player> /ct <player> Gives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, beds, crafting gear, containers, and animals.
/permissiontrust <player> /pt <player> Grants a player permission to share his permission level with others.
/untrust <player> /ut <player> Remove any permission of a player from a claim
/untrust all /ut all Remove any permission of all players from a claim

Managing your claims

If you want to get rid of a claim just stand inside it and use /abandonclaim, in case you want to unclaim everything you ever owned use /abandonallclaims.

There are two items in game that are used for claims which are sticks and golden shovels. The golden shovel is used to claim new land or modify an existing claim, the stick is used to show and check claims/blocks.

We will now assume you got your first 9x9 claim but your house is getting bigger so you want to expand the old claim. Just take out a stick and right click your claim. That will reveal the gold and glowstone blocks which aren't actually there, they only exist to visualize the claim and its borders. By the way, you can build on those blocks as well, they are still part of your claimed and safe area!

After you revealed your borders take out a golden shovel and right click on a gold block. This will basically pick up the corner so you can move it somewhere else. If you aim somewhere outside of your claim and right click with that golden shovel again it will move the corner there.

A new claim can be created by just right clicking with on one corner with the golden shovel and on the diagonally opposite corner again. Do not take any other item in your hand while creating a claim, this will stop the claiming process!

More commands and possibilities

Command Alias Description
/claimexplosions - Toggles explosions in the claim you are standing in
/givepet <player> - Give a tamed pet to another player
`/ignoreplayer /ignore <player> Ignore a player so you will no longer receive his chat messages
`/unignoreplayer /unignore <player> Unignore a player
/ignoredplayerlist /ignorelist Lists all players you are ignoring
/trapped - If you are ever stuck in a claim, use this command to get out

Subdividing claims / Creating and managing cities

Imagine you have a huge area claimed and want to sell houses or areas within this claim, this is totally possible with GriefPrevention because it lets you create subdivisions. Simply take out your golden shovel and type in /subdivideclaims or /sc and then right click both edges of the subdivision you want to create.

It'll show the borders with an iron block and white wool. Within this subdivision you can use a trust command and they'll only have the permission to the little area you created and not the whole big claim!

GriefPrevention flags

You have the option to enable or disable certain features for your claims like others entering them, mobs spawning or flying in your own claim. The commands for that are either /setflag <flag> to enable a flag or /unsetflag <flag> to disable a flag. You can also check what flags are active in a claim by using /claimflags while standing in it.

Some of these flags have to be bought in the shop others are enabled by default. The following flags are allowed to be changed by default:

  • NoEnter (prevents anyone (except for staff) from entering your claim)
  • NoEnterPlayer (prevents certain players from entering your claim)
  • NoOpenDoors (prevents others from opening any door)

Flags have to be set seperately for every claim. You can also set or unset certain flags in subdivided claims to have some areas where people can enter and others where they can't.

GriefPrevention plugin:

Original wiki:

GriefPrevention flags plugin:

Original wiki: