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Scripting Documentation

JakeSamiRulz edited this page Apr 19, 2020 · 1 revision

Workflow (Image missing)

Map Specific Attributes

Attribute Bottom Limit Top Limit Description Available Since
minrange 1 14 minimum range of fire of an indirect unit.
maxrange minrange+1 15 maximum range of fire of an indirect unit.
moverange 1 15 range in tiles that an object can move.
movecost 1 14 move costs to move onto a tile.
vision 1 10 vision of an object in tiles.
att 50 400 attack rate in percent.
counteratt 50 400 counter attack rate in percent.
def 50 400 defenser rate in percent.
luck -50 50 UNDER REVIEW
+captureRate 1 50 capture rate in absolute.
*captureRate 50 200 capture rate in percent.
neutralizeWeather 0 1 if 1 then the weather will be neutralized for a player.
firstcounter 0 1 if 1 then the defender attacks first and then the attacker (swappes attacker and defender ).
funds 1 99999 funds given by properties at turn start (default is 1000).
+fuelDrain 1 1 UNDER REVIEW
*fuelDrain 50 200 UNDER REVIEW
comtowerbonus 1 100 bonus in percent given by communication towers. UNDER REVIEW
+terraindefense 0 12 terrain defense in stars
*terraindefense 10 300 Changes the terrain defense by a percentual value (default is 100).

CO Specific Attributes ( aka. CO Instant Actions )

Type Legend
Type Description Available Since
own Targets only objects that have the same owner as the invoker
allied Targets only objects that are allied to the invoker
team Targets only objects that are in the same team as the invoker
enemy Targets only objects that aren't in the same team as the invoker
all Targets all objects regardless of their owner
wholeMap scans the whole map
mostValues searches the spot where the most value is in relation to a given target mode and range
mostDamage searches the spot where the most damage will be possible in relation to a given target mode, range and damage
mostUnits searches the spot where the most units are in relation to a given target mode and range
Instant Power Attributes
Attribute Parameter Values Description Available Since
HealUnits target targetType Controls which fraction units will be healed
amount 0 to 9 How much HP points will be added (it never goes beyond 10)
impact 1 to 10 The range where the targets will be scanned
impactTarget scanType type of the spot
This CO action heals units on the battlefield
DamageUnits target targetType Controls which fraction units will be damaged
amount 0 to 9 How much HP points will be lost
minAmountLeft 0 to 9 This controls how much HP will be left in every case (0-9 while 0 means destroyable)
impact 1 to 10 The range where the targets will be scanned
impactTarget scanType type of the spot
This CO action damages units on the battlefield

Object Tags

Tag Meaning When it adds to the tags Available Since
DIRECT Direct attacking unit when a unit attacks directly with it's main weapon
INDIRECT Indirect attacking unit when a unit attacks indirectly with it's main weapon

Under Review

The following attributes are under review!

Health Attributes

Attribute Bottom Limit Top Limit Description Available Since
+unitHP ? ? The current health of a unit (addition)
*unitHP ? ? The current health of a unit (percentage)
+unitMaxHP ? ? The maximum health of a unit (addition)
*unitMaxHP ? ? The maximum health of a unit (percentage)

Fuel Attributes

Attribute Bottom Limit Top Limit Description Available Since
+unitAmmo ? ? The current ammo of a unit (addition)
*unitAmmo ? ? The current ammo of a unit (percentage)
+unitMaxAmmo ? ? The maximum ammo of a unit (addition)
*unitMaxAmmo ? ? The maximum ammo of a unit (percentage)

Ammo Attributes

Attribute Bottom Limit Top Limit Description Available Since
+unitFuel ? ? Changes the current fuel of a unit (by addition)
*unitFuel ? ? Changes the current fuel of a unit (by percentage)
+unitMaxFuel ? ? Changes the maximum fuel of a unit (by addition)
*unitMaxFuel ? ? Changes the maximum fuel of a unit (by percentage)

Vision Attributes

Attribute Bottom Limit Top Limit Description Available Since
+unitVision ? ? Changes the current vision of a unit (by addition)
*unitVision ? ? Changes the current vision of a unit (by percentage)

Material Attributes (AWDoR)

Attribute Bottom Limit Top Limit Description Available Since
+unitMaterial ? ? Changes the current material of a unit (by addition)
*unitMaterial ? ? Changes the current material of a unit (by percentage)
+unitMaxMaterial ? ? Changes the maximum material of a unit (by addition)
*unitMaxMaterial ? ? Changes the maximum material of a unit (by percentage)

Range Attributes

Attribute Bottom Limit Top Limit Description Available Since
+unitMinRange ? ? Changes the current minimum range of a unit (by addition)
*unitMinRange ? ? Changes the current minimum range of a unit (by percentage)
+unitMaxRange ? ? Changes the current maximum range of a unit (by addition)
*unitMaxRange ? ? Changes the current maximum range of a unit (by percentage)
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