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Official Rules List (Old)
- Movement -> Mirror AWDoR-DS (Move) / AW2-AW1 (Move Cancelling)
- Damage Formula -> AWDoR (Complete) / CWT Hybrid (AW2 - AWDoR)
- D2D: +10% offensive luck (all units)
- COZ: Default Range [0~2]
- COP: Default Boost (+10/+10) [+1 CO Zone when reached (CO Unit only)]
- SCOP: Default Boost (+10/+10) [+2 CO Zone when reached (CO Unit only)]
- Veteran Rank Abilities: Only active when your active Commander is Veteran Rank (or higher for boss COs)
- Same price rate like AW2
- Will get more expensive for 10 powers, than be a standard price
- In COZ -> Follows AWDS
- Outside COZ -> Follows AW2
- Commander units start at No Rank (instead of Veteran)
- Commander units gain +1 Rank every time they kill a unit
- Regular units can only rank up in an owned CO Zone
- Regular units can't rank up past the active Commander Unit
- AWDoR Special terrain and buildings keep their stars
- +1 terrain movement (Air, Infantry, Sea, Transport Move Types)
- Fuel Consumption Doubles {all units}
- -1 vision range {all units}
- FoW (Immunity grants MoW)
- All Units Vision is 1
- +1 terrain movement (Tires, Treads)
- Causes MoW
- (-10/+0) {all units}
- -1 Range {all units}
- -1 Movement {all units}
- (+0/-10) (all units)
- 2x Ammo Cost (all non-soldier units)
- 4x Fuel cost (all soldier units)
- No property resupply
- Losing the commander unit drops morale bar to 0
- There is no way to unload commander units
- During Dual COs -> Two Commanders can be out at the same time
- During Dual COs -> Two commanders can't occupy the same unit
- Guard (I): (+5/+5)
- Elite (II): (+10/+10)
- Veteran (V): (+20/+20)
- Ace (A): (+30/+30) Pocket CO Zone {Campaign Boss Commanders Only}
- An air-space for Dusters, Strikers (Seaplanes), and some Leader Units
- Can't be shot by Infantry Units (like High- Air)
- Mid-Air units can't fire upon High Air Units
- Uses HP instead of using Materials
- Unit must be max HP (10.0 HP) to start structure
- After temp structure is built, unit takes at least 5 HP non-lethal damage
- Buildings have 20 Capture Points (CP)
- Units build at a ratio equal to their HP (1HP/1CP), so (10HP/10CP)
- Build rate is affected by capture rate for that unit type
- If building unit attacked, build rate is weakened by the following ratio (1HP/1CP)
- If building unit is destroyed, the temporary building isn't built
- Owned Direct Units can call owned indirect units to fire with the following conditions:
- Enemy unit has to be next to owned direct unit
- Enemy unit has to be in firing range of friendly indirect unit
- Owned unit is not able to attack enemy unit
- Indirect unit has to be able to fire on enemy unit
- Assist uses the firepower of the indirect unit for calculating damage
- Assist depletes 1 indirect ammo
- (+1/+0) per each owned sea unit on the map (owned units)
- Charging only applies for inactive CO in their CO Zone
- Swap works the same like AWDS
- Active COs share all their abilities with an inactive CO Unit
- Inactive COs only retain access to their CO Zone Abilities in their CO Zone
- Only affects the Commander Zone
- The Stars boost luck (+10 positive luck per star)
- Passive: Both Commanders have to be on the battlefield to activate
- Both Commanders have to be on the battlefield to use as CO Units
- Both Commanders have to have their SCOP fully charged to use
- The Active Commander takes a Super powered turn as normal
- Upon pressing Swap, all units are reanimated and the inactive CO becomes the active CO
- The Next Active Commander takes a Super powered turn
- Each Leader Unit is required to have a unit it upgrades from
- Does not have a damage chart, instead uses other units attack, defense, ammo counts, movement to decide power level
- They cost 1.5 the cost of the unit they upgrade from
- They are deployed from the property that matches their unit type (Airport for Air, Ports for Naval, Bases for Ground/Hover)
- They come with a Pocket CO Zone
- Can be upgraded in active Commander Zone for 50% cost, but causes Commander Unit to wait
- If both CO Units are on the battlefield, both Commanders can use either upgrade choice
- The Commander Unit that initiated the upgrade is still forced to wait
- Creates a 0 range patch of CO Zone that sits under the unit
- Pocket CO Zones gain all CO Zone abilities of owned Commanders on the battlefield
- Pocket Zones are deactivated if no owned Commanders are on the battlefield
- Defense Stars -> AWDoR Defense
- Communication Towers -> AWDoR Defense
- The rest goes into AWDoR Defense
- An ability that allows Commander Units to be able to launch the assist command even if they can fire on the enemy unit
- An ability on properties that allow you to share them with other allies on your team
- It is cute, but can be busted if people use this to make sure one person is buff before they forfeit the game
- An ability on the HQ that allows you to share funds with other allies on your team
- It is cute, but can be busted if people use this to make sure one person is money stacked before they forfeit the game
- Both Commanders have to be on the battlefield to use as CO Units
- Both Commanders need their COP fully charged to activate
- Daily Abilities for both the active Commander and the inactive Commander are merged together
- COP Abilities for both the active Commander and the inactive Commander are merged together
- By pressing End Turn, the Commanders are forced to Swap
- Commander Unit can activate Flash by sitting on any HQ and performing the Flash command
- Commander Units Rank is set to No Rank
- Commander Unit is set to Wait
- HQ gains rank equals the amount the Commander Lost
CO Zone is spread all over the map
Gains all CO Zone abilities of owned Commanders on the battlefield
Deactivated if no owned Commanders are on the battlefield
HQ triggers abilities of CO Zone when the CO Unit activates Flash
HQ loses one rank each day until it runs out in this order (A, V, II, I, No Rank)
HQ triggers abilities of CO Zone and keeps it active over the map if it still has Rank after it depletes
- An ailment that prevented spawned units from waiting or joining, but ailment is removed if they perform any other action
- If an active unit still had this ailment at the end of the turn, they are removed from the battlefield
- Originally created to stop Commanders like Hachi and Sensei from getting crazy, but Veteran Abilities covered that pretty well
- An Ability that triggers if a unit sits in the same spot for more than two turns
- It adds a pretty hefty +2 Terrain Stars
- Uses the direct's firepower ratio to decide the damage instead of the indirects
D2D: +10% offensive luck (all units)
COZ: Default Range [0~2]
COP: Default Boost (+10/+10) [+1 CO Zone when reached]
SCOP: Default Boost (+10/+10) [+2 CO Zone when reached]
Synergy: Only active if both Commanders are loaded into Units. Allows activation of Tag (and Merge) Powers.
Synergy CO Zone: If COs are both on the field at once, each +/- 5% gives +/- 2 to all siege abilities
CO Swap: Switches the active CO with the secondary CO.
Merge Power: Activates both normal CO Powers at the same time. When turn ends, performs a CO Swap
Tag Power: Activates active super CO power first, then swaps COs and activates secondary COs super power
Leader Unit: Cost 1.5x base unit; Pocket CO Zone under unit; Can be upgraded or built only when CO Unit is on battlefield
CO Unit: Cost 0.5x unit cost to load CO Unit, must load on allied property. If CO Unit is killed, morale bar is set to 0.
Rank Up: Owned units rank up +1 by destroying enemy unit. Units can't rank up past owned CO Unit Rank.
Pocket Zone: Has abilities of all allied CO Units on the battlefield. If no CO Units are out, this zone does nothing.
Flash Token: When CO Unit kills enemy at maximum rank, it creates a Flash Token. Flash Token is destroyed if CO Unit isn't on battlefield
Flash Power: At start of turn consumes 1 Flash Token to spread CO Zone over whole map for 1 day unless CO Unit isn't on battlefield
Siege Flash Power: If more than 1 Flash Token activates in one day, it gives +1 to all Siege Abilities per extra token on all owned units for one day unless CO Unit isn't on battlefield
Uneven Battle: If a single CO faces Dual COs, the single CO activates a Flash token every power activation
Defensive Siege: +1 defense per unit with Base 5 vision {owned units}
Luck Siege: +1 luck per unit with 5+ vision {owned units}
Offensive Siege: +1 attack per naval unit {owned units}
Seaplane Materials: A player can build 4 Strikers per allied Aircraft Carrier on the battlefield
Temporary Building Materials: A player can build one temp building per the combined total of allied APC and Gunboat units on the battlefield
Leader Unit Materials: A player can upgrade or build one leader unit per the combined total of CO Unit Ranks and Labs on the battlefield
Sphere of Influence: Owning a Temporary Building causes all allied buildings to emit a Pocket CO Zone of 0 range
Sphere of Influence Improvement: Each extra Temporary building owned adds +1 Pocket CO Zone to all allied buildings
CO Leader Unit Bonus: Putting a CO in a Leader Unit gives +2 to all Siege Abilities (+2 attack, +2 defense, and +2 luck) and makes HQ count as a temporary building
CO Leader Unit Rank Bonus: +1 all Siege Abilities for each CO Leader Unit Rank (+1 attack, +1 defense, and +1 luck)
Communication Towers: Gives +2 to all Siege Abilities (+2 attack, +2 defense, and +2 luck), counts as temporary building
Radars: Base 5 vision, gives +1 vision to all owned units and all owned properties on battlefield, counts as temporary building
Labs: +1 CO Leader Unit build slot, counts as temporary building
Empty Silos: Can be upgraded to Labs from APC
- Direct: (1~1 range) Can move and fire in same turn
- Indirect: (1~1+ range) Can only move or fire in a turn, not both
- Ballistic: (1~1+ range) Can move and fire in same turn
- Hidden: Enemy must be adjacent to see or attack this unit
- Immunity: Causes that weather type to have +7% more chance to happen in random weather
- Penalty: Stacks these weather effects onto the D2D
- Guard (I): (+5/+0)
- Elite (II): (+10/+0)
- Veteran (V): (+20/+20)
- Ace (A): (+40/+40) Pocket CO Zone {Boss Commanders Only}
- [Hit] Willful Students
- [Miss] Downtime
- [Specialty] High Luck
- [Veteran Rank] Enemy CO Zones also act as your Pocket Zone
- +15% positive luck {owned units}
- [Cheat Death] Units greater than .1HP has 25% chance of remaining at .1HP, ignoring destruction
- +35% positive luck {owned units}
- +75% positive luck {owned units}
- [Jinx] Adds negative luck to enemy equal to this units positive luck when in combat
- [Rachel] Windfall [3*]
- [Hit] Mechanics
- [Miss] Waking up Early
- [Specialty] Fixing
- [Veteran Rank] Repairs give additional +1 Heal {owned units}
- Free HP Repairs {owned units}
- Can repair on any property {owned units}
- +1 HP Heal {owned units}
- +2 HP Heal {owned units}
- Resupplies {owned units}
- +5 HP Heal {owned units}
- (+20/+0) {owned units}
- +1 move {owned units}
- +1 HP Repair Heal {owned units adjacent to this unit}
- [Max] Power Wrench [1*]
- [Eagle] Air Lift [2*]
- [Hawke] Shaky Alliance [1*]
- [Hit] Chocolate
- [Miss] Cowards
- [Specialty] Soldiers
- [Veteran Rank] Owned soldier loaded transport units can capture
- +50% capture rate {owned soldier units}
- (+20/+10) {soldier units}
- (-10/-0) {non-soldier direct units}
- +1 move {transport units}
- HP Hidden {soldier units}
- Capture Points Hidden {owned units}
- Capture Points don't reset {non-allied buildings}
- (+20/+0) {soldier units}
- +1 move {owned foot-soldier units}
- Perfect Movement {soldier units}
- (+50/+0) {soldier units}
- +2 move {owned foot-soldier units}
- Perfect Movement {soldier units}
- +150% Capture Rate {soldier units}
- 4 move
- (+20/+20) vs. Land Vehicles
- Hidden on [MNTN]
- [RECN] Machine Gun
- [Sonja] Girl Power [1*]
- [Eagle] Earth and Sky [3*]
- [Hit] Weight Training
- [Miss] Studying
- [Specialty] Non-infantry Direct Units
- [Veteran Rank] (+30/+0) {owned non-soldier direct units}
- [Veteran Rank] (-0/-20) vs. enemy indirect units {owned units}
- (+20/+0) {owned non-soldier direct}
- -1 range {owned indirect units}
- (-10/-0) {owned indirect units}
- (+30/+0) {owned non-soldier direct}
- (+30/+0) {owned non-soldier direct}
- +1 move {owned non-soldier direct}
- (+60/+0) {owned non-soldier direct}
- +2 move {owned non-soldier direct}
- (Bike Mud Tire - Tire B) movement
- 1 [MECH] Primary ammo
- [Andy] Power Wrench [1*]
- [Grit] Big Country [2*]
- [Hit] Tea
- [Miss] Medicine
- [Specialty] Price Reduction
- [Veteran Rank] -20% deployment costs during powers {owned units}
- [Veteran Rank] Ground unit city deployment during powers {owned units}
- -10% deployment costs {owned units}
- Can resupply and repair from any property
- -20% deployment costs {owned units}
- -20% deployment costs {owned units}
- Reanimate {owned non-soldier units on properties} * Enemy properties disabled
- APC Resupply
- Resupply disabled (enemy units adjacent to this unit)
- [Sensei] Grizzled Vets [2*]
- Fires Missiles from HQ or Lab
- [Hit] Hard Work
- [Miss] Excuses
- [Specialty] Base Repair and Luck
[Veteran Rank] Targeted Non-Lethal Projectile Range +1
[Ex: 0~2 -> 0~3]
- [Veteran Rank] Free Repairs {owned units}
- +1 repair rate {owned units}
- [+5/+0] luck per terrain star {owned units}
- Temporary Buildings 2000% build rate {owned units}
- Enemy Targeted Non-Lethal Projectiles can't strike inside her zone
- Takes no luck damage from enemy units {owned units}
- +1 repair rate {owned units}
- [+30/+0] luck {owned units}
- 1 [0~2] range 3 HP damage missile (highest combined HP, highest unit value, or highest capturing soldier & soldier concentration)
- [+60/+0] luck {owned units}
- 1 [0~2] range 3 HP damage missile (highest combined HP)
- 1 [0~2] range 3 HP damage missile (highest unit value)
- 1 [0~2] range 3 HP damage missile (highest capturing soldier & soldier concentration)
- Enemy air attacks disabled inside this units attack range
- [Jake] Orange Crush [2*]
- [Nell] Windfall [3*]
- [Hit] Clubbin'
- [Miss] Easy Listening
- [Specialty] Plains
- [Veteran Rank] +2 Terrain Stars on plains or wastelands {owned units}
- (+10/+10) {owned units on plain or wasteland tiles}
- -10% deployment costs {owned vehicle units}
- +1 indirect range {owned vehicle units}
- +1 Terrain Star on plains or wastelands {owned units}
- (+20/+20) {owned units on plains or wasteland tiles}
- +1 indirect range {owned vehicle units}
- +1 move {owned vehicle units}
- (+30/+30) {owned units on plain or wasteland tiles}
- +2 move {owned vehicle units}
- +1 indirect range {owned vehicle units}
- +2 terrain cost {enemy units on plains or wasteland tiles}
- [TANK] Primary ammo (6 shots)
- 1/2 Move Reanimation after attacking
- (+10/+0) per terrain star on plains and wastelands
- [Rachel] Orange Crush [2*]
- [Jess] Heavy Metal [1*]
- [Hit] Warm Boots
- [Miss] Rain Clouds
- [Specialty] Snow
- [Veteran Rank] Weather during allied powers last 1 extra day
- Snow Immunity
- Snow Penalty {in rainy weather}
- (+20/+0) snowy weather {owned units}
- +1 CO Zone Range in snowy weather {affects owned CO Unit and Leader Units}
- +1 movement {owned units}
- Snow Weather (1 day)
- Snow Weather (1 day)
- -2 HP damage {enemy units}
- Hidden in Snow {this unit}
- [Grit] Snow Patrol [1*]
- [Hit] Cats
- [Miss] Rats
- [Specialty] Indirect Combat
- [Veteran Rank] HP Reduction doesn't affect damage output {owned indirect units}
- +1 range {owned indirect units}
- (+20/+0) {owned indirect units}
- (-10/+0) {owned direct units}
- -1 blind spot range (minimum 1) {owned indirect units}
- (+20/+0) vs. enemy units with terrain stars less than 2 {owned units}
- +1 range {owned indirect units}
- (+20/+0) {owned indirect units}
- +2 range {owned indirect units}
- (+40/+0) {owned indirect units}
- 4 move [tread]
- 3 ammo
- [3~7] indirect range
- [Max] Big Country [2*]
- [Olaf] Snow Patrol [1*]
- [Hit] Olaf and Grit
- [Miss] Black Hole
- [Specialty] Cheap Units
- [Veteran Rank] Increases deployment funds by 50% during powers
- -20% deployment costs {owned units}
- (-10/-10) {owned units}
- Disables Negative D2D Effects
- Gains 50% funds per owned property
- (+1/+0) per 300G deployment funds
- Incendiary Rounds
- 2x Morale Bar gain {this unit}
- [Sasha] Trust Fund [3*]
- [Hit] Truffles
- [Miss] Pork Rinds
- [Specialty] Extra War Funds
- [Veteran Rank] Enemy players can't use CO powers while powers are active
- [Veteran Rank] Steals enemy deployment funds when you activate your power
- +10% income {owned properties}
- +50% Conversion of Damage to Funds
- +50% Conversion of Damage to Funds
- Morale Bar Drained [(Current Funds / 50000G) * 100] {enemy players}
- +50% Conversion of Damage to Funds
- Gains income from all properties
- Disable CO powers {enemy players}
- (+10/+0) per filled star in her morale bar
- [Colin] Trust Fund [3*]
- [Hit] Sonja
- [Miss] Computers
- [Specialty] High Quality Units
- [Veteran Rank] Steals base Defense Stars from enemy during combat {owned units}
- +20% deployment costs {owned units}
- (+20/+20) {owned units}
- (+10/+10) {owned units}
- (+20/+0) {owned units}
- +25% counterattacks {owned units}
- (+20/+20) {owned units}
- +50% counterattacks {owned units}
- +100% counterattacks {this unit}
- [Sonja] Battle Standard [3*]
- [Javier] Code of Honor [1*]
- [Hit] Computers
- [Miss] Bugs
- [Specialty] Intelligence
- [Veteran Rank] -1 vision {enemy units}
- [Veteran Rank] Units outside enemy vision range are hidden {owned units}
- HP Hidden {owned units}
- +50% counterattacks {owned units}
- -1 Terrain Star {enemy units}
- -5% negative luck {owned units}
- +1 vision {owned units}
- +50% counterattacks {owned units}
- +1 piercing vision {owned units}
- -1 Terrain Star {enemy units}
- +2 piercing vision {owned units}
- -2 Terrain Stars {enemy units}
- First-strike counterattacks {owned units}
- Loses weapons
- +3 piercing vision {this unit}
- Enemy units inside this units vision range can't counterattack
- [Kanbei] Battle Standard [3*]
- [Sami] Girl Power [1*]
- [Lash] Brainstorm [1*]
- [Hit] Lazy, Rainy Days
- [Miss] Busy Malls
- [Specialty] Copters and Soldiers
- [Veteran Rank] Can build copters from owned cities
- (+50/+0) {owned copter units}
- (+40/+0) {owned soldier units}
- (-10/-0) {owned vehicle & sea units}
- Loaded units drop cargo if on legal tile (1 unit only)
- +1 move {owned transport units}
- Can build 9HP Infantry on all owned cities for full price
- (+30/+0) {owned copter units}
- Can build 9HP Mechs on all owned cities for full price
- (+30/+0) {owned copter units}
- All Loaded Transport Units receive the Launch Command
- [Mid-Air Copter]
- [DUST] Primary (Ground, Low-Air, and Mid-Air damage)
- Can load/unload one ground unit
- Non-foot soldier units can only be loaded/unloaded on Airports and Temp Airports
- [Hachi] Grizzled Vets [2*]
- [Hit] Doughnuts
- [Miss] Planning
- [Specialty] Reckless Firepower
- [Veteran Rank] Double strike (First strike attack, then normal attack) [uses 2x ammo] {owned units}
- (+30/-20) {owned units}
- Enemy can't counterattack * -50% counterattacks {owned units}
- (+30/+0) {owned units}
- (+60/+0) {owned units}
- [MDTK] Primary (5 shots)
- [Sensei] Rolling Thunder [1*]
Green Earth
- [Hit] Lucky Goggles
- [Miss] Swimming
- [Specialty] Air Units
- [Veteran Rank] Enemy can't counterattack {owned air units}
- (+20/+10) {owned air units}
- -2 Daily Fuel {owned air units}
- (-20/+0) {owned sea units}
- Daily Fuel Drain Disabled {owned units}
- -25% counterattacks {enemy units}
- 1/2 firepower {owned units}
- Reanimates {owned non-infantry units}
- (+10/+20) {owned air units}
- Reanimates {owned non-infantry units}
- This unit has double strike
- [Andy] Airlift [2*]
- [Sami] Earth and Sky [3*]
- [Drake] Stormwatch [2*]
- [Hit] The Sea
- [Miss] Heights
- [Specialty] Naval Units
- [Veteran Rank] (+30/+0) {owned units on water tiles and during rain}
- Rain Immunity {owned units}
- (+0/+20) {owned sea units}
- (-20/-0) {owned air units}
- +1 Move {owned sea units}
- +2 Terrain Stars {owned units on water tiles and during rain}
- Gains 50% income {enemy properties}
- Rainy Weather (1 day)
- -1 HP Damage {enemy units}
- Rainy Weather (1 day)
- -2 HP Damage {enemy units}
- -50% remaining fuel drain {enemy units}
- [3~7] ballistic range
- Unit is forced to surface when it attacks if dived
- [SUBM] (Sea and undersea damage)
- [MDTK] (Ground Damage)
- [Eagle] Stormwatch [2*]
- [Hit] Dandelions
- [Miss] Unfit Commanders
- [Specialty] Vehicles
- [Veteran Rank] +1 movement {owned vehicle units}
- (+20%/+0%) {owned vehicle units}
- (-10%/+0%) {owned non-vehicle units}
- Perfect Movement {owned vehicle units}
- (+10%/+0%) {owned soldier units}
- +1 move {owned vehicle units}
- (+20%/+0%) {owned vehicle units)
- Full Resupply {owned units}
- +2 move {owned vehicle units}
- (+40%/+0%) {owned vehicle units}
- Full Resupply {owned units}
- [MDTK] (Ground damage)
- Attacks reduce enemy fuel by 1/2
- [Jake] Heavy Metal [1*]
- [Javier] Green Flash [1*]
- [Hit] Honor
- [Miss] Retreating
- [Specialty] Strong Defenses
- Communication Towers give +2 to all Siege Abilities (+2 firepower, +2 defense, +2 luck per source)
- [Veteran Rank] Owned cities count as temporary buildings
- Owned temporary buildings act like communication towers
- His HQ counts as a temporary building
- (+0%/+20%) {owned non-moved units}
- (+0%/+20%) vs. indirect attacks {owned units}
- Assist can't target in zone {owned units}
- (+0%/+20%) {owned units}
- Communication Tower effects doubled {owned units}
- (+0%/+20%) vs. indirect attacks {owned units}
- -50% counterattacks {enemy units}
- Communication Tower effects tripled {owned units}
- (+0%/+20%) {owned units}
- (+0%/+20%) vs. indirect attacks {owned units}
- (+5%/+0%) per movement used {owned units}
- 50% chance of indirect fire immunity during combat
- Can always use Assist
- [Kanbei] Code of Honor [1*]
- [Jess] Green Flash [1*]
- [Hit] Invasions
- [Miss] Peace
- [Specialty] Overpower
- AW1, strikes regardless of FOG [Meteor Strike power]
- AW2, strikes only units in vision range [Meteor Strike Power]
- [Veteran Rank] Targeted Non-Lethal Projectile Damage +2 HP
- [Veteran Rank] (+30/+0) {owned units during powers}
- Perfect Movement in clear weather {owned units}
- CO Zone Range set to 0
- (+20/-20) {owned units}
- (+0/+40) {owned units}
- So powerful, he doesn't need a CO Power
- 1 [0~3] range 6 HP damage meteor (highest combined HP, highest unit value, or 2x indirect value)
- [PIPE] Ground, Air, and Sea Damage
- 6 Primary Ammo
- Loses Secondary
- None
## Hawke
- [Hit] Black Coffee
- [Miss] Incompetence
- [Specialty] Everything
- [Veteran Rank] Disables Terrain Stars {enemy units}
- (+10/+0) {owned units}
- HP Reduction doesn't affect damage output {owned units}
- Luck is maximum if enemy < 1HP {owned units}
- +1 HP Heal {owned units}
- -1 HP Damage {enemy units}
- +2 HP Heal {owned units}
- -2 HP Damage {enemy units}
- [APC] Defenses
- Can Load one foot-infantry unit
- 6 (Bike Mud Tires - Tire B) Movement
- 2 vision
- [Andy] Shaky Alliance [1*]
- [Lash] Rebel Yell [1*]
- [Hit] His Own Face
- [Miss] Dirty Things
- [Speciality] Extra Movement
- [Veteran Rank] Perfect movement {owned units}
- +50% Morale Bar charge
- Damage rounds down to nearest .1 HP after combat {enemy units}
- +1 move {owned units}
- +2 move {owned units}
- (+20/+0) {owned units}
- Has Hide/Unhide Command
- First-strike counterattacks
- [Koal] Creepy Crawly [1*]
- [Hit] Getting her way
- [Miss] Not getting it
- [Specialty] Terrain Offense
- [Veteran Rank] Gains additional (+10%/+0%) per defending enemy unit defense star
- (+10%/+0%) per Defense Star {owned units}
- HP Reduction doesn't affect terrain defense {owned units}
- Terrain Stars can't be reduced {owned units}
- +1 Terrain Star {owned units}
- Perfect Move {owned units}
- +1 Terrain Star {owned units}
- Perfect Move {owned units}
- Double Defense Stars {owned units}
- First-strike counterattacks
- [Flak] Bruise Cruise [1*]
- [Hawke] Rebel Yell [1*]
- [Sonja] Brainstorm [1*]
- [Hit] Meat
- [Miss] Veggies
- [Specialty] Dispersion
- [Veteran Rank] Negative Luck is turned into firepower bonuses
- [+30%/-10%] luck
- His luck values are inversely applied to enemy units
- +25% positive luck
- -10% negative luck
- +65% positive luck
- -20% negative luck
- [ATNK] Primary Weapon * 5 Primary shots
- No secondary weapon
- [Lash] Bruise Cruise [1*]
- [Hit] Long Life
- [Miss] Young 'Uns
- [Specialty] Everything
- [Veteran Rank] -1 move {enemy units during any power}
- (+10/+10) {owned units}
- +1 HP Heal {owned units adjacent to owned properties}
- +1 terrain movement {enemy units}
- So powerful, he doesn't need a CO Power
- 1 [0~3] range 5 HP damage crippling bolt (highest combined HP or highest funds value)
- Loses Secondary Weapon
- Absorbs HP damage this unit deals to the enemy
- None
- "Urban Rockets"
- [Hit] Anything chic
- [Miss] Anything passe
- [Specialty] Urban Warfare
- [Veteran Rank] Enemy Properties are 15 max capture points
- [Veteran Rank] Enemy units can't capture when enemy powers are active
- (+40/+0) on properties {owned units}
- Owned properties are 25 max capture points
- Enemy units can't capture when allied powers are active
- (+40/+0) on properties {owned units}
- -3 HP damage {enemy units on properties}
- (+80/+0) on properties {owned units}
- (+3/+0) for every owned property {owned units}
- 5 move [Mid-Air Copter]
- [PRNR] (Ground, Sea, Mid-Air, and Low-Air Damage)
- Can also resupplies on Cities
- Damage ignores terrain stars
- [Koal] Flash Point [1*]
- [Jugger] Fireworks [1*]
- [Hit] Proverbs, Ramen
- [Miss] Fondue
- [Specialty] Sand and Roads
- [Veteran Rank] (+30/+0) vs. enemy units with no defense stars {owned stars}
- Sandstorm Immunity
- (+20/+0) {owned units on roads}
- (+10/+0) {owned units in sandstorm}
- First-strike counterattacks {owned units on roads}
- Defense matches offense {owned units in sandstorm}
- Sandstorm Weather (1 day)
- +1 move {owned units}
- (+20/+0) {owned units on roads}
- Sandstorm Weather (1 day)
- +2 move {owned units}
- (+20/+0) {owned units on roads}
- (+20/+0) {owned units}
- [AAIR] (Non-soldier ground damage)
- Attacking doesn't cause this unit to wait
- [Jugger] Power Surge [2*]
- [Kindle] Flash Point [1*]
- [Adder] Creepy Crawly [1*]
- [Hit] Energy
- [Miss] Static Electricity
- [Specialty] Smarter Dispersion
- [Veteran Rank] All negative luck becomes positive luck
- [Veteran Rank] HP Hidden {owned units}
- +20% positive luck
- -15% negative luck
- HP Reduction doesn't affect luck {owned units}
- +25% positive luck
- -10% negative luck
- +65% positive luck
- -30% negative luck
- [1~3] Ballistic Range
- 3 Ammo
- [ARTY] (Ground and Sea Damage)
- [Koal] Power Surge [2*]
- [Kindle] Fireworks [1*]
- [Hit] Life
- [Miss] Dishonor
- [Specialty] Defensive Healing
- [Veteran Rank] During powers, immune to non-combat damage {owned units}
- (+0/+20) {owned units}
- Owned temp properties repair and resupply {owned units}
- Resupplies {owned units inside loaded units}
- +1 HP repair rate {owned units}
- Free Repairs {owned units}
- Units offense matches their defense {owned units}
- (+0/+20) {owned units}
- +1 HP Heal {owned units and owned units inside loaded units}
- +1 move {owned loaded units}
- (+0/+40) {owned units}
- +3 HP Heal {owned units and owned units inside loaded units}
- +2 move {owned loaded units}
- [Cheat Death] Units greater than .1HP remain at .1HP, ignoring destruction
- [RECN] Secondary
- Medic Strike does [0~2] +2 HP Heal {owned units}
- Medic Tank loses Flame abilities
- [Lin] Heartbreak [1*]
- [Will] Reinforce [1*]
- [Hit] Brenner, Teasing
- [Miss] Flying
- [Specialty] Ground & Intel Manipulation
- [Veteran Rank] 5 base vision {owned units}
- (+10/+10) {owned ground units}
- HP Hidden {owned units}
- (+10/+10) {owned ground units}
- +1 piercing vision {owned ground units}
- (+5/+0) per vision {owned ground units}
- +2 piercing vision {owned units}
- (+5/+5) per vision {owned units}
- Paralyzing Round Primary weapon
[Brenner] Heartbreak [3*]
- [Hit] Hope
- [Miss] Giving Up
- [Specialty] Direct Attack Ground Units
- [Veteran Rank] -25% primary weapon damage {enemy units}
- (+20/+0) {owned direct ground units}
- -1 move {owned air and naval units}
- (+20/+0) {owned non-wait units}
- Upgrading doesn't cause units to wait {owned units}
- -25% capture rate {enemy units on owned properties}
- (+20/+0) {owned direct ground units}
- +1 move (owned direct ground units}
- (+20/+0) {owned direct ground units}
- +2 move {owned direct ground units}
- Perfect Movement {owned direct ground units}
- First-strike counterattacks vs. enemy CO and Leader Units {this unit}
- Double bonus from Pocket CO Zone {this unit}
- [Brenner] Reinforce [1*]
- [Isabella] Rally Cry [2*]
- [Tasha] New Era [2*]
- [Hit] Knowledge
- [Miss] Stupidity
- [Specialty] Everything
- [Veteran Rank] (+20/+20) {owned units}
- [Veteran Rank] 2x power bonus
- Loss of HP doesn't affect her capture rate {owned units}
- Maximum Luck {owned units}
- -1 Terrain Star {enemy units}
- Can't counterattack {enemy non-soldier units}
- (+10/+0) {owned units}
- 20% HP Damage is applied to enemy units during attacks {owned units}
- +1 direct move {owned units}
- +1 indirect range {owned units}
- 40% HP Damage is applied to enemy units during attacks {owned units}
- [PRNR] Ground, Air, and Ship Damage
- [Will] Morning Bloom [2*]
- [Hit] Rules of War
- [Miss] Tyrants
- [Specialty] CO Zone and Firepower
- [Veteran Rank] Can become Boss Rank in CO Zone
- (+10/+0) vs. more expensive enemy units {owned units}
- CO Zone does not grow
- (+10/+10) {owned units}
- (+10/+10) vs. more expensive enemy units {owned units}
- (+10/+0) vs. more expensive enemy units {owned units}
- -1 rank {enemy units}
- +1 rank {owned units}
- -10% deployment costs {owned units}
- First-strike counterattacks vs. more expensive enemy units {owned units}
- [PRNR] Ground, Air, and Sea Damage
- 4-7 ballistic range
- [Gage] Stronghold [1*]
- [Hit] Results
- [Miss] Mistakes
- [Specialty] Naval and Indirects
- [Veteran Rank] Enemy hidden units are always visible
- [Veteran Rank] No blind spot {owned indirect units}
- (+20/+10) {owned sea or indirect units}
- Vision can't be reduced {owned units}
- Hidden in Forest, Reefs, and Ruins {owned indirect units}
- Can counterattack indirectly if able {owned indirect units}
- (+20/+0) {owned sea or indirect units}
- +1 range {owned indirect units}
- +1 move {owned sea units}
- (+20/+20) {owned sea or indirect units}
- +2 range {owned indirect units}
- +2 move {owned sea units}
- Reanimation {owned indirect units}
- [1~2] indirect range
- 2 Infantry Movement
- [AAIR] (Ground and Low-Air Damage)
- First-strike counterattacks vs. soldiers
- [Forsythe] Stronghold [1*]
- [Tasha] Old Soldiers [1*]
- [Hit] Revenge
- [Miss] Sympathy
- [Specialty] Air Unit Attack
- [Veteran Rank] (+5/+0) per filled star in enemies morale bar {owned units}
- (+20/+0) vs. non-retaliating enemy units {owned units}
- (+20/+0) {owned air units}
- (+20/+20) {owned air units}
- Can't repair {attacked enemy units}
- +1 move {owned air units}
- (+20/+0) vs. non-retaliating enemy units {owned units}
- Can't counterattack {enemy units}
- +2 move {owned air units}
- (+20/+0) vs. non-retaliating enemy units {owned units} * 1 [0~2] range 3 HP damage missile (highest unit value)
- Disable Terrain Stars {enemy units}
- First-strike counterattacks
- [STLH] Primary Air Damage
- [Will] Air Support [2*]
- [Gage] Old Soldiers [1*]
- [Hit] Power
- [Miss] Insubordinates
- [Specialty] High-Tech Units and Supplies
- [Veteran Rank] Extra -2 Daily Fuel {all enemy units}
- [Veteran Rank] Enemy units at 0 fuel are destroyed
- (+10%/+20%) {owned units that cost more than 10000G}
- (+0%/+20%) {owned sea and air units}
- 2x fuel cost {enemy units}
- Resupply Full {owned units}
- (+10%/+10%) {owned units that cost more than 10000G}
- (+10%/+10%) {owned sea and air units}
- -50% remaining fuel drain {enemy units} * -1 primary ammo {enemy units}
- (+20%/+20%) {owned units that cost more than 10000G}
- (+20%/+20%) {owned sea and air units}
- -50% remaining fuel drain {enemy units}
- Enemy units ammo reduced to 1
- Ballistic Movement
- [BMBR] Primary Damage
- [Waylon] Wingmen [1*]
- [Hit] Living it up
- [Miss] Responsibility
- [Specialty] Hit and Run Tactics
- Powers work similar to Eagle
- [Veteran Rank] Morale Bar Charges during powers
- [Veteran Rank] Steals enemy terrain stars {owned air and indirect units}
- (+0/+20) {owned air and indirect units}
- Morale Bar doesn't reset on CO Unit Death
- (+0/+20) vs. enemy units of different type {owned units} * Owned Air Units benefit from terrain bonuses
- (+10/+30) {owned air and indirect units}
- Wait Units Reanimate, but can only move and wait {owned units}
- (+20/+60) {owned air and indirect units}
- +2 move {owned units}
- Wait Units Reanimate, but can't attack or assist {owned units}
- [T-Copter] Defense
- [Mid-Air] 4 move
- [2~4] indirect range
- [Greyfield] Wingmen [1*]
- [Hit] Experiments
- [Miss] Ethics
- [Specialty] Mad Scientist
- Has Green Mist for the super power
- [Veteran Rank] +2 HP Repair Heal {owned units in any Pocket CO Zone}
- [Veteran Rank] (+30/+30) {owned units in any Pocket CO Zone}
- (+20/+20) {owned units}
- Perfect Movement {owned soldier units} * +20% deployment cost {owned soldier units}
- CO Zone does not grow
- +3 HP Repair Heal {owned units}
- +50% capture rate {owned soldier units}
- So powerful, he doesn't need a CO Power
- 1 [0~3] range 5 HP damage bomb (highest combined HP, highest unit value, or 2x indirect value)
- (-20/-0) {enemy units}
- +1 terrain movement {enemy units}
- When this unit attacks, it instead creates a 1 [0~2] range 3 HP explosion on itself that damages enemy units
- +1 HP Heal
- None
- [Hit] Breakfast in Bed
- [Miss] Weak People
- [Specialty] Very High Firepower
- While she is active CO on any army, fire shows up as blue
- [Veteran Rank] +2 HP Heal {owned units on fire tiles}
- Immune to Fire
- Immune to Heatwave
- (+20/+0) {owned units on fire tiles}
- (+50/+50) {owned units}
- Incendiary Rounds {owned units}
- Perfect Movement {owned units on fire tiles}
- (+30/+0) {owned units}
- +1 move {owned units}
- Anywhere a unit moves is set on fire {owned units}
- Killing owned units creates a 1 [0~1] 1 damage explosion {enemy units}
- 1 [0~2] range 4 HP damage bomb (highest combined HP, gunboat mult 0.5x)
- All tiles on the map are set on fire
- Minigun - [AAIR] (Ground, Low-Air, and Mid-Air Damage)
- Loss of HP doesn't affect firepower
- First-strike counterattacks
- [Penny] Weathervane [2*]
- [Hit] Mr. Bear
- [Miss] Broken Toys
- [Specialty] Weather
- [Veteran Rank] Killing enemy units creates a 1 [0~2] 2 damage explosion {enemy units}
- Immune to Weather
- (+10/+10) {owned units}
+1 HP Repair Heal {owned units}
- (+10/+10) {owned units during non-clear weather}
- Random Weather for 1 day
- Random Weather for 3 days
- (+10/+10) {owned units during non-clear weather}
- -1 HP damage {enemy units}
- [TANK] [Ground and Sea damage]
- 6 Primary ammo
- 5 move [Infantry Movement]
- [Tabitha] Weathervane [2*]
- Build: 1000 G. (Factory)
- Movement: 3 (Foot - Infantry)
- Fuel: 99
- Vision: 2 (+3 on Mountain - MNTN)
- Star Value: 20 {0.4}
- Primary: None
- Secondary: {1~1} Machine Gun [Infinite ammo]
- Ability - Capture: Captures Neutral or Enemy Properties 1 point by current HP
- Build: 2500 G. (Factory)
- Movement: 5 (Bike - Tire B)
- Fuel: 70
- Vision: 2
- Star Value: [20] {0.4}
- Primary: None
- Secondary: {1~1} Machine Gun [Infinite ammo]
- Ability - Capture: Captures Neutral or Enemy Properties 1 point by current HP
- Build: 3000 G. (Factory)
- Movement: 2 (Mech)
- Fuel: 70
- Vision: 2 (+3 on Mountain - MNTN)
- Star Value: 20 {0.4}
- Primary: {1~1} Bazooka [3 ammo]
- Secondary: {1~1} Machine Gun [Infinite ammo]
- Ability - Capture: Captures Neutral or Enemy Properties 1 point by current HP
- Build: 4000 G. (Factory)
- Movement: 8 (Tyre - Tire A)
- Fuel: 80
- Vision: 5
- Star Value: 50 {1.0}
- Primary: None
- Secondary: {1~1} Machine Gun [Infinite ammo]
- Build: 5000 G. (Factory)
- Movement: 5 (Tank - Treads)
- Fuel: 60
- Vision: 2
- Star Value: [50] {1.0}
- Primary: Special - Flare Mortar (Below)
- Secondary: {1~1} Flamethrower/Incendiary Gun [Infinite ammo]
- {1~5} Flare/Mortar [3 ammo]
- Creates a flame tile that reduces terrain stars to 0 and highlights {0~2} piercing vision spaces around said tile for all players
- Flame tile is affected by weather
- Build: 5000 G. (Factory)
- Movement: 6 (Tank - Tread)
- Fuel: 70
- Vision: 1
- Star Value: 40 {0.8}
- Primary: None
- Secondary: None
- Ability - Supply: At start of turn and/or as command, restores fuel and ammo to all owned units in a {1~1} range
- Ability - Load: Ability to pick up [Foot Soldier] units (1 capacity)
- Ability - Drop: Ability to drop [Foot Soldier] units on their legal terrain
- Ability: Special - Build (Below)
- Able to deploy temporary buildings at the cost of HP (can't kill unit)
- Unit Must be at 10 HP to start temporary structures
- Builds Temporary properties 1 point by current HP (affected by capture rates)
- HP is sapped from unit after structure is built
- Replaces materials from Advance Wars Days of Ruin/Dark Conflict
- Build: 6000 G. (Factory)
- Movement: 5 (Tank - Tread)
- Fuel: 50
- Vision: 3
- Star Value: 50 {1.0}
- Primary: {2~3} Cannon [6 ammo]
- Secondary: None
- Build: 7000 G. (Factory)
- Movement: 6 (Tank - Tread)
- Fuel: 70
- Vision: 3
- Star Value: 50 {1.0}
- Primary: {1~1} Cannon [6 ammo]
- Secondary: {1~1} Machine Gun [Infinite ammo]
- Build: 8000 G. (Factory)
- Movement: 6 (Tank - Tread)
- Fuel: 60
- Vision: 3
- Star Value: 50 {1.0}
- Primary: {1~1} Vulcan [6 ammo]
- Secondary: None
- Build: 11000 G. (Factory)
- Movement: 4 (Bike - Tire B)
- Fuel: 50
- Vision: 2
- Star Value: [50] {1.0}
- Primary: {1~3} Flak Cannon [6 ammo]
- Secondary: None
- Build: 12000 G. (Factory)
- Movement: 5 (Tank - Tread)
- Fuel: 50
- Vision: 2
- Star Value: 80 {1.6}
- Primary: {1~1} Cannon [6 ammo]
- Secondary: {1~1} Machine Gun [Infinite ammo]
- Build: 12000 G. (Factory)
- Movement: 5 (Tank - Tread)
- Fuel: 50
- Vision: 2
- Star Value: 80 {1.6}
- Primary: {1~1} Cannon [5 ammo]
- Secondary: {1~1} Machine Gun [Infinite ammo]
- Build: 12000 G. (Factory)
- Movement: 4 (Tyre - Tire A)
- Fuel: 50
- Vision: 5
- Star Value: 70 {1.4}
- Primary: {3~6} Missiles [5 ammo]
- Secondary: None
- Build: 15000 G. (Factory)
- Movement: 5 (Tyre - Tire A)
- Fuel: 50
- Vision: 3
- Star Value: 70 {1.4}
- Primary: {3~5} Rockets [5 ammo]
- Secondary: None
- Build: 16000 G. (Factory)
- Movement: 6 (Tank - Tread)
- Fuel: 99
- Vision: 2
- Star Value: 90 {1.8}
- Primary: {1~1} New Cannon [6 ammo]
- Secondary: {1~1} Machine Gun [Infinite ammo]
- Build: 20000 G. (Factory)
- Movement: 9 (Pipeline - Pipe)
- Fuel: 99
- Vision: 4
- Star Value: 100 {2.0}
- Primary: {2~5} Pipe Cannon [6 ammo]
- Secondary: None
- Build: 22000 G. (Factory)
- Movement: 5 (Tank - Tread)
- Fuel: 50
- Vision: 1
- Star Value: 100 {2.1}
- Primary: {1~1} Battle Cannon [4 ammo]
- Secondary: {1~1} Machine Gun [Infinite ammo]
- Build: 28000 G. (Factory)
- Movement: 4 (Tank - Tread)
- Fuel: 50
- Vision: 1
- Star Value: 110 {2.2}
- Primary: {1~1} Mega Cannon [3 ammo]
- Secondary: {1~1} Machine Gun [Infinite ammo]
- Build: 5000 G. (Airport)
- Movement: 6 (Copter - Low Air)
- Fuel: 99 (-2 Daily)
- Vision: 1
- Star Value: 50 {1.0}
- Primary: None
- Secondary: None
- Ability - Load: Ability to pick up [Foot Soldier] units (1 capacity)
- Ability - Drop: Ability to drop [Foot Soldier] units on their legal terrain
- Build: 9000 G. (Airport)
- Movement: 6 (Copter - Low Air)
- Fuel: 99 (-2 Daily)
- Vision: 2
- Star Value: 60 {1.2}
- Primary: {1~1} Missiles [6 ammo]
- Secondary: {1~1} Machine Gun [Infinite ammo]
- Build: 13000 G. (Airport)
- Movement: 8 (Biplane - Mid Air)
- Fuel: 99 (-5 Daily)
- Vision: 4
- Star Value: [70] {1.4}
- Primary: {1~1} Machine Gun [9 ammo]
- Secondary: None
- Build: 15000 G. (Airport/Carrier)
- Movement: 7 (Biplane - Mid Air)
- Fuel: 40 (-5 Daily)
- Vision: 4
- Star Value: [80] {1.6}
- Primary: {1~1} Mole Missiles [3 ammo]
- Secondary: None
- Ability: Can resupply on Seaports/Temporary Seaports
- Build: 20000 G. (Airport)
- Movement: 9 (Jetplane - High Air)
- Fuel: 99 (-5 Daily)
- Vision: 5
- Star Value: 90 {1.8}
- Primary: {1~1} Missiles [6 ammo]
- Secondary: None
- Build: 20000 G. (Airport)
- Movement: 7 (Jetplane - High Air)
- Fuel: 99 (-5 Daily)
- Vision: 3
- Star Value: 90 {1.8}
- Primary: {1~1} Bombs [6 ammo]
- Secondary: None
- Build: 22000 G. (Airport)
- Movement: 6 (Jetplane - High Air)
- Fuel: 60 (-5 Daily [-8 while hidden])
- Vision: 4
- Star Value: 100 {2.0}
- Primary: {1~1} Omni-Missile [6 ammo]
- Secondary: None
- Ability: Special - Hide (Below)
- Ability - Appear: Reverts all changes from 'Special - Hide' ability
- Can only be seen by adjacent enemy or sitting on enemy property
- Can only be attacked by other [Jetplane - High Air] units
- Increases daily fuel usage by 3 (-8 daily fuel total)
- Build: 25000 G. (Airport)
- Movement: 9 (Biplane - Mid Air)
- Fuel: 45 (-5 Daily)
- Vision: 1
- Star Value: 30 {0.6}
- Primary: None
- Secondary: None
- Ability: Special - Explode (Below)
- Unit destroys itself damaging all units in a {0~3} radius by 5HP
- Explosion is non-lethal (can't kill units)
- Build: 6000 G. (Seaport)
- Movement: 7 (Naval Transport - Lander)
- Fuel: 99 (-1 Daily)
- Vision: 2
- Star Value: [50] {1.0}
- Primary: {1~1} Anti-Ship Missile [1 ammo]
- Secondary: {1~1} Chain Gun [Infinite ammo]
- Ability - Load: Ability to pick up [Foot Soldier] units (1 capacity)
- Ability - Drop: Ability to drop [Foot Soldier] units on their legal terrain
- Ability - Capture: Captures Neutral or Enemy Properties 1 point by current HP
- Build: 7500 G. (Seaport)
- Movement: 7 (Naval Transport - Lander)
- Fuel: 60 (-1 Daily)
- Vision: 1
- Star Value: 50 {1.0}
- Primary: None
- Secondary: None
- Ability - Load: Ability to pick up [Foot Soldier] units (2 capacity)
- Ability - Drop: Ability to drop [Foot Soldier] units on their legal terrain
- Ability - Repair: Restores fuel, ammo, and 1 HP to a single owned unit in {1~1} range
- Ability: Special - Build (Below)
- Able to deploy temporary buildings at the cost of HP (can't kill unit)
- Unit Must be at 10 HP to start temporary structures
- Builds Temporary properties 1 point by current HP (affected by capture rates)
- HP is sapped from unit after structure is built
- Replaces materials from Advance Wars Days of Ruin/Dark Conflict
- Build: [9000 G.] 10000 G. (Seaport)
- Movement: 6 (Naval Transport - Lander)
- Fuel: 99 (-1 Daily)
- Vision: 1
- Star Value: 60 {1.2}
- Primary: None
- Secondary: None
- Ability - Load: Ability to pick up [Land] units (2 capacity)
- Ability - Drop: Ability to drop [Land] units on their legal terrain
- Build: [14000 G.] 16000 G. (Seaport)
- Movement: 6 (Ship - Sea)
- Fuel: 99 (-1 Daily)
- Vision: 5
- Star Value: 80 {1.6}
- Primary: {1~1} Missiles [9 ammo]
- Secondary: {1~1} Anti-Air Gun [Infinite ammo]
- Ability - Load: Ability to pick up [Copter] units (2 capacity)
- Ability - Supply: Restores fuel and ammo to loaded [Copter] units
- Ability - Drop: Ability to drop [Copter] units on their legal terrain
- Build: [18000 G.] 20000 G. (Seaport)
- Movement: 6 (Ship - Sea)
- Fuel: 70 (-1 Daily [-5 while hidden])
- Vision: 5
- Star Value: 90 {1.8}
- Primary: {1~1} Torpedo [6 ammo]
- Secondary: None
- Ability: Special - Dive (Below)
- Ability - Surface: Reverts all changes from 'Special - Dive' ability
- Can only be seen by adjacent enemy or sitting on enemy property
- Can only be attacked by Direct Sea (and Striker) units
- Increases daily fuel usage by 4 (-5 daily fuel total)
- Build: [22000 G.] 25000 G. (Seaport)
- Movement: 5 (Ship - Sea)
- Fuel: 50 (-1 Daily)
- Vision: 3 Piercing Vision
- Star Value: 100 {2.0}
- Primary: {3~5} Cannon [3 ammo]
- Secondary: None
- Build: [25000 G.] 28000 G. (Seaport)
- Movement: 5 (Ship - Sea)
- Fuel: 99 (-1 Daily)
- Vision: 2
- Star Value: 110 {2.2}
- Primary: {2~6} Cannon [6 ammo]
- Secondary: None
- Build: [25000 G.] 28000 G. (Seaport)
- Movement: 5 (Ship - Sea)
- Fuel: 99 (-1 Daily)
- Vision: 4
- Star Value: 110 {2.2}
- Primary: {3~8} Missiles [6 ammo]
- Secondary: None
- Ability - Load: Ability to pick up [Air] units (2 capacity)
- Ability - Supply: Repairs 2HP and restores fuel and ammo to loaded [Air] units
- Ability - Drop: Ability to drop [Air] units on their legal terrain
- Ability - Launch: Ability to launch [Air] units from this unit allowing them to perform their actions
- Ability - Build: Able to build [SEAP - Strikers] for 1/2 cost
- Build: N/A (11000 G. - Factory)
- Movement: 1 (Slime - Oozium)
- Fuel: 99
- Vision: 1
- Star Value: 150 {3.0}
- Primary: None
- Secondary: None
- Ability - Consume: Destroys any unit it moves onto
- Ability - Immunity: Immune to Commander Damage Effects, Commander Healing Effects, and Missile Silos
- Resources
- Tools
- Development
- Design Documents
- Archive