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Niclas Lindstedt edited this page Apr 12, 2015 · 4 revisions
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Sentry Gun Level 1 Sentry Gun Level 2 Sentry Gun Level 3

The Sentry Gun's appearance at different levels.

The Sentry Gun is the Engineer's primary way of dealing damage. It can be built anywhere on the map (as long as it can stand on something) and costs 130 cells to build. The Sentry Gun is initially level 1 (seen to the far left above), but can be upgraded up to level 3. Upgrading your Sentry Gun to level 2 increases damage by 2x and makes it a bit sturdier. Level 3 adds rockets and more health. See below.

Level Health Shells Rockets
1 150 100
2 180 120
3 216 144 20

Restocking the Sentry Gun

Restocking the Sentry Gun is as simple as hitting it with your Spanner. If you have resources (shells and rockets), the Sentry Gun will be restocked at a rate of 40 shells + 20 rockets per hit. See table above for maximum ammo capacity.

Upgrading the Sentry Gun

To upgrade the Sentry Gun, hit it with your Spanner. Upgrading costs 130 cells.

Rotating the Sentry Gun

To rotate the Sentry Gun you need to continually hit it with your Spanner until either the Sentry Gun is fully loaded or you run out of resources. A menu will then be brought up where you can rotate the Sentry Gun 45 degrees to the right/left, or turn it 180 degrees.

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