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Releases: solidDoWant/Planetbase-Framework

2.3.2 Release

21 Feb 02:20
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Mod maker feature updates:

  • Added Mono.Cecil. Mono.Cecil is a library that allows for the dynamic reading and creation of compiled .NET code. This library will be included in all future releases.
  • Added several Mono.Cecil API extensions. See Cecil/CecilExtensions.cs.
  • Added LINQ extensions for zipping two collections (normally a .NET 4 feature), and comparing the contents of two collections. See Extensions/LinqExtensions.cs.
  • Added a Tuple<T1, T2> data structure.
  • Added platform-aware utility method to determine if two path strings point to the same file.
  • Added utility function to determine what ModBase class directly or indirectly called said function. This is in certain cases in Harmony patches.

Internal changes:

  • Updated modloader to use Mono.Cecil for assembly inspection. This prevents assemblies from being loaded into the CLR that don't need to be, which can cause issues with second stage modloaders.
  • Reconfigured the assembly resolver to look at DLLs next to the Framework as well as the Mods folder when attempting to find an assembly.

Bug fixes:

  • Added licenses for libraries that are redistributed with each release (Harmony, Mono.Cecil, SharpZipLib).
  • Fixed a bug in the base game where the wrong directory separator character would be appended to Planetbase.Util::getFilesFolder().

2.2.2 Release

24 Nov 04:20
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Fixed an issue where mod's second most important function, the "update" function, wouldn't be called. This was most likely due to me failing to add a patch for the GameManager class after I switched the mod patcher away from IL code string replacement to Mono.Cecil and Harmony.

2.2.1 Release

21 Aug 00:09
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Fixed minor bugs:
-Fixed a bug in ModBase::InjectPatches() where patches would be loaded from the framework assembly but not other mods/assemblies.
-Changed GetModByType to return List instead of List
-Included LICENSE and credits.txt file in the C# project

2.2 Release

09 Jun 15:19
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-Reworked patching system. Mods can now designate methods to be called before or after any game functions, and optionally update it's IL code
-Added references to Harmony and SharpZipLib
-Hid annoucement by default (this can be re-enabled by mods)
-Updated the title game state to add registered title buttons to the left side of the screen, without replacing the entire game state
-Update the project to use the correct version of .NET to match Unity (3.5, runtime
-Added MIT license
-Updated ModBase to auto load embedded resources from mods. Zips will be extracted.
-Renamed the mod list class to capitalize the "L"
-Updated mod loader to treat the framework as any other mod (no more code explicitly initializing the framework)
-Removed unused references
-Removed references to other proejcts in the solution
-Added ReSharper settings to ignore certain words from spellcheck
-Removed unused code in the TitleButton class
-Added comments to Utils class and switched to string interpolation
-General code cleanup

2.1.2 Release

21 Jan 17:36
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  • Fixed possible exceptions being thrown and not logged while loading invalid strings, png, or obj files
  • Added optional version property to ModBase
  • Updated GitHub release version schema and assembly version to match proper version number

Framework 2.0-release

12 Jan 00:09
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General bugfixes, fairly large increase in features. See the wiki for information on how to use them.


14 Jan 08:34
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Added the ability to load OBJ files, mostly proof-of-concept right now

Also added stacktraces and constructor error checking.


13 Jan 09:26
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Changed the way mods are loaded


13 Jan 05:38
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Changed the way mods are loaded


12 Jan 22:00
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Fixed some classes not being public