SpinalHDL is a scala library that allows the user to describe his digital hardware and then generate the corresponding VHDL file.
- No restriction to the genericity of your hardware description by using Scala constructs
- No more endless wiring. Create and connect complex buses like AXI in one line.
- Evolving capabilities. Create your own buses definition and abstraction layer.
- Reduce code size by a high factor, especially for wiring. Allowing you to have a better visibility, more productivity and fewer headaches.
- Free and user friendly IDE. Thanks to scala world for auto-completion, error highlight, navigation shortcut and many others
- Extract information from your digital design and then generate files that contain information about some latency and addresses
- Bidirectional translation between any data type and bits. Useful to load a complex data structure from a CPU interface.
- Check for you that there is no combinational loop / latch
- Check that there is no user unintentional cross clock domain
- Documentation
http://spinalhdl.github.io/SpinalDoc/ - SBT base project
https://github.com/SpinalHDL/SpinalBaseProject - Presentation of the language
https://github.com/SpinalHDL/SpinalDoc/tree/master/presentation/en (pptx has comments)
- VHDL backend : The digital hardware description is flushed into a synthesizable VHDL file
- Base Types : Bool, Bits, UInt, SInt, Enumeration
- Bundle : That allow you to describe a data structure with the possibility for each element to specify the direction (in,out). That is useful to describe bus
- Reg : Create a register signal
- Vec : That allow you to create an array of data
- Mem : Give the possibility to manipulate memory
- BlackBox : Allow you to instantiate a third party HDL component
scalaVersion := "2.11.6"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.github.spinalhdl" % "spinalhdl-core_2.11" % "latest.release",
"com.github.spinalhdl" % "spinalhdl-lib_2.11" % "latest.release"
// spinal.core contain all basics (Bool, UInt, Bundle, Reg, Component, ..)
import spinal.core._
//A simple component definition
class MyTopLevel extends Component {
//Define some input/output. Bundle like a VHDL record or a verilog struct.
val io = new Bundle {
val a = in Bool
val b = in Bool
val c = out Bool
//Define some asynchronous logic
io.c := io.a & io.b
//This is the main of the project. It create a instance of MyTopLevel and
//call the SpinalHDL library to flush it into a VHDL file.
object MyMain {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
SpinalVhdl(new MyTopLevel)
import spinal.core._
class CarryAdder(size : Int) extends Component{
val io = new Bundle{
val a = in UInt(size bit)
val b = in UInt(size bit)
val result = out UInt(size bit) //result = a + b
var c = False //Carry, like a VHDL variable
for (i <- 0 until size) {
//Create some intermediate value in the loop scope.
val a = io.a(i)
val b = io.b(i)
//The carry adder's asynchronous logic
io.result(i) := a ^ b ^ c
c = (a & b) | (a & c) | (b & c); //variable assignment
object CarryAdderProject {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
SpinalVhdl(new CarryAdder(4))
class CounterWithParity(size : Int) extends Component{
val io = new Bundle{
val increment = in Bool
val value = out UInt(size bit)
val evenParity = out Bool
//Create a register of UInt(size-1 downto 0)
//init(0) force it to zero when a reset occur
//In Spinal, you don't have to play with clock and reset signals each time
// you create register. You define a clock domain area and this is done.
val counter = Reg(UInt(size bit)) init(0)
counter := counter + 1
//Get all bit of counter and then xor them together
//toBools create a vector of Bool from each bit of counter
//reduceLeft is a scala function that mix all bit together
// from the left to the right
io.evenParity := counter.toBools.reduceLeft(_ ^ _)
io.value := counter
// spinal.core contain all basics (Bool, UInt, Bundle, Reg, Component, ..)
import spinal.core._
// spinal.lib contain some abstraction built over the spinal.core like
// utils : log2up, toGray, fromGray,
// majority vote, latency analysis (in cycle)
// bus : Flow (valid, data)
// Stream (valid, ready, data)
// Flow or Stream of Fragment ( .. , last, data),
// abstraction : counter, timeout,
// implementation : stream fifo/arbiter/fork, UART controller
import spinal.lib._
//Define custom data types.
//You can use Bundle into Bundle
class MyDataType extends Bundle{
val a = UInt(8 bit)
val b = Bool
val c = Vec(Bool,4) //Create a array of 4 Bool
class MultiClockTopLevel extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val clkA = in Bool
val resetA = in Bool
val clkB = in Bool
val resetB = in Bool
//Create stream interface (valid, ready, data) to transport MyDataType data
val slaveInteface = slave Stream(new MyDataType)
val masterInterface = master Stream(new MyDataType)
//Create clock domains from inputs clocks and resets
val clockDomainA = ClockDomain(io.clkA,io.resetA)
val clockDomainB = ClockDomain(io.clkB,io.resetB)
//Create a fifo able to cross clock domain a stream of MyDataType
val fifo = new StreamFifoCC(new MyDataType,16,clockDomainA,clockDomainB)
fifo.io.push << io.slaveInteface //Easy connection provided by Stream library
fifo.io.pop >> io.masterInterface
object MultiClockTopLevel {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
SpinalVhdl(new MultiClockTopLevel)
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
class StreamFifoCC[T <: Data](dataType: T, depth: Int, pushClockDomain: ClockDomain, popClockDomain: ClockDomain) extends Component {
assert(depth >= 2)
val io = new Bundle {
val push = slave Stream (dataType)
val pop = master Stream (dataType)
val pushOccupancy = out UInt (log2Up(depth) + 1 bit)
val popOccupancy = out UInt (log2Up(depth) + 1 bit)
val ptrWidth = log2Up(depth) + 1
//isFull and isEmpty take gray value as argument and return the corresponding state
def isFull(a: Bits, b: Bits) = a(ptrWidth - 1, ptrWidth - 2) === ~b(ptrWidth - 1, ptrWidth - 2) && a(ptrWidth - 3, 0) === b(ptrWidth - 3, 0)
def isEmpty(a: Bits, b: Bits) = a === b
val ram = Mem(dataType, depth)
val popToPushGray = Bits(ptrWidth bit)
val pushToPopGray = Bits(ptrWidth bit)
val pushLogic = new ClockingArea(pushClockDomain) {
//Counter come from SpinalLib,
// It's a UInt register with some logic
val pushPtr = Counter(depth << 1)
//RegNext is a way to create a register
// that take the specified value each cycle
//toGray is provided by the SpinalLib
val pushPtrGray = RegNext(toGray(pushPtr.valueNext))
//Spinal check that there is no unspecified cross clock domain
//BufferCC is a simple 2 stage (default) register buffer from SpinalLib
// B"0" specify it initial value
val popPtrGray = BufferCC(popToPushGray, B"0")
val full = isFull(pushPtrGray, popPtrGray)
io.push.ready := !full
//fire is true when a transaction occur (valid && ready)
when(io.push.fire) {
ram(pushPtr) := io.push.data
pushPtr ++
//fromGray is provided by the SpinalLib
io.pushOccupancy := pushPtr - fromGray(popPtrGray)
val popLogic = new ClockingArea(popClockDomain) {
val popPtr = Counter(depth << 1)
val popPtrGray = RegNext(toGray(popPtr.valueNext))
val pushPtrGray = BufferCC(pushToPopGray, B"0")
val empty = isEmpty(popPtrGray, pushPtrGray)
io.pop.valid := !empty
io.pop.data := ram.readSyncCC(popPtr.valueNext) //Cross clock domain synchronous read
when(io.pop.fire) {
popPtr ++
io.popOccupancy := fromGray(pushPtrGray) - popPtr
pushToPopGray := pushCC.pushPtrGray
popToPushGray := popCC.popPtrGray
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
//Define a data structure that is used as configuration of the LogicAnalyser
class LogicAnalyserConfig extends Bundle{
val trigger = new Bundle{
val delay = UInt(32 bit)
val logger = new Bundle{
val samplesLeftAfterTrigger = UInt(8 bit)
//Define the LogicAnalyser component
class LogicAnalyser extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
//Flow is a very simple bus with the "valid" flag and "data".
//Fragment is a data type that allow to transport packets with multiple fragment
// => "last" flag and "fragment" data.
//Flow Fragment(Bits(8 bit)) is a Flow bus that carry Fragment of 8 bit each
//slavePort carry configuration of the LogicAnalyser
val slavePort = slave Flow Fragment(Bits(8 bit))
//When the first fragment of one packet is 0x01, then take the next fragment
// and save it as Bool into waitTrigger
//In addition, the initial value of waitTrigger (register reset) is False
val waitTrigger = io.slavePort filterHeader(0x01) toRegOf(Bool) init(False)
//When the first fragment of one packet is 0x02, create a one cycle pulse on userTrigger
val userTrigger = io.slavePort pulseOn(0x02)
//When the first fragment of one packet is 0x0F,
// load the configs data structure (LogicAnalyserConfig type)
//The false argument mean that the configs register is allowed to
// take intermediate value when it's unserialize from the slavePort.
val configs = io.slavePort filterHeader(0x0F) toRegOf(new LogicAnalyserConfig,false)
import spinal.core._
//Define a Stream interface that use the AXI-like valid/ready handshake
//Transaction's data is a parameterizable type
//This Stream class is already defined into spinal.lib._ It's just to show as a example
case class Stream[T <: Data](dataType: T) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
val valid = Bool
val ready = Bool
val data: T = cloneOf(dataType)
//Equivalent to SystemVerilog modport
override def asMaster(): this.type = {
override def asSlave(): this.type = asMaster().flip //.flip reverse all signal direction
//Define a RGB color data type with parameterizable channel width
case class RGB(rWidth: Int, gWidth: Int, bWidth: Int) extends Bundle {
val r = UInt(rWidth bit)
val g = UInt(gWidth bit)
val b = UInt(bWidth bit)
//Define the + operator to allow the summation of 2 RGB
def +(that: RGB): RGB = {
val result = cloneOf(this)
result.r := this.r + that.r
result.g := this.g + that.g
result.b := this.b + that.b
// Define a component that take "srcCount" slave Stream of RGB
// and product an "sumPort" that is the summation of all "srcPort" with the correct arbitration
case class StreamRgbAdder(rgbType: RGB, srcCount: Int) extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val srcPort = Vec(slave(Stream(rgbType)),srcCount)
val sumPort = master(Stream(rgbType))
val transactionOccure = io.sumPort.valid && io.sumPort.ready
io.sumPort.valid := io.srcPort.map(_.valid).reduce(_ && _) //Take all srcPort.valid bits and "AND" them
io.sumPort.data := io.srcPort.map(_.data).reduce(_ + _) //Take all srcPort.data (RGB) and "SUM" them by using the overloaded + operator from RGB class
io.srcPort.foreach(_.ready := transactionOccure) //For each srcPort.ready assign the transactionOccure
def main(args: Array[String]) {
SpinalVhdl(StreamRgbAdder(RGB(5, 6, 5), 4)) //Generate the VHDL for a 4 srcPort and a RGB config of 5,6,5 bits
For many reason : http://spinalhdl.github.io/SpinalDoc/#what-are-the-differences-between-chisel-vs-spinal-
Intellij scala plugin has some syntax highlight bug. As far i know, Intellij 14.1 is the best version.