RPS Hero is a single player dungeon crawler using Rock, Paper, Scissors for the battle system.
Created by @gamerman2001 and @eddgr
Demo: https://eddgr.github.io/rps-hero
Rock beats Scissors. Scissors beats Paper. Paper beats Rock.
Players begin with 10 health points (HP) and have a base damage of 3.
Why are their health points and damage in Rock, Paper, Scissors?
Players can choose to Attack or Defend.
Based on their choice, new modifiers are introduced from winning the round.
Here is a list of modifiers for both Attack or Defend.
Attack - 2x Base Damage
Defend - 50% Damage Reduction for the next 2 turns
Attack - 1x Base Damage and 50% Damage Reduction for the next turn
Defend - Heal 30% of total health points
Attack - Do between 1x and 2.5x Base Damage
Defend - Gain 50% Chance to Dodge for the next 2 turns
Lee - Lee is more defensive.
Jimmy - Jimmy is more aggressive.
Bob - Bob, is most level headed of the group.
RPS Hero was built using the following:
- JavaScript
- Ruby on Rails
- NES.css - https://nostalgic-css.github.io/NES.css/
- Bootstrap
- Player ranks based on current level
- Bronze Hero, Silver Hero, Gold Hero, etc
- Add more characters
- Replace click event listeners with keydown listeners
- Add more original assets
- Fix HP bar bug
- Sometimes the color of the HP bar does not change color