hp = 10 base dmg = 2 normal difficulty
- attack - 2x dmg
- defend - 50% damage reduction for 2x turn
- attack - 1x dmg, 50% damage reduction for 1x turn
- defend - heal 20% hp
- attack - 1 - 2.5x dmg
- defend - 50% chance next attack will miss for 1x turn
- win streaks will build up a counter
- neutral/draws do not reset counter
- once counter is full, save it until player uses it
- special buff for 2x turns
- super attack - +1 base dmg
- super defend - 50% hp recovery
aggroBoss = [attack, attack, attack, defend] defBoss = [defend, defn, def, attack] regBoss = [attk, def]
- Rank up through level clears
- Bronze - default
- Silver - 10 levels
- Gold - 25 levels
- Platinum - 50 levels
- Diamond - 100 levels
- Ascended - 250 levels
- Godly - 500 levels
- Creators - 99999999999999999999999999999999999 levels
- users has many scores through leaderboard, user has one leaderboard
- scores has many users through leaderboard, score has one leaderboard
- leaderboard (join table) and belongs to users and scores
- user id, score id
- game
- story
- media
- game mode (normal, hard, etc) - stretch goal
- character
- has hp
- has dmg
- attack/defend
- has special counter
- user
- current level
- has many scores through leaderboard
- boss
- play style (aggro, def, etc)
- styling: https://nostalgic-css.github.io/NES.css/
- attack
- defend
- rock
- paper
- scissor
- special counter (gem or something)
- different character expressions
- stretch goal take a photo of user and make them the character
- add attack/defend
- user1 win condition should check user2buffs
- user1 lose condition should check user1buffs
- calculate computer buff against us
- abstract code
- create backend
- character design
- special counter
change output text to reflect actual damage
fix progress bar
after selection, an animation should show both characters' choices
- and show their attack/defend and rps choice,
- then damage taken if any
Math.sign(number1 - number 2)
if number1 > number2 = 1 (win)
if number1 < number2 = -1 (lose)
if number1 === number2 = 0 (neutral)
Math.sign(rpsChoices.indexOf("rock")-rpsChoices.indexOf("paper")) === -1
Math.sign(rpsChoices.indexOf("rock")-rpsChoices.indexOf("rock")) === 0
Math.sign(rpsChoices.indexOf("scissor")-rpsChoices.indexOf("rock")) === 1
Math.sign(rpsChoices.indexOf("paper")-rpsChoices.indexOf("rock")) === 1
Math.sign(rpsChoices.indexOf("paper")-rpsChoices.indexOf("paper")) === 0
Math.sign(rpsChoices.indexOf("paper")-rpsChoices.indexOf("scissor")) === -1
Math.sign(rpsChoices.indexOf("rock")-rpsChoices.indexOf("scissor")) === -1
Math.sign(rpsChoices.indexOf("scissor")-rpsChoices.indexOf("scissor")) === 0
Math.sign(rpsChoices.indexOf("scissor")-rpsChoices.indexOf("paper")) === 1