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Known Etude Solutions (Rogue Trader)

CasDragon edited this page Feb 8, 2024 · 5 revisions

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What are etudes?

Etudes are quests/quest status/conversation/flags. Basically, they signify to the game that you have/have no done something, so the game can act on that. For example, there are etudes associated with if you have picked Lann or Wenduag in the beginning of the game, and depending on what you picked, the game can prepare the correct dialog for Sull.

How do I find and change etudes?

There are 2 ways to search for etudes. One way is in the Search n Pick tab of Toybox SearchNPick

The other way is in the Etude Viewer tab of Toybox. This groups etudes and flags that are associated. EtudeEditor

Etude States

Click here!
  • Start SearchNPick-Etude-Start

  • Unstart SearchNPick-Etude-Unstart

  • Complete SearchNPick-Etude-Complete

What do I do if something isn't listed here?

You can use Search n Pick and filter by Flags or Etudes, the Quest Editor > Important NPCs In Local Area, and the Etude Editor to identify flags related to the NPC or quest that you are trying to fix.

Please contribute any solutions you find to this page. Thanks Narria & the Toybox team

Current list of known solutions (will contain spoilers)

Start Aeldari in Distress quest

Click here!

In case you didn't receive the quest correctly

  • Search for AeldariInTrouble_Yrliet_quest in Search n Pick and Start it
  • Go to the Quest tab, find the quest DO NOT FINISH STEPS, and start the 3 basic objectives for finding the ships

Credits to TaKo on the discord

Jae's Act 4 Quest Rat Hunting

Click here!

Problem 1: Quest Won't Start!

* Put your character into the voidship bridge OR your quarters (THE SCENE WILL NOT PLAY OTHERWISE!)
* Open Toybox "Etudes"
* In Search, type "JaeQ2"
* Scroll down to "JaeQ2_KTC" (it should be under Companions > JaeCompanion > Jae_KTC)
* Click on the '6 elements' text to drop down a list of thingamabobs
* Click ["Play scene KTC_Private_OnePersonParam"](

Hopefully, this should start the quest. If not, go to Problem 2.

Problem 2: I got Jae's dialogue in my quarters, but the Rat Hunting Quest hasn't triggered!

* Open Toybox "Search 'n Pick"
* On the left list, scroll down and select "Quests"
* Type "JaeQ2" into the search box (search box is the long one underneath your character names)
* Find "JaeQ2_quest" and hit the "Start" button next to it"
* NOW go back to the Problem 1 steps and click "Play scene KTC_Private_OnePersonParam" again.

This should force-start the quest AND add the objectives from the scene.

Problem 3: Quest never progresses past "Accompany Jae to Footfall"!

* Try to do this normally by going to the Atrium section of Footfall with Jae in your party and walk in front a little bit (till about just before the steps down from the Atrium entrance). Hopefully, this works for you.
* If you can't access Atrium for any reason, you can try going to Toybox "Search 'n Pick" --> Area Entry --> Search "Atrium" --> Teleport to "FootfallAtrium_Ch04Chorda"
* If you have anymore problems here, god have mercy on your soul because it was 'fine on my end'. You can try the Problem 4 steps to see if it'll 'quickstart' your quest up to speed.

Now you should get the next part of the Quest to enter the Sewers.

Problem 4: OK, I got the "Go down into the sewers"... but sewer entrance won't pop up! (Very common once you've already done Chorda's quest in Footfall)

* Open Toybox "Search 'n Pick"
* On the left list, scroll down and select "Area Entry"
* Type "Sewer" into the search box
* Find "FootfallSewersCh04_FootfallSewersCh04_Enter" <- BE CAREFUL! A lot of events are very similar to this one. [Find the exact wording.](

Jae's dialogue will play and you can now do the quest

Credits to antelopunny on Reddit

Yrliet Romance, Act 2

Click here!

Will eventually remember to copy/paste into wiki - CD

Credits to user hardcoded_to_win on Reddit