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beafraid edited this page Nov 12, 2023 · 2 revisions


It's alway hard to create assets from scratch, luckly there are tones of free& excellent assets online for you to learn or download.


  • Respect other creator's work, please check out the license of assets, include them on description if necessary.


Here's some sites you can download models (let me know if you have better ones):

  • Sketchfab: Manage your 3D assets. Distribute 3D & AR experiences. Collaborate with others. Showcase your work. Buy & sell 3D models.

  • Mixamo: Animate 3D characters for games, film, and more.

  • AssetStore: Unity's official store.



The magic part of AliveCursor is that you can put everything that you are familiar with on Screen (like a character from game), and they don't have to stick with System Poitner all the time, I will not be shock if you create some amazing workshop items such as a multiplayer game or an interactable movie.


AliveCursor aimed to make the cursor funny and useful, The users of AliveCursor are the one who might use this app for their whole day, so here's something you should consider if you want your items to live long and prosper:


Make sure your item will not bring users a lot of troubles:

  • Don't affect users' daily operations. Consider the following cases: Let's say your item will generate a balloon every time user click left mouse button, which is fun but annoying, you can change the trigger button to the infrequently used one (eg: middle button), or you need modifyKeys combined with that trigger button to execute the action.
  • If your item contain horror, scary or any kind of discomfort content, please mark them via Tags.


Have you ever complain about the poor optimization of a game? Well, users have computers with different configurations, and they clearly don't want AliveCursor to take up all computer resources. You can follow these tips to make your scenes better:

  • Unity Optimization Introduction
  • Normally the cursor model won't take up much space on screen, so it's not recommended to use model with complex details, which users can't even notice.


FXXk the regulations! You are the god of your item, don't let any rules hold you back, stay creative!

How it works

Display area

AliverCursor is a full-screen transparent app, which means you can draw anything you want on screen.


  • No matter how many displays you are using, the app will only stay in the same display as the system cursor.
  • If you want to run the AliveCursor across the Displays seamless, you can use Nvidia Surround technology to combine displays.


You can treat the whole display area as Canvas, apps will be drawn on different layers by z-order, See this blog for more detail. . Some app has low z-order, so that it will get covered by other contents (eg:Wallpaper Engine). AliveCursor's z-order is as high as possible like other system tools to avoid getting covered by other contents.


  • Some apps are also try to be to topmost one, and other apps has to master layer order to be on top of others (eg: Task Manager on Administer mode, or the Windows Start Menu), that's why AliveCursor sometimes get covered by other apps, which I have been dealing with, any help will be greatly appreciated!