A plugin that adds-on to the Citadel plugin commonly contained within the CivCraft Suite. These additions are aimed toward improving the ability to create bunker-fights.
Thank you, Capri for maintaining briefly and Okx for helping out with the code.
All CivClassic dependencies can be found under their AnsibleSetup repository.
WorldEdit (NOT FAWE)
CombatTagPlus (Functionality Available, not required).
Compile BunkerUtils or locate a Binary (.jar) file and put it in your ./plugins folder. Permit the default config to generate, if it does not a default one can be found at src/main/resources/config.yml. Ensure you have decent specs for a server (2 GB Mem + 2 Cores at LEAST) and have a MariaDB MySQL Database loaded and on from the link above. Fill out the config.yml with the proper credentials for the MariaDB server and DB. Ensure that Citadel & Bastion use the same database as BunkerUtils, if they do not Bunkers will fail to import and export!. Start your server and it should load and run. Use /help BunkerUtils to become familiar with some commands.
- /bctworld , This command performs a bunker creation on the world the player is in, copying all the reinforcements and bastion to a bunker DB.
- /bactive , Only use this if /arena create does not work. This command creates a new arena with a scalability of 1.
- /blist, Shows all bunkers that are loaded into memory.
- /setctspawn [Defenders|Attackers], Sets the spawns for a bunker if its present for the current world you are in. Make sure to do this before trying to activate that bunker.
- /arena, multipurpose command. Just run /arena and a help menu will display.
- /bctar , reinforces all blocks within a WorldEdit selection UNLESS they are unreinforcable or already reinforced.
- /bctars , reinforces specific blocks within a WorldEdit selection, overwrites pre-existing reins.
- /bb , "bastionizes" WorldEdit selections based off the specific block provided and the bastion type provided.
- /compact, turns the current held ItemStack into a compacted item.
Have fun with bunkies. (Rev. 3/04/22)