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File metadata and controls

38 lines (32 loc) · 2.73 KB


A plugin that adds-on to the Citadel plugin commonly contained within the CivCraft Suite. These additions are aimed toward improving the ability to create bunker-fights.

Thank you, Capri for maintaining briefly and Okx for helping out with the code.


All CivClassic dependencies can be found under their AnsibleSetup repository.


Compile BunkerUtils or locate a Binary (.jar) file and put it in your ./plugins folder. Permit the default config to generate, if it does not a default one can be found at src/main/resources/config.yml. Ensure you have decent specs for a server (2 GB Mem + 2 Cores at LEAST) and have a MariaDB MySQL Database loaded and on from the link above. Fill out the config.yml with the proper credentials for the MariaDB server and DB. Ensure that Citadel & Bastion use the same database as BunkerUtils, if they do not Bunkers will fail to import and export!. Start your server and it should load and run. Use /help BunkerUtils to become familiar with some commands.

Command Descriptions

  • /bctworld , This command performs a bunker creation on the world the player is in, copying all the reinforcements and bastion to a bunker DB.
  • /bactive , Only use this if /arena create does not work. This command creates a new arena with a scalability of 1.
  • /blist, Shows all bunkers that are loaded into memory.
  • /setctspawn [Defenders|Attackers], Sets the spawns for a bunker if its present for the current world you are in. Make sure to do this before trying to activate that bunker.
  • /arena, multipurpose command. Just run /arena and a help menu will display.
  • /bctar , reinforces all blocks within a WorldEdit selection UNLESS they are unreinforcable or already reinforced.
  • /bctars , reinforces specific blocks within a WorldEdit selection, overwrites pre-existing reins.
  • /bb , "bastionizes" WorldEdit selections based off the specific block provided and the bastion type provided.
  • /compact, turns the current held ItemStack into a compacted item.

Have fun with bunkies. (Rev. 3/04/22)