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Write and deploy websites using the C Programming Language.
- Usage
- Build the library
- Install the library
- Link the library to your project
- Examples
- Templates
- UI
- Documentation
- Contributing
This C library is in the early stages of development and is not yet ready for production use. The API, functionality, and overall stability of the library are subject to change without notice. Use this library at your own risk. We strongly recommend against using this library in any mission-critical or production systems. Please report any issues or feedback to the project maintainers. Further development and stabilization of this library is ongoing, and a stable release will be announced when it is ready.
git clone https://github.com/KDesp73/webc
cd webc
Library files (.so, .a, .dll) are located at build/output/
make install
The .so
and .a
files are copied to the /usr/lib/
Additionally the header files are copied to the /usr/local/include/webc/
Not implemented yet
See docs/examples/
- Single Page Portfolio
- Project Showcase Site
Currently webc supports the DaisyUI ui library.
Check support here
Feel free to contribute by implementing the missing or partially supported components
The documentation for this library is written in the header files
See webc-core.h
Autogenerated documentation using Doxygen here
First read the CODE OF CONDUCT
Then checkout CONTRIBUTING