- Alert
- Avatar
- Badge
- Button
- Carousel
- Chat Bubble
- Indicator
- Loading
- Modal (recommended)
- Progress
- Radio
- Range Slider
- Tooltip
- Accordion (only arrow)
- Checkbox (only form-control)
- Code Mockup (no highlighted line, no colored text)
- Collapse (only arrow)
- Drawer (only with Navbar)
- Dropdown (only items below)
- File input (no disabled)
- Navbar (only with Drawer)
- Pagination (only with radio inputs)
- Select (no disabled or ghost)
- Text input (no disabled)
- Textarea (no disabled)
- Theme Controller (only using a swap)
- Toast (only bottom left)
- Toggle (no form-control and custom colors)
- Artboard
- Bottom Navigation
- Breadcrumbs
- Browser Mockup
- Card
- Countdown
- Diff
- Divider
- Footer
- Hero
- Join
- Kbd
- Link
- Mask
- Menu
- Phone Mockup
- Radial Progress
- Rating
- Skeleton
- Stack
- Stat
- Steps
- Swap
- Table
- Tabs
- Timeline
- Window Mockup