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Implementation Resources

zeotrope edited this page Aug 13, 2010 · 9 revisions

J Dictionary, Roger K.W. Hui and Kenneth E. Iverson

Defines the vocabulary and semantics of the J language.

A J Implementation in C, Roger K. W. Hui

Describes an implementation of J in C. This follows the old J source code as provided in the APL/J archives.

The APL/J Archives, Professor Leeroy J. Dickey

Contains the old J interpreter source code (2-7) as well as various FAQs and useful utilities.

J for C Programmers: Parsing and Execution, Henry Rich

Provides a detailed explanation of J’s parsing and execution.

Rank and Uniformity, Roger K. W. Hui

Explains J’s generalization of functions to higher dimensional arrays.

Tacit Definition, Roger K. W. Hui, Kenneth E. Iverson and Eugene E. McDonnell

Explains the motivation for tacit programming.

APL\?, Roger K. W. Hui, Kenneth E. Iverson, E. E. McDonnell, Arthur T. Whitney

The beginnings of J, evolving from APL

J Software Papers Index

A collection of papers about J and APL.

Proof of Concept J Interpreter, Arthur T. Whitney

Arthur Whitney’s proof of concept J interpreter.

Celebrating the Life and work of Kenneth E. Iverson, Catherine Lathwell


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