Simple set of functions that I wrote whilst working on redux applications to help with common use cases while maintaining immutability with in your reducers.
Import into file:
import {
} from 'immutable-helpers';
Usage example:
return immutableMerge(state, { list: action.payload, pending: false });
I found while writing Redux applications reducers soon looked messy returning objects, spreading other objects into them and the same with arrays. This is just an attempt to stop having to write that stuff over and over. This is a personal project for my specific uses cases and is in no way an attempt to say this is the way things should be done. If you have large, nested data sets then you should be using normalizr.
npm i immutable-helpers --save
// takes 2 arrays and returns a single array
immutableConcat(array1, array2)
// takes the array and an item to add, returns a single array
immutablePush(array1, item)
// takes the array and the index of the item to remove, returns a single array
immutableRemove(array1, 4)
// merges 2 objects, returns a single object
immutableMerge(obj1, obj2)
// merges an array of objects, returns a single object
immutableMergeMany([obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4, obj5])
/// takes the array, object and (optional) key returns a new array with object updated
immutableUpdateObjectByKey(array, obj, key)
And thats it!!
To run the tests:
npm i
npm run test
If you want to contribute or comment raise a PR or just get in touch. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.