Conway's Reverse Game of Life in Keggle Competition.
#####Conway's Game of Life explanation is here.
#####Reverse Game of Life objective: using the final states of the cells in 20*20 grid (= 400 cells) and how many generation has been passed, determine the initial state of each cell.
I use primariry scikit-learn Python package to carry out the machine learning process.
- Consider that we have 20205=2000 models. There exists 400 different cells and 5 different "depth". Using the final states of the cell (400 features), classify whether the initial state of the cell is alive or dead.
- Training data can be obtianed from the competition website.
- Use random forest classifiyer algorithm from scikit-learn.
- - main machine learning process file. Carry out the random forest classification based on the train file in data directory and output the classification results to outs directory.
- - generate a job list based on the output files in outs directory.
- - consolidate all the output files in outs directory into one Submission.csv file.
- - visualize all the cells in 20x20 grid. Need to create a time-dependent visualization.
run [depth] [depth+1] [cell#] [cell#+1]
run 0 1 0 1