The Rapid Online Assessment of Reading (ROAR) is a web-based, lexical decision task that measures single word reading abilities in children and adults without a proctor. Here we study whether item response theory (IRT) and computerized adaptive testing (CAT) can be used to create a more efficient online measure of word recognition.
This repo contains data analysis and figures in the manuscript of ROAR-CAT.
Study 1: parameter_invariance.Rmd
Study 2: cat_validation.Rmd
Study 3: roar-convergent-validity.Rmd
jsCAT software can be found in
The demo of the operational ROAR-CAT (84 adaptive items):
Code to produce the results and figures can be found in
We cannot legally make the data public due to privacy regulations from the schools.
Data available on request for research collaboration purposes.
Ma, W. A., Richie-Halford, A., Burkhardt, A., Kanopka, K., Chou, C., Domingue, B., & Yeatman, J. D. (2023, September 22). ROAR-CAT: Rapid Online Assessment of Reading ability with Computerized Adaptive Testing.
Citation coming soon!
Corresponding Author: Wanjing Anya Ma [email protected]