What is Speckle?
Speckle is the Open Source Data Platform for AEC. Speckle allows you to say goodbye to files: we give you object-level control of what you share, infinite versioning history & changelogs. Read more on our website.
This monorepo is the home to our Speckle 2.0 C# projects. The Speckle Server is providing all the web-facing functionality and can be found here.
Specifically, this repo holds:
➡️ Core, the .NET SDK.
Speckle Core is the canconical SDK for Speckle. It supports multiple data transports, and advanced decomposition API for design data, and offers a dynamic base for object definition.
➡️ Objects
The Objects Kit is our default interoperability kit. Read more about kits and their role in the Speckle ecosystem here.
The Speckle Connectors are plugins that embed with an application and provide the interface between its API and Speckle. Currently we have:
➡️ DesktopUI
The DesktopUI project contains the reusable ui for all non-visual programming connectors. If you're embarking on developing a new connector, we recommend starting from here.
Clone this monorepo and check the readme of you project you're interested in! We encourage everyone interested to debug / hack /contribute / give feedback to this project.
A note on Accounts: The connectors themselves doesn't have features to manage your Speckle accounts, this functionality has been delegated to the Speckle Manager desktop app. You can install an alpha version of it from here. After installing it, you can use it to add/create an account on the Server.
Please make sure you read the contribution guidelines for an overview of the best practices we try to follow.
The Speckle Community hangs out on the forum, do join and introduce yourself & feel free to ask us questions!
Unless otherwise described, the code in this repository is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. Please note that some modules, extensions or code herein might be otherwise licensed. This is indicated either in the root of the containing folder under a different license file, or in the respective file's header. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with us via email.