LiveJournal has never ending public post feed up at . ljatom client allows you to read all this posts from LiveJournal. ljatom is written on pure go and require version >= 1.10.
go get
All you need is:
package main
import (
func main() {
for msg := range ljatom.Read() {
fmt.Println("Time: " + msg.Created.String())
fmt.Println("Journal: " + msg.Journal)
fmt.Println("Post URL: " + msg.Url)
fmt.Println("Post title: " + msg.Title)
fmt.Print("Post body: " + msg.Content + "\n\n\n")
and wait some times. The atom stream returns data by chunks.
Application print result like this:
Time: 2019-11-21 20:57:07 +0000 UTC
Journal: faded_fae
Post URL:
Post title: DuckTales (2017)
Post body: <p>Canon or AU: AUx3<br>Fic: Kings and Queens</p>
<p>A/N: I am working on other fics, I promise you. XD I’m also trying to balance that
with the new Pokemon game and reading my book, which is awesome. </p>
<p>Oh, on a more serious note--Lena won’t be in this. Otherwise, Webby would be
distracted by her. So, uh, in this universe, I guess Lena doesn’t exist? Sorry, Lena. ^^;</p>
<a name="cutid1"></a>
<p>It had taken Wren...
ljatom.Read return chan of Entry refs. Each Entry object has following structure:
type Entry struct {
Journal string
JournalTitle string
Url string
Created time.Time
Title string
Content string
Content is HTML (maybe invalid).
Moreover, ljatom.Read makes reconnect if connection is broken. All you need is read chan of Entry objects.