Simple word-guess game for teaching JavaScript to kids (ages 9 and up). This game includes some basic programming concepts such as storing values in variables, working with arrays, using conditional statements, and using different types of loops.
This version of the game doesn't include validation or complex logic in order to keep it simple for kids.
I recommend writing code in Another good tool is
- Clone this repository
- Open
in a browser
- JavaScript is Cool
- Print things and Save them to Variables
- True, False, and Conditionals
- Repeating Code in a Loop
- Lists of Things
This game has bugs! The "homework" from this class is to add functionality and to fix the existing bugs. Some examples of bug fixes are:
- setting all words to lowercase
- checking for null prompt answers (and other validation)
- allowing a user to quit the game once it has started
- checking for "real" words