This repository contains the implementation of the Adaptive Cross Approximation (ACA) and the Adaptive Cross Approximation with Geometrical Pivot selection (ACA-GP) algorithms. The ACA algorithm is a low-rank matrix approximation algorithm that is particularly well-suited for matrices that arise in the context of integral equations. The ACA-GP algorithm is a variant of the ACA algorithm that is designed to enhance the purely algebraic ACA algorithm by incorporating a geometrical pivot selection strategy. The ACA-GP algorithm is only marginally more expensive but constantly ensures a better accuracy than the classical ACA.
License: BSD 3-Clause
Language: Python
Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:vyastreb/ACA.git
Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Usage of the ACA algorithm (see
import numpy as np
import ACAs as aca
# Uncomment the two following lines to use a fixed seed
seed = 124
# Create two separate clouds of points
algorithm = "ACA-GP" # "ACA" or "ACA-GP"
N = 200
M = 300
t_coord = np.random.rand(N, 2)
s_coord = np.random.rand(M, 2)
Delta_X = 1.5
Delta_Y = .5
t_coord += np.array([Delta_X,Delta_Y])
# Set low-rank approximation parameters
tolerance = 1e-3
min_pivot = 1e-10
max_rank = min(N, M)
green_kernel_power = 1
green_kernel_factor = 1
# Run the ACA algorithm
if algorithm == "ACA":
U,V,error,rank,Jk,Ik,history = aca.aca( t_coord, s_coord, green_kernel_factor, \
tolerance, max_rank, min_pivot, green_kernel_power)
elif algorithm == "ACA-GP":
U,V,error,rank,Jk,Ik,history = aca.aca_gp(t_coord, s_coord, green_kernel_factor, \
tolerance, max_rank, min_pivot, green_kernel_power, \
Rank3SpecialTreatment=True, convex_hull_distance=("const",1.))
raise ValueError("Invalid algorithm")
## BO plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
# Keep only positive arguments of Jk
Jk = Jk[:rank]
dtext = 0.01
fig,ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_aspect('equal', 'box')
for j in range(len(Jk)):
for i in range(len(Jk)):
rect2 = patches.Rectangle((0,0), 1, 1,linewidth=1,edgecolor='#990000',linestyle="dashed",facecolor='none', zorder=3)
rect3 = patches.Rectangle((Delta_X,Delta_Y), 1, 1,linewidth=1,edgecolor='#990000',linestyle="dashed",facecolor='none', zorder=3)
fig.savefig(f"{algorithm}_classical.png", dpi=300)
## EO plot
# Compute the approximated matrix
approx_matrix =,V)
# Compute the error
full_matrix = np.zeros((N, M))
for i in range(N):
full_matrix[i] = aca.line_kernel(t_coord[i], s_coord, green_kernel_factor, green_kernel_power)
norm_full_matrix = np.linalg.norm(full_matrix,"fro")
aca_gp_error = np.linalg.norm(approx_matrix - full_matrix,"fro")/norm_full_matrix
print("/ Algorithm: {0}".format(algorithm))
print(" Approximation rank: {0:2d} ".format(rank))
print(" Storage fraction: {0:.2f} %".format(100*rank*(N+M)/(N*M)))
print(" Relative error: {0:.2e} ".format(aca_gp_error))
print(" Approximate error: {0:.2e} < {1:.2e}".format(error, tolerance))
contains an elaborated test of the ACA and ACA-GP algorithms for two rectangular clouds of a given aspect ratio and rotated one with respect to another by a random angle. The user can define the target distance between these clouds and define the type of points' distribution (uniform or normal). The script computes ACA and ACA-GP low-rank approximations and computes an SVD for comparison.
Vladislav A. Yastrebov. ACA-GP: Adaptive Cross Approximation with a Geometrical Pivot Choice. arXiv preprint arXiv:??.??, 2024.