Serializes and deserializes complex data structures to and from json. Ideas taken from Symfony's Serializer component, Serde and others.
Symfony serializer was very flexible, but also very slow. This library tries to be as fast as possible.
Supports modern PHP projects with fully typed properties. Older codebases with no types would not work.
- Fast serialization library
- Installation
- Features
- Serialization
- Deserialization
- Caching - optional, but highly recommended, otherwise the library will be slow
- Custom object property serialized name
- Serialization groups
- Deserialization groups
- Custom date format
- Enforce date format
- Ignore property
- Handling of NULL values
- Support for json serializable objects
- Support for Symfony Serializer attributes
- Build, run & test locally
composer require vuryss/serializer
- Properties are serialized if they are either public or have a getter method.
$person = new Person();
$person->firstName = 'Maria';
$person->lastName = 'Valentina';
$person->age = 36;
$person->isStudent = false;
$serializer = new Serializer();
$json = $serializer->serialize($person);
// {"firstName":"Maria","lastName":"Valentina","age":36,"isStudent":false}
- Properties are deserialized if they are public, instantiable in public constructor or have a setter method.
$json = '{"firstName":"Maria","lastName":"Valentina","age":36,"isStudent":false}';
$serializer = new Serializer();
$person = $serializer->deserialize($json, Person::class);
Supports PSR-6 CacheItemPoolInterface:
No need to chain in-memory cache with external cache, the library will do it for you. Cache will be called once per used class (used in serialization or deserialization), then will be cached in memory until the script ends.
$pst6cache = new CacheItemPool(); // Some PSR-6 cache implementation
$serializer = new Serializer(
metadataExtractor: new CachedMetadataExtractor(
new MetadataExtractor(),
class SomeClass
#[SerializerContext(name: 'changedPropertyName')]
public string $someProperty;
class SomeClass
#[SerializerContext(groups: ['group1'])]
public string $property1;
// Has implicit group 'default'
public string $property2;
$serializer = new Serializer();
$object = new SomeClass();
$object->property1 = 'value1';
$object->property2 = 'value2';
$serializer->serialize($object, attributes: [SerializerInterface::ATTRIBUTE_GROUPS => ['group1']]); // {"property1":"value1"}
class SomeClass
#[SerializerContext(groups: ['group1'])]
public string $property1;
// Has implicit group 'default'
public string $property2;
$serializer = new Serializer();
$data = '{"property1":"value1","property2":"value2"}';
$object = $serializer->deserialize($data, SomeClass::class, attributes: [SerializerInterface::ATTRIBUTE_GROUPS => ['group1']]);
isset($object->property1); // true
isset($object->property2); // false
On serialization the format will always be respected. On deserialization the format will be used to parse the date. However on deserialization by default if the date is not in the provided format, it will be parsed as is, given that DateTime constructor can parse it.
Per property:
class SomeClass
#[SerializerContext(attributes: [SerializerInterface::ATTRIBUTE_DATETIME_FORMAT => 'Y-m-d'])]
public DateTime $someDate;
Or globally:
$serializer = new Serializer(
attributes: [
SerializerInterface::ATTRIBUTE_DATETIME_FORMAT => \DateTimeInterface::RFC2822,
If strict data time format is required during deserialization then, you can use the
Per property:
class SomeClass
#[SerializerContext(attributes: [
SerializerInterface::ATTRIBUTE_DATETIME_FORMAT => 'Y-m-d',
public DateTime $someDate;
Or globally:
$serializer = new Serializer(
attributes: [
SerializerInterface::ATTRIBUTE_DATETIME_FORMAT => 'Y-m-d',
Those properties will not be included in the serialized values during serialization and will not be populated with provided values during deserialization.
class SomeClass
#[SerializerContext(ignore: true)]
public string $someProperty;
- By default, NULL values are included in the serialized value.
To disable this you can use the SerializerInterface::ATTRIBUTE_SKIP_NULL_VALUES
Per property:
class SomeClass
#[SerializerContext(attributes: [SerializerInterface::ATTRIBUTE_SKIP_NULL_VALUES => true])]
public ?string $someProperty;
Or globally:
$serializer = new Serializer(
attributes: [
SerializerInterface::ATTRIBUTE_SKIP_NULL_VALUES => true,
If an object implements the JsonSerializable
interface, the jsonSerialize
method will be called and the result will be serialized.
This library aims to be a drop-in replacement for Symfony Serializer. It supports the following attributes:
- Groups
- SerializedName
- Ignore
To enter the prepared container environment:
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec library bash
Install package dependencies:
composer install -o
Run tests:
composer test
HTML Coverage locally:
XDEBUG_MODE=coverage vendor/bin/pest --coverage --coverage-html=coverage