Introducing Vouch, a new lending platform set to bring undercollateralised loans to millions around the world. We believe that trust is the cornerstone of any society, and with Vouch, we're unlocking the power of social networks to provide undercollateralized loans to millions worldwide. Leverage your connections, reputation, and community support to gain quick and easy access to funds when you need them most, one Vouch loan at a time.
npm or yarn
node v18 >=
$ npm i
$ cd app
$ npm i
$ cp .env.template .env
Populate your .env
file with your RPCs, private key and etherscan api key.
$ cd app
$ touch .env && touch .env.local
Follow the template of the .env.template
To setup different chains or providers, check the hardhat.config.ts
and .env
$ hh run scripts/deploy.ts --network [network]
Check the constants
directory and ensure that the ABI and deployed contract address match.
Run the development server:
$ yarn dev
The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.
Check out the Next.js deployment documentation for more details.