Call shell tasks with gulp in order
Install through NPM and save it on your devDependencies with:
npm install --save-dev gulp-sequenced-shell-tasks
var sequencedShellTasks = require('gulp-sequenced-shell-tasks')
gulp.task('test', function() {
var tasks = [
"echo 'a'",
"echo 'b'",
"echo 'c'"
sequencedShellTasks(tasks, function () {
You don't need to pass it a callback, you could just call it passing the tasks:
This is something me and everybody here at my company have been looking for for a long time.
And that is the ability to call a shell task from gulp and being able to wait for it to end before continuing with the script.
I understand that very idea of Gulp is run multiple task at the same time concurrently.
But sometimes, like in my case, with Django's collectstatic command, I simply had to wait for it to end before calling on for images to be compressed by gulp-imagemin.
MIT Feel free to modify it and use it if you like it :)