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Atomic CMS

The biggest problem with any content management system is the admin users are given too much or too little power when editing their site. This gem provides a means to manage usage of components created from the gem Atomic Assets. By providing admin users with a way to manage their Atomic Assets, developers and designers are able to ensure the components they create remained styled properly while allowing admins to update their content as needed without developer intervention. Below are instructions for getting started.


After initializing a new Rails application, or adding to an existing application, add the following gems to your Gemfile.

gem 'atomic_cms', github: 'verypossible/atomic_cms'
gem 'devise'

Note: devise is optional if you do not want admin users to login.

Then perform a bundle install.


Active Admin

To initialize Active Admin:

rails generate atomic_cms:install

Remove the comments migration Active Admin created along with disabling comments on line 122 of the Active Admin initializer.

Now you shall run the migration and seeds with:

bundle exec rake db:create
bundle exec rake db:migrate

To verify, start the server and visit localhost:3000/admin. If you can login as [email protected] with the password password you have successfully completed this step.

Atomic CMS


Update your config/routes.rb to include the following:

mount AtomicCms::Engine => "/atomic_cms", as: :atomic_cms
# If you are going to use a catch all route add the following line
get "*path", to: "pages#show", controller: "pages", as: :page, format: false
root to: 'pages#show', controller: "pages"

The last two lines need to be at the END of your routes.rb file.

Devise Authentication

Change the mount point above to be the following:

  authenticate :admin_user, -> (u) { u.admin? } do
    mount AtomicCms::Engine => "/atomic_cms", as: :atomic_cms

where u is the user and admin? the authentication method you have on that user; it should return a boolean value.

Scaffold Generator

Execute the following to create a model for your static pages:

rails g atomic_cms:scaffold page

After this you should run your migrations.

Here is a list of everything that is generated for you:

  • Model
  • Controller
  • Active Admin Form
  • Migration Will need to be edited
  • Show View
  • Route

Media Upload

To install the media tables so that you can upload files until your heart is literally full run:

rake atomic_cms:install:migrations
rake db:migrate

Also, you should configure paperclip to use s3, since s3 is better than local file storage.

class Application < Rails::Application
  config.paperclip_defaults = {
    storage: :s3,
    s3_protocol: "https",
    s3_credentials: {
      bucket: ENV.fetch("AWS_S3_BUCKET", ""),
      access_key_id: ENV.fetch("AWS_ACCESS_KEY", ""),
      secret_access_key: ENV.fetch("AWS_SECRET", ""),
      s3_region: ENV.fetch("AWS_REGION", ""),


In order for component previews to have the proper project styling, active_admin.scss will need to be updated to import your application.scss. NOTE: If you are using bourbon, bitters, and neat you will not be able to straight import application.scss as certain styles within base must be imported under the #component_preview selector. Below is an example of how this is properly imported:

@import "active_admin/mixins";
@import "active_admin/base";
@import "bourbon";
@import "neat";
@import "base/variables";
@import "base/grid-settings";
@import "atomic_cms";

#component_preview {
  @import "reset";
  @import "base/buttons";
  @import "base/forms";
  @import "base/lists";
  @import "base/tables";
  @import "base/typography";
  @import "components/*";
  @include font-feature-settings("kern", "liga", "pnum");
  -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
  color: $base-font-color;
  font-family: $base-font-family;
  font-size: 16px;
  line-height: $base-line-height;
  // When editing a page through the CMS,
  // images with broken links will not be displayed
  img[src="image"] {
    display: none !important;

// Overriding any non-variable SASS must be done after the fact.
// For example, to change the default status-tag color:
//   .status_tag { background: #6090DB; }

NOTE: At the minimum, here is what is needed in active_admin.scss:

@import "active_admin/mixins";
@import "active_admin/base";
@import "atomic_cms";

#component_preview {
  // Include application specific styling here


Generate components by executing the following:

rails g atomic_assets:component text_block

In order for components to be utilized when managing content, a partial needs to be created similar to the following at app/views/admin/_edit_buttons.html.slim:

    = link_to 'Text Block', atomic_cms.edit_component_path('text_block'), class: 'button'


Update config/application.rb to include:

config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib, #{config.root}/app/components/**/)


When creating a path for a page, from the examples above, make sure to include a leading '/', for example: '/home' -or- '/bears'


Atomic CMS is released under the MIT License.