Chris Vaughan Matt Hausmann
Installation Instructions
Notes: You must have RedHat Network Credentials to setup the base requirements to correctly setup this demonstration. You will also need to be able to access the environment from an external URL.
tar -xvzf clm_qr_v1.3.tar.gz cd clm_qr sh [email protected] rhel_password sh 9080 CustomerOrUser
If you don’t put a customer or user name it will install to /var/www/html if you do it will create individual directories under html such as below.
[root@clm-pm clm_qr]# ls /var/www/html/ CustomerOne CustomerTwo images js phpqrcode service_req.php CustomerFour css favicon.ico index.php CustomerThree serv_array.txt services.php
If things go wrong
Apache Logs /var/log/httpd/access_log /var/log/httpd/error_log Request Logs /tmp/qr_clm.log SDK Log /var/www/csmsdk/log/csmsdk.log