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Homework #3

In Homework #3 we will write come OpenMP code to numerically evaluate integrals using various integration algorithms.

Repository layout: note that there are some slight changes from Homework #2.

  • homework3/:

    Python wrapper of your C library. The functions defined here allow you to use your C code from within Python. The test suite calls these functions which, in turn, call your C functions. DO NOT MODIFY. Any modifications will be ignored / overwritten when the homework is submitted.

    Please read the docstrings in this file to see how to call the wrapper and what kind of information is expected to be returned. Compare with the signature of the underlying C function.

  • include/:

    The library headers containing (1) the C function prototypes and (2) the C function documentation. Document your C functions here.

  • lib/:

    The compiled C code will be placed here as a shared object library named

  • report/:

    Place your report.pdf here. See the "Report" section below.

  • src/:

    C library source files. This is where you will provide the bodies of the corresponding functions requested below.

    Do not change the way in which these functions are called. Doing so will break the Python wrappers located in homework3/ You may, however, write as many helper functions as you need.

    Aside from writing your own tests and performing computations for your report, everything you need to write for this homework will be put in the files here.

  • ctests/:

    Directory in which to place any optional C code used to debug and test your library as well as practice compiling and linking C code. See the file ctests/example.c for more information and on how to compile.

  • Makefile: See "Compiling and Testing" below.

  • A sample test suite for your own testing purposes.

Compiling and Testing

The makefile for this homework assignment has been provided for you. It will compile the source code located in src/ and create a shared object library lib/ You can also use this Makefile to compile all of the scripts you write in the directory, ctests.


$ make lib

to create lib/ This library must exist in order for the Python wrappers to work. As a shortcut, running

$ make test

will perform

$ make lib
$ python


$ make example.out

to compile the script ctests/example.c into an executable called example.out. Copy the syntax of the corresponding make command if you would like to write more C scripts.


In this assignment we will implement several numerical integration techniques in serial and in parallel. Given a function, f, and some x-data points, form the arrays

    x = [x_0, x_1, ..., x_{N-1}]
fvals = [f(x_0), f(x_1), ..., f(x_{N-1})]

Using these data one can approximate the integral of f from x_0 to x_{N-1} using the following formulae

Scipy has built-in functions scipy.linalg.trapz and scipy.linalg.simps which, given an x-data set and function evaluations, will use these rules to estimate the integral. For example,

>>> from numpy import linspace, sin, pi
>>> from scipy.integrate import trapz, simps
>>> x = linspace(-1,pi,8)  # eight, equally-spaced points between -1 and pi
>>> fvals = sin(x)
>>> integral_trapz = trapz(fvals, x)
>>> integral_simps = simps(fvals, x, even='first')  # see simps documentation

In this assignment we will write serial and parallel versions of these algorithms. Additionally, we will perform some parameter tuning on our parallel implementation of Simpson's rule. In particular, you are to provide the definitons of the below functions.

Implement These Functions:

Implement the functions declared in include/integrate.h and defined in src/integrate.c. In each of these functions, fvals is a length N array of function evaluations of type double on the elements of x, a length N array of domain points of type double. These are fed in from either Python via Numpy arrays or your test scripts in the directory ctests.

  • double trapz_serial(double* fvals, double* x, int N)

    Approximates the integral of f using the trapezoidal rule.

  • double trapz_parallel(double* fvals, double* x, int N, int num_threads)

    Approximates the integral of f using the trapezoidal rule in parallel. The number of threads to be used should be an argument to the function.

  • double simps_serial(double* fvals, double* x, int N)

    Approximates the integral of f using Simpson's rule. Note that there are two cases to consider: the "nice" case when N is odd and the "not nice" case when N is even. Once you understand why there is an issue in the N is even case resolve the issue by taking a single trapezoidal rule approximation at the end of the data array to capture the "missing" part of the integral.

    (Hint: read the scipy.linalg.simps documentation. In particular, read about the even keyword.)

  • double simps_parallel(double* fvals, double* x, int N, int num_threads)

    Approximates the integral of f using the trapezoidal rule in parallel. The number of threads to be used should be an argument to the function.

  • double simps_parallel_chunked(double* fvals, double* x, int N, int num_threads, int chunk_size)

    Approximates the integral of f using the trapezoidal rule in parallel. The number of threads to be used should be an argument to the function. In this implemenation you should use a #pragma omp for construct so you can pass in a chunk size to the loop thread scheduler. (Or write one manually. See Lecture 11 and 12.)

    You do not need to use #pragma omp for in your implementation of simps_parallel but you may if you want to.

1) Tests - 60%

Your implementations will be run through the following test suite. Tests will use an x where distance between subsequent points, x[i+1]-x[i], is not necessarily uniform. In particular, tests will be run on domains that look something like:

x = numpy.append(linspace(-1,0,8,endpoint=False), linspace(0,3,127))

See Issue #7 for details on why we use domains of this form. In short, each Simpson's subinterval needs the same dx. However, different Simpson's rule subintervals are allowed to have different dx.

trapz Tests:

  • (1pt) Check the definition of trapz_serial using data arrays of length two.
  • (1pt) Test if trapz_serial matches (up to close to machine precision) the output of scipy.integrate.trapz for various N.
  • (1pt) Check the definition of trapz_parallel using data arrays of length two.
  • (1pt) Test if trapz_parallel matches (up to close to machine precision) the output of scipy.integrate.trapz for various N.

simps Tests:

  • (1pt) Check the definition of simps_serial using data arrays of length three.
  • (1pt) Test if simps_serial matches (up to close to machine precision) the output of scipy.integrate.simps for various N odd. (This is the "nice" case.)
  • (1pt) Test if simps_serial matches (up to close to machine precision) the output of scipy.integrate.simps for various N even. (This is the "not nice" case where an extra trapezoidal rule approximation needs to be done at the end of the data. See the scipy.linalg.simps documentation.)
  • (1pt) Check the definition of simps_parallel using data arrays of length three.
  • (1pt) Test if simps_parallel matches (up to close to machine precision) the output of scipy.integrate.simps for various N odd.
  • (1pt) Test if simps_parallel matches (up to close to machine precision) the output of scipy.integrate.simps for various N even.

Chunked simps Tests:

  • (1pt) Check the definition of simps_parallel_chunked using data arrays of length three.
  • (2pt) Test if simps_parallel_chunked matches (up to close to machine precision) the output of scipy.integrate.simps for various N odd and various values of chunk_size.
  • (2pt) Test if simps_parallel_chunked matches (up to close to machine precision) the output of scipy.integrate.simps for various N even and various values of chunk_size.

Total: (15 / 15pts)

Note that in this homework assignment we will manually verify that the parallel versions of your algorithms indeed implement some sort of parallel structure. You will recieve zero points on the parallel tests if you only implement the serial version of the code.

2) Report - 20%

Produce a PDF document named report.pdf in the directory report of the repository. Please write your name and UW NetID (e.g. "cswiercz", not your student ID number) at the top of the document. The report should contain responses to the following questions:

  • (12/20) Create a plot of parallel loop chunk sizes vs. corresponding runtime using chunked parallel Simpson's method. In particular, create a semilogx plot of timings of simps_parallel_chunked with chunk size on horizontal axis and runtime on the vertical axis, using homework3.time_simps_parallel_chunked with the following data:

    N = 2**20
    x = numpy.linspace(-1,3,N)
    y = sin(exp(x))
    chunk_sizes = [2**0, 2**2, 2**4, 2**6, 2**8, ..., 2**20]
    • (2pt) In black, timings with num_threads = 1.
    • (2pt) In green, timings with num_threads = 2.
    • (2pt) In blue, timings with num_threads = 4.
    • (2pt) In red, timings num_threads = 8.
    • (2pt) Plot uses a logarithmic scale on the x-axis.
    • (1pt) Both x- and y-axes are labeled appropriately.
    • (1pt) Plot has a meaningful title.

    Note that you may want to start with a smaller value of N while you're experimenting with getting the plot just right. Also, try generating several versions of the plot in case there is some system noise causing erradic timing behavior.

  • (8/20) Let's analyze this plot. In particular, provide comments on the following questions.

    • (2pt) What can be attributed to the nthreads = 8 behavior when the chunk_size is small?
    • (2pt) What happens when the chunk_size is equal to the problem size (i.e. when chunk_size = 2**20 = N) and why does this affect the timings in the way that the plot suggests?
    • (2pt) Why is chunk_size relevant to this implementation of Simpson's rule as opposed to the simple example we did in class during Lecture 12? (5 May, 2016?)
    • (2pt) What range of chunk values appear to be optimal for this particular value of N in parallel Simpson? Can you conjecture an ideal chunk value as a function of N. If so, why? If not, why not? Note that this "optimal" chunk size may not be the same for non-Simpson's rule problems.

3) Documentation - 10%

Provide documentation for the function prototypes listed in all of the files in include following the formatting described in the Grading document.

4) Performance - 10%

We will time your implementation of the function simps_parallel via the function time_simps_parallel with num_threads = 4 for some value N between 1e7 and 1e18.

N = # approximately 2**7 and approximately 2**18
x = numpy.linspace(-1,3,N)
y = sin(exp(x))


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