Some utilities to make make life easier when using Spring Hateoas. Specifically around the handling, generation and resolution of links.
Add the following to pom.xml to use this;
Links can be pushed to the server as a way of changing the relationships between resources. Using the following it's possible to easily grab identifiers out of links;
ControllerUriResolver cr = ControllerUriResolver.on(methodOn(PetController.class).findPetByName(null));
String identifier = cr.resolve("", "petName");
Link templating is a convenient way of allowing variable parts of a URL, it is especially useful for searching. Using the following it's possible to build curly brace style URL templates;
Link petsByOwnerLink = ControllerUriBuilder.linkTo(methodOn(PetController.class).findPetsByOwner(null));
The AbstractResourceLinkFactory is an opinionated helper service for handling links to Rest resources. By overriding two methods (one converting an entity to a link and the other the reverse operation) the application can then access some useful utility functions for manipulating links. The two methods to implement are;
//given an identifier, get the link that would point to that resource's root
public Link getLinkForIdentifier(String identifier);
//given an entity, get the identifier for the pet (assumed to be a string)
public String getIdentifierForEntity(Pet pet);
AbstractResourceLinkFactory makes the assumption that the resource is identified by a single string id. This is not ideal - it's perfectly legitimate for an identifier to have two or more components, and not to be a string. Please see improvement #9 (#9) to see the CR for this.
- getLinkForIdentifier - given a relation and an identifier, make a link for the entity
- getUriForIdentifier - try to construct a URI from the given identifier
- getUriForEntity - given an entity instance, try to construct its URI
- getLinkForEntity - given an entity instance, try to construct its self Link
The AbstractResourceLinkFactory implementation for a specific resource, e.g. PetLinkFactory can then be injected into other services that need to either extract or generate links.
For example, assuming there is a domain class Pet, which we expose on the rest API as a PetResource. The get for pet should generate a "self" reference to allow clients to interact with this instance. The ResourceLinkFactory implementation might look something like the following;
public class PetResourceLinkFactory extends AbstractResourceLinkFactory<Pet> {
public Link getLinkForIdentifier(String identifier) {
return linkTo(methodOn(PetController.class).findOne(identifier)).withRel("self");
public String getIdentifierForEntity(Pet entity) {
return entity.getPetNumericIdentifier();
Within the converter PetToPetResourceConverter we might expect to see code like the following;
private PetResourceLinkFactory petResourceLinkFactory;
// ...
public PetResource convert(Pet pet) {
PetResource petResource = new PetResource();
//... other conversion activities
Link self = petResourceLinkFactory.getLinkForEntity(pet);
ExtendedRepresentationModel is an extension of RepresentationModel, with some improved support for Hateoas, specifically an _embedded getter/setter. For some more examples of how it is used please see ExtendedResourceSupportTest