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Nataniel Borges Jr edited this page Nov 19, 2019 · 4 revisions

DroidMate can be deployed as a runnable Jar or as a project dependency.

As a Runnable Jar

If you want to generate a runnable jar run gradlew shadowJar (it will be generated in the main build directory [repo/build/libs/droidmate*-all.jar])

As a project dependency

If you want to include DM-2 into your own project as dependency you need to deploy to maven local with gradlew install

Then to include DM-2 into your own project you have to include the dependency, e.g. for Gradle (the version string has to be the version from the cloned DM-2 projects' file)

  compile group: 'org.droidmate', name: 'droidmate-2', version: '1.0-RC4'

If you prefer to use the up-to-date version from Jitpack you can use the following commands:

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

compile "com.github.uds-se.droidmate:droidmate-2:master-SNAPSHOT"
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