Lightweight browser that let's you inspect which objects currently are in your realm database on your iOS device or simulator
import NativeRealmBrowser
- In any UIViewController:
if let realmBrowser = RealmBrowser.realmBrowser() {
present(realmBrowser, animated: true, completion: nil)
else {
// Realm error
Use one of the three methods to browse your Realm database
Instantiate the browser using default Realm.
- return an instance of realmBrowser
public static func realmBrowser() -> UINavigationController?
Instantiate the browser using a specific version of Realm.
- parameter realm: Realm
- returns an instance of realmBrowser
public static func realmBrowserForRealm(_ realm: RealmSwift.Realm) -> UINavigationController?
Instantiate the browser using a specific version of Realm at a specific path.
init(path: String) is deprecated.
realmBroswerForRealmAtPath now uses the convenience initialiser init(fileURL: NSURL)
- parameter url: URL
- returns an instance of realmBrowser
public static func realmBroswerForRealmURL(_ url: URL) -> UINavigationController?
Xcode 7 iOS 8.0 Installation
NativeRealmBrowser is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "NativeRealmBrowser"
Implementing search for objects. Layout improvements.
Available method documentation here
Tran Minh Quang, [email protected]
NativeRealmBrowser is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.