A CLI to automatically clone the create-react-app-antd template.
Greatly inspired by create-express-api.
Install the CLI globally OR use npx:
# with npm
npm install -g create-react-app-antd
# with yarn
yarn global add create-react-app-antd
# with global install
create-react-app-antd <options> <app-name>
# with npx
npx create-react-app-antd <options> <app-name>
# with yarn
yarn create react-app-antd <options> <app-name>
# options
# -y|-yarn|--y|--yarn Use yarn instead of npm.
# -h|-help|--h|--help Display help message.
This will create a directory with the given name, clone the create-react-app-antd template repo into it, and install dependencies.