Take a peek at the content on the other side of a link.
A sort of auxiliary package for org-super-links to make the related links a little easier to use in some contexts. Put the point on a link, hit a key, see a brief summary of the target of the link right there.
No screenshot, but look at the one on the quick-peek page. It’s like that, only for org headings instead of functions.
It’s basically a rip-off of org-quick-peek only updated, and dumber (only works for links).
This is not on MELPA yet, so use quelpa-use-package, straight or whatever your preference is.
Something like this for quelpa:
(use-package org-super-links-peek
:quelpa (org-super-links-peek :repo "toshism/org-super-links-peek" :fetcher github)
:bind (("C-c s p" . org-super-links-peek-link)))
Just call org-super-links-peek-link
with the point on a link and see a preview. Not much else to it really. I personally map it to C-c s p
to fit in with my org-super-links bindings.
Only two settings:
Controls how many lines to show in the preview.
Default 10
If non-nil include drawers in the preview. If nil don’t show them.
Default nil
Thanks to @cpitclaudel for quick-peek
Thanks to @alphapapa for org-quick-peek