⚛ Starter Files + Basic Libraries Needed To Learn Build System (Task-Runner) Gulp
This tends to break down to the simplest level but powerful functionalities Gulp, A toolkit for automating painful or time-consuming tasks during development workflow, so you can stop messing around and build something and we will be learning this with an example app and most common gulp plugins/libraries used.
⚛ What is Gulp
⚛ Why Gulp
⚛ Major Functions
⚛ Uses of Gulp
⚛ Installation Process
⚛ Testing
⚛ Minification of JavaScript Files
⚛ Concatenation of Script Files
⚛ Compiling Sass To CSS
⚛ Compiling ES6 to ES5 syntax
⚛ Minification of Images
⚛ Moving/Copying of Static Files To Deployment Folder
⚛ Gulp.watch Usage
$ npm install -g gulp
$ npm install --save-dev gulp
$ npm install --save-dev gulp-connect gulp-imagemin gulp-concat gulp-sass gulp-uglify gulp-babel babel-core babel-preset-env
- Clone or Downlooad The Repository
npm install
- view in web browser:
gulp-connect ==> Creates the Live Server
gulp-imagemin ==> Minifies the Images
gulp-concat ==> Concatenate Scripts (e.g, JavaScript files) in a single file
gulp-sass ==> Compiles sass to CSS
gulp-uglify ==> Creates Minified Versions of Scripts like JavaScript.
For More Visit:
Gulp Official Site
TonyCletus (Code To Create>)