This description is kinda fuzzy and outdated. More up-to-date statement of concept is in version 3 readme. I'll try to release it at September.
Collection of helpers for any need: strings, enumerables, modules... hundreds of bicycles and shortcuts you ever wanted to implement are here, optimized for performance. Small dev library (constantly in progress): fast and smart logger, binding explorer, backtrace formatter, each is console-colored. Started from basic classes, now it contains low-level helpers for ActiveRecord and makes LibXML more jqueryish.
RMTools helps to throw away some boiler-plate making a code more intuitive. It comes with almost no (<< 10%) performance penalty:
->ary.ids {|h| h[:id]}
-> {|c|}.sort_by {|p|}.uniq_by {|p|}.select {|p| p.user_id == user_id}.sum {|p| p.points}
It's still randomly documented since it's just my working tool.
- Ruby code parser (StringScanner-based) reading an array of loaded ruby-files and making accurate hash-table of defined methods {"Class#method" => "def ... end"}
- JSON-formatter for output ruby objects content in HTML presentation in order to inspect big objects using browser graphic abilities
- Set theory based Range extension with support of both begin and end exclusion, and satisfying the next rules:
size(0..1) = size(0...1) = 1
A = A - B | B
A ⊃ B -> size(A - B) = size(A) - size(B)
- Fixed trace_format for exceptions using Thread::Backtrace
- Added String#decapitalize and (for cyrillic strings) #funcap
- RMLogger
- made indifferent of global variables: $panic, $verbose, $quiet
- control log level by
- env variables (globally): LOGLEVEL, DEBUG || VERBOSE, WARN || QUIET, SILENT
- instance methods: log_level=, debug=, log=, info=, warn=, error=
- Ruby 2.1+ behaviour: Since String#b in Ruby 2.1 is now an internal method incompatible with rmtools' String#b, our String#b will not be defined only if ruby version > 2.1. Other methods have been refactored with this in an account.
- RMTools.format_trace fixed double rendering within rails depths
Ruby 2+ behaviour:
- Disabled C-extension
- Used String#encode instead of Iconv#iconv
- Updated #digit_date to parse full english month names
- #to_html and #to_xml make, respectively, html- and xml- formed documents by LibXML::XML
- #to_doc now is deprecated and is alias of #to_html
- Added #fix_encoding! It differentiates only utf-8 and ansi-1251, though
- #include? never raises an exception
- #key_value = to_a.first
- #fold[l,r]_ now passes up to 2 arguments to fold itself
- Aliased sort_along_by => order_by
- Fixed #content for dirs with dotted files only
- #content now accepts :recursive and :include_dot options turned off by default
- #min/#max return #first/#last if called with no block
Removed "-module" ld_flag from extconf.rb
- Added #truth_map. Hash#truth_map maps values to booleans
- Added ::file? pathname check to ::modify iterator
- Aliased #info -> #puts to be able to set RMLogger as default logger wherever it's possible
- Added #get_config
- #method_missing now accepts :"" as well as :"[]"
- Aliased "purple_bold" as "violet", "v"
- Added ::FileWatcher
- Constantly checks files updated in a directory and does some action whenever a update has been met
- A subclass, ::ScpHelper copies updated files to specified host
- Added #any and #none to iterators pattern
- Fixed #any? (and removed it for Ruby>=1.9)
- For ruby >= 1.9.3 #uniq_by[!] is alias of #uniq[!] itself, since it’s native implementation appears to be ~1.4x faster
- A bit better english singularizer for iterators
- Added #partition_by iterator
- Generalized faster set operations for Array and Set (see rmtools/enumerable/set_ops)
- Boosted &-operator
- Added #update_attributes?
Array Meta-iterators
- Pattern has became a class variable. New names can be added to pattern by Array::add_iterator_name
- Speed has been drastically boosted by evaluating of every proper missing method. (Read comments in /enumerable/array_iterators.rb)
- Using meta-iterators in the new behaviour can smudge Array instance_methods namespace. Although it's not something that bad, that's possible to turn on the old behaviour by Array::fallback_to_clean_iterators!
- hash.something gets hash[:something] || hash['something'], not other way
- hash.something= sets hash['something'] as did it before
- This change has been caused by large amounts of symbolic options keys and json decode returning symbolic keys (at least with a yajl library).
- Set behaviour, on the other hand, will not be changed since 1) it will be too hard to debug hashes in an old code; 2) it's not that frequently used; 3) setting hash key directly by :[]= makes a code clearer
- Added private #alias_constant
- Fixed #avg, #avg_by, #rand_by in case of an empty array: return nil
- Added #intersects? (alias #x?)
- Added #rfind_by, #runiq_by and few more iterators
- Added #+, #split and #method_missing to proxy all possible methods to #to_s
- Specified a concept of the extension (/enumerable/range.rb)
- Changed default Range#include? the way it can take range as argument
- Added XRange#first(count) and #last(count), analogically to Range#first and #last
- Moved declarative.rb from Rhack project. ::Base::declarative is a way of making tables like by migrations but on the fly
- Added ::Base#with_same(<column_name>)
- ::Base::non_null_scopes ignores non-nullable columns
Development kit
- RMTools::timer now resets $quiet and $log.mute_warn to previous values in case of ^C or another exception raised
- Fixed all potential problems with /dev, so require "rmtools_dev" is deprecated in favour of require "rmtools" and will be removed in the next update
- Read comments about format_trace in /dev/trace_format.rb
- BlackHole class is aliased as Void
- Added :detect_comments and :precede_comments options to ::RMLogger to automatically highlight comment blocks get logged
Structural changes
- Moved /b.rb into /core since #b is proved usability through some years
- Renamed /db into /active_record
- Merged /ip into /conversions
- The gem is now being produced in the bundle style: added Gemfile, .gemspec, etc
- Added to Array: #sort_along_by, #indices_map, #each_two
- Added Enumerable#map_hash
- Range
- Fixed #size for backward ranges
- Fixed #x? and #-@ for neighbor numbers and non-integers in general
- added XRange#x?
- aliased #x? as #intersects?
- Class#init accepts block, auto__init__ed Thread and Proc
- Added ::ValueTraversal and ::KeyValueTraversal modules for treeish dir/enumerable search
- String
- Cyrillic support: #fupcase, #fdowncase and instant up/down versions
- #to_search, #squeeze_newlines, #recordize
- key :js_caller to #parse for JS stacktrace lines as it given by stacktrace.js library
- Added ActiveRecord::Base::boolean_scopes! and ::non_null_scopes!
- Added Object#ifndef for ivars caching
- Fixed bugs
- Class#init (case with nested classes)
- ActiveRecord::Base::select_rand (case with :where query)
- ::rw and ::write (cases with encoding fail and non-string argument)
- Described the library and marked down this readme
- Smartified Array bicycles: #index_where, #indices_where, #set_where, #set_all_where, #del_where, #del_all_where
- Added #arrange_by to Array enumerators
- Added AR::Base::enum for virtual "enum" type support
- Updated detecting of xml charset encoding for ruby 1.9
- Fixed bug with empty trace formatting and Array#get_args with non-equalable argument
- Added Array#select_by and #reject_by pattern-iterators
- Fixed ActiveRecord::Base.select_rand
- Restricted RMTools.format_trace to use with Rails because of hard slowdown
- Updated Proc constants for ruby 1.9
- Update String#parse:caller to parse ruby 1.9 "block level". Now block level processes in RMLogger and RMTools.format_trace
- lib/dev/traceback.rb now applies to ruby > 1.9 as well
- Support of Yajl or (if not installed) JSON for #to_json and #from_json. Overwrites ActiveSupport's ::encode and ::decode since they're so damn slow.
- StringScanner#each changed to compare `cbs' keys with @matched by number in ruby 1.8 and by first character in ruby 1.9, since ?x in 1.9 returns string instead of a charcode
- Updated LibXML::XML::XPath to search elements with multiple classes
- String#hl and #ghl: console-highlight pattern in string
- True#call and False#call in order to pass boolean values as callable argument
- ActiveRecord::Relation#any? and #empty?, ActiveRecord::Base.insert_unless_exist (using execute) and .select_rand
- Added couple of handlers into Array#method_missing
- File.modify now can process files by glob-patterns and correctly use multiple gsub! inside passed block
- now can read from list of files in order
- Upped RMTools.timer accuracy
- Optimized Array#-, #+, #& and #| for when one of arrays is empty; added Array#diff
- Optimized Object#to_json and String#from_json: use JSON stdlib for ruby 1.9. Object#to_json_safe: timeout'ed conversion
- String#cut_line and #split_to_lines optimized for use in Ruby 1.9
- Removed String#bytes because it duplicate ruby 1.9 method
- static VALUE rb_ary_count_items moved from Array#count to Array#arrange
- Fixed Module#self_name
- RMTools::CodeReader is still unstable though
- Renamed debug/ to dev/, slightly restructured lib/rmtools/ and require handlers: requrie 'rmtools' for common applications and 'rmtools_dev' for irb and maybe dev environment
- Slightly extended StringScanner
- Proof of concept: Regexp reverse (wonder if someone did it earlier in Ruby)
- Kernel#whose? to find classes and/or modules knowing some method
- Method code lookup over all loaded libs (it can't handle evals yet), see dev/code_reading.rb
- Coloring is now made by singleton `Painter' and have option for transparent coloring
- Added caller level option (:caller => ) for Logger
- Fixed trace formatting (for sure for this time)
- Array iterator #sum_ now takes argument for #sum as first argument
- Completed Binding#inspect_env components
- Fixed Hash#unify_keys for 1.9.2
- Speeded Array#uniq_by up
- Added some shortcut methods for ActiveRecord::Base
- Deleted String#to_proc. It's anyway inconsistent and causes bug in ActiveRecord 3.0.5 Base#interpolate_and_sanitize_sql and potentially somewhere else
- Solved problem with String#sub methods in 1.9: that's associated with String#to_hash in some mystic way. #to_hash is now #to_params
- Some bugfixes for previous updates
- Cosmetic fixes for txts here
- Rewrited few functions
- Fixed bug with RDoc and RI
- Compatible with 1.9
- Binding#start_interaction and RMTools::Observer for debugging purposes
- To require any file from lib/rmtools now RMTools::require is used
- In order to not overload Rails apps initialization tracing is lightened and gem now may be also required as "rmtools_nodebug" and "rmtools_notrace"
- Fixed some bugs
- Divided by semantics
- Compatible with ruby 1.8.7 (2010-08-16 patchlevel 302)
- Divided by classes and packed as gem
RMTools is copyright (c) 2010-2013 Sergey Baev [email protected], and released under the terms of the Ruby license.