pf is all about port forwarding. I developed it for some hacking purpose originally. It can forward data from one terminal to the other. The terminals are not necessary to be TCP clients, they can both be servers. cool? This is useful when the target does not have public IP or when firewall blocks any incoming connection. pf can run on multiple platform such as UNIX-like and even very old Windows machine. Hope you like it.
for windows:
gcc -static -Wall -o pf.exe main.c thread.c network.c -lws2_32
for Linux/FreeBSD:
Forwarding remote desktop(RDP) need two commands, pf close immediately when one side of connections break. However, RDP actually connect twice. The first is for authentication .
# if -d(on-demand) provided, order matters!!
pf -c public_ip 1234 -c 3389 -d
pf -c public_ip 1234 -c 3389 -d
- Support host
- multiple session
- Lua intergation for parsing incoming data
- Support for Mac OS X