The Nautobot Version Control app brings version control to Nautobot's database. Nautobot is an open source Network Source of Truth and Network Automation Platform. Nautobot provides a number of features to validate its data model and safeguard network configuration from errors. Adding database versioning provides another layer of assurance by enabling human review of proposed changes to production data, use of automated testing pipelines, and database rollback in the case of errors.
The database versioning is made possible by the use of a Dolt database. Dolt is an SQL database that you can fork, clone, branch, merge, push and pull just like a git repository. Dolt’s branch and merge versioning model allows operators to safely modify the data model on feature branches, merging to production only after validation is complete.
In addition to this README file, there are docs covering the following topics:
- Version control operations
- Covers common version control operations in the Version Control app
- Common workflows
- Covers common workflows enabled by the Version Control app
- Design
- Describes the technical design and implementation details of the Version Control app
Getting started with development for the Version Control plugin is pretty straightforward. It’s modeled directly after the development environment of Nautobot itself, and should feel very familiar to anyone with Django development experience. The Version Control app uses a Docker Compose environment to make it simple to manage dependencies like Dolt and Redis.
Because it is used to execute all common Docker workflow tasks, Invoke must be installed for your user environment. On most systems, if you're installing without root/superuser permissions, the default will install into your local user environment.
$ pip3 install invoke
If you run into issues, you may also deliberately tell pip3 to install into your user environment by adding the --user flag:
$ pip3 install --user invoke
Now that you have an invoke command, list the tasks defined in with invoke --list
$ invoke --list
Available tasks:
bandit Run bandit to validate basic static code security analysis.
black Check Python code style with Black.
build Build Nautobot docker image.
check-migrations Check for missing migrations.
cli Launch a bash shell inside the running Nautobot container.
createsuperuser Create a new Nautobot superuser account (default: "admin"), will prompt for password.
debug Start Nautobot and its dependencies in debug mode.
destroy Destroy all containers and volumes.
flake8 Check for PEP8 compliance and other style issues.
generate-packages Generate all Python packages inside docker and copy the file locally under dist/.
hadolint Check Dockerfile for hadolint compliance and other style issues.
load-data Load data.
makemigrations Perform makemigrations operation in Django.
migrate Perform migrate operation in Django.
nbshell Launch an interactive nbshell session.
post-upgrade Performs Nautobot common post-upgrade operations using a single entrypoint.
pydocstyle Run pydocstyle to validate docstring formatting adheres to NTC defined standards.
pylint Run pylint code analysis.
restart Gracefully restart all containers.
start Start Nautobot and its dependencies in detached mode.
stop Stop Nautobot and its dependencies.
tests Run all tests for this plugin.
unittest Run Nautobot unit tests.
unittest-coverage Report on code test coverage as measured by 'invoke unittest'.
vscode Launch Visual Studio Code with the appropriate Environment variables to run in a container.
yamllint Run yamllint to validate formating adheres to NTC defined YAML standards.
A development environment can be easily started up from the root of the project using the following commands:
- invoke build - Builds Nautobot docker images
- invoke migrate - Performs database migration operation in Django
- invoke createsuperuser - Creates a superuser account for the Nautobot application
- invoke debug - Starts Docker containers for Nautobot, PostgreSQL, Redis, Celery, and the RQ worker in debug mode and attaches their output to the terminal in the foreground. You may enter Control-C to stop the containers.
Additional useful commands for the development environment:
- invoke start - Starts all Docker containers to run in the background with debug disabled
- invoke stop - Stops all containers created by invoke start
Run the following commmands to initialize the local environment:
cp development/creds.example.env development/creds.env
invoke build
From here, you can either start the local environment with a sample database or start the local environment with an empty database.
This is a good option for those who want to quickly spin up a working instance of Nautobot running the Version Control app.
The steps below will create a Nautobot instance running the Version Control app and install sample data to experiment with.
invoke migrate
invoke load-data
invoke start
invoke load-data
can take up to 30 min to run and it will generate many Warning messages, these messages can be ignored.
After few min, Nautobot will be available at
You can connect with either of these 2 accounts:
- Login
/ Passwordadmin
- Login
/ Passwordnautobot
Run the following commands to Reset the Local environment and load the sample dataset again:
invoke stop
invoke destroy
invoke migrate
invoke load-data
invoke start
This option will simply start the local dev environment. Nautobot will have an empty database:
invoke migrate
invoke start
After few min, Nautobot will be available at
You can connect with:
- Login
/ Passwordadmin
Run the following commands to Reset the Local environment:
invoke stop
invoke destroy
invoke migrate
invoke start
This section is currently under development, and the documentation is incomplete.
There are some special considerations for running the Version Control app:
- The Nautobot installation MUST be running a Dolt database
- There are some additional configurations required in
The version control app can be installed with pip3:
pip3 install git+
The app is compatible with Nautobot 1.1.0 and higher
To ensure the version control app is automatically re-installed during future upgrades, create a file named local_requirements.txt
(if not already existing) in the Nautobot root directory (alongside requirements.txt
) and list the nautobot-plugin-version-control
echo nautobot-plugin-version-control >> local_requirements.txt
Once installed, the plugin needs to be enabled in your
# In your
PLUGINS = [ "nautobot_plugin_version_control" ]
Add this to your
# Dolt requires a second database using the same credentials as the default
# database so that it may generate diffs.
DATABASES["global"] = DATABASES["default"]
# Add Nautobot Version Control to your list of plugins.
Then run database migrations:
$ nautobot-server migrate
After migrations have been run, then you must enable the DATABASE_ROUTERS
required by Dolt to use the default
and global
database configurations to perform the before & after queries for generating diffs. Add this to your
and restart Nautobot afterward:
# Dolt requires a custom database router to generate the before & after queries for generating diffs.
DATABASE_ROUTERS = ["nautobot_version_control.routers.GlobalStateRouter"]
Note that any time you need to perform database migrations (such as when upgrading Nautobot or Dolt) you absolutely must comment out/disable DATABASE_ROUTERS
from your
or you will encounter errors.
To be written
To be written