Releases: thomasdonlon/mwahpy
v2.0.0 (LTS)
Transitioning into legacy mwahpy. No new features are anticipated unless other people submit pull requests. Includes some minor updates and fixes implemented near the end of my PhD.
Some extra implementations plus a bug fix on vlos and vgsr calculation in timestep. Main addition is a decorator for .coords that is a big help for implementing flexible array & non-array input.
mwahpy v1.4.7
Minor update with some quality of life changes, bug fixes, and additional utilities. See changelog.txt for specifics.
mwahpy v1.4.6
New version bug fix, same as what's on PyPi now.
mwahpy v1.4.5
Minor patch. New version release v1.4.5 up to date with PyPi repo. See changelog for details.
mwahpy v1.4.4
See changelog. Minor patch with some updates and QOL stuff. Up to date with PyPi.
mwahpy v1.4.3
Patches a lot of bugs that I found while writing a presentation. Way more stable than v1.4.2.
mwahpy v1.4.2
Some bug fixes and general improvements, including improved warning messages. Allows for switching modes in the orbit fitters, and also you can now update the solar phase space values globally.
mwahpy v1.4.1
See changelog for release notes. Fixes some serious bugs, as well as making reading in data in jupyter notebooks not an enormous pain. Flags can be toggled globally now, there is a new fancy plot routine, and some other fun stuff.
mwahpy v1.4.0
New milestone release for mwahpy. This contains working orbit fitter routines, as well as updated documentation for the package.