run bun i
to install every dependency, then
run bun build-css
to build the css, then finally
run bun dev
to start the webserver
run bun dev:watch
to start web server with reload on change
run bun dev
to start web server (will change script name)
run bun dev:watch
to start web server with reload on change
run bun build-css
to build
run bun build-css:watch
to build with reload on change
- do not name classes, variables, functions or anything that you define in any case other than snake_case
- make utilities for things you think you will reuse and same for db accessing, if you need to format like how much money a user has, make a get func which will output the formatted sum
- always think of security as its important, if you ever plan to use a package from anything, please look into its issues, security and code.