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Repository with the scripts, data and results of the evaluation of 25 graph alignment methods offered by OpenEA

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Evaluation of 25 OpenEA knowledge graph alignment methods


This repository contains the data, scripts and results of evaluating 25 methods offered by the OpenEA package for the alignment of datasets related to product, sales and user satisfaction. Through this study we aim to identify:

  • Which methods give the best performance in our domain of interest?
  • Which is the impact of the structure of the ontologies in the results?
  • Which is the impact of combining the best performing methods in the results?

The next figure describes the approach followed. The experiments included seven datasets related to our domain of interest: six datasets have been selected from Kaggle and the other one was provided by the chemical company BASF SE as an RDF knowledge graph.

The datasets were represented in RDF using different ontologies, which have the following origin:

  • Basic ontology (B). Dataset-dependent ontology, created by a member of our team, which implements a canonical representation of the CSV file, in which the ontology has one class, and the columns are represented as datatype properties of the class, because they are strings, dates and numeric data.

  • Gold ontology (G). Dataset-dependent ontology, created by a member of our team. The gold ontology includes the definition of different classes that are related to each other through object properties, as well as attributes included as datatype properties.

  • LLM ontology (L). Dataset-dependent ontology. This ontology corresponds to the schema returned by OntoGenix \cite{ontogenix}, an LLM algorithm based on ChatGPT4.0 which has been given guidelines to generate an ontology from a CSV dataset.

  • Materials (M) and Transactions (T), dataset-independent ontologies. These ontologies, which are called BASF ontologies or application ontologies (AP), was previously developed by BASF SE domain experts for the modeling of business entities related to commercial activity.

Figure 1. Method Overview.

Overview Figure

Pipeline OpenEA

We have designed a pipeline for standardizing our process for obtaining the alignments between pairs of knowledge graphs, which is described in the next figure.

Each experiment consists of finding the alignment between two KGs generated from the information stored in the same CSV file (dataset) but structured with two different ontologies.

See the instructions for reproducing the experiments.

Figure 2. Entity Alignment OpenEA Pipeline .

Entity Alignment OpenEA Pipeline

Experiments performed

A total of 49 alignment experiments were carried out using 25 different methods. Alignments were carried out whenever the schemas had compatible entities to align.

Table 1. Experiments Performed.
Approach AirlinesCustomerSatisfaction AmazonRatings BigBasketProducts BrazilianE-commerce E-CommerceData Customer Satisfaction
Basic-Basic X X X X X X
Basic-Gold X X X X X X
Basic-LLM X X X X X X
Basic-AP X X
Gold-Gold X X X X X X
Gold-LLM X X X X X X
Gold-AP X X X X


The results have been analyzed at three levels, from higher to lower resolution. At the individual class level, at the method level and at the experiment type level. The detailed results by dataset can be accessed by clicking on the name of the dataset.

Next, we present some tables and figures that summarize the results obtained in terms of Hits@1, runtime and errors

Figure 3. Distribution of OpenEA methods according to the average Hits@1 score obtained between datasets and the average execution time obtained between datasets, scaled between 0 and 1 for each experiment. The average percentage of failed experiments between datasets is included in the label. Modules with an error rate of 1 are not shown.

Modules distribution by averages

Table 2. Mean Hits@1 metric ([0,100]) obtained by each method
Approach AirlinesCustomerSatisfaction AmazonRatings BigBasketProducts BrazilianE-commerce E-CommerceData CustomerComplaintDatabase meanH@1
0 AlignE(0.0) 15.1167 35.397 29.568 24.1625 31.8589 22.8033 26.4844
1 AliNet(0.57) 68.34 59.0583 55.52 70.28 60.0125 40.7633 58.9957
2 AttrE(0.0) 41.495 68.017 60.927 59.01 42.6556 58.8867 55.1652
3 BootEA(0.0) 16.2817 37.884 30.609 26.3525 31.8378 23.24 27.7008
4 BootEA-R(0.0) 16.115 37.049 29.894 25.7637 32.1722 22.7267 27.2868
5 BootEA-T(1.0) nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
6 Conve(1.0) nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
7 GCN_Align(0.0) 12.6167 37.839 28.626 25.1512 29.7511 21.9283 25.9854
8 GMNN(0.69) nan nan 86.41 100 99.7783 nan 95.3961
9 HolE(0.0) 9.565 31.424 21.849 19.115 25.9356 17.4533 20.8903
10 IMUSE(0.16) 26.5817 56.8243 44.3389 89.925 57.0533 31.1383 50.9769
11 IPTransE(0.93) nan nan nan nan 33.035 nan 33.035
12 JAPE(0.21) 0.473333 26.9567 23.4478 22.1033 16.0225 14.3017 17.2175
13 KDCoE(1.0) nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
14 MTransE(0.0) 1.955 31.3 24.849 19.7 13.96 12.3517 17.3526
15 MultiKE(1.0) nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
16 ProjE(0.04) 5.36667 15.732 12.722 6.85125 24.5429 11.12 12.7225
17 RDGCN(0.07) 0.005 0.009 72.8244 34.8486 19.6678 0.034 21.2315
18 RotatE(0.16) 0.0166667 30.48 28.801 24.3987 31.4356 2.0275 19.5266
19 RSN4EA(0.7) nan 56.1 58.0875 63.4267 61.2425 nan 59.7142
20 SEA(0.0) 16.2483 35.707 29.059 24.575 32.2056 21.8917 26.6144
21 SimplE(0.0) 0.0916667 27.732 22.209 20.775 23.4344 5.025 16.5445
22 TransD(0.02) 13.1267 33.621 26.36 19.73 29.6863 21.16 23.9473
23 TransH(0.0) 13.3217 33.702 26.211 21.3675 29.2789 21.4 24.2135
24 TransR(0.0) 0.015 0.036 0.08 0.03875 0.39 0.0466667 0.101069
Table 3. Mean Runtime ([0,1]) for each module.
Approach AirlinesCustomerSatisfaction AmazonRatings BigBasketProducts BrazilianE-commerce E-CommerceData CustomerComplaintDatabase meanTime
0 AlignE 0.383452 0.398477 0.140399 0.217742 0.308854 0.420449 0.311562
1 AliNet 0.29239 0.413501 0.128083 0.70534 0.176202 0.503721 0.369873
2 AttrE 0.586099 0.329858 0.175498 0.334752 0.166925 0.625912 0.369841
3 BootEA 0.434692 0.570226 0.148005 0.312151 0.297753 0.420206 0.363839
4 BootEA-R 0.68202 0.85052 0.319472 0.575235 0.539029 0.747011 0.618881
5 BootEA-T nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
6 Conve nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
7 GCN_Align 0.058169 0.0232482 0.00354892 0.00614488 0.00766333 0.0205908 0.0198942
8 GMNN nan nan 1 1 0.853034 nan 0.951011
9 HolE 0.476202 0.6037 0.350937 0.388389 0.505976 0.604757 0.488327
10 IMUSE 0.168226 0.0723632 0.017393 0.0208482 0.0119694 0.09483 0.0642716
11 IPTransE nan nan nan nan 0.0682923 nan 0.0682923
12 JAPE 0.346894 0.0985859 0.0333028 0.0554822 0.0379448 0.250169 0.137063
13 KDCoE nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
14 MTransE 0.0652884 0.0196702 0.00771234 0.0231861 0.0155308 0.0644053 0.0326322
15 MultiKE nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
16 ProjE 0.42183 0.284093 0.13603 0.225391 0.322763 0.400854 0.298493
17 RDGCN 0.331012 0.109752 0.337565 0.468765 0.510758 0.916327 0.445697
18 RotatE 0.415271 0.317508 0.146911 0.196299 0.257131 0.452141 0.297543
19 RSN4EA nan 0.804311 0.275658 0.778985 0.88147 nan 0.685106
20 SEA 0.0729613 0.031018 0.00693881 0.0286398 0.0295775 0.0288212 0.0329928
21 SimplE 0.00655595 0.0134017 0.0136943 0.0152445 0.0206047 0.00147042 0.0118286
22 TransD 0.143617 0.103602 0.0398369 0.0595628 0.0886751 0.205873 0.106861
23 TransH 0.11547 0.0678725 0.0253032 0.0604899 0.0898547 0.151213 0.0850337
24 TransR 0.182317 0.122178 0.066497 0.0796253 0.126292 0.144497 0.120235
Table 4. Mean Error rate ([0,1]) for each module.
Approach AirlinesCustomerSatisfaction AmazonRatings BigBasketProducts BrazilianE-commerce E-CommerceData CustomerComplaintDatabase meanError
0 AlignE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 AliNet 0.833333 0.4 0.5 0.625 0.555556 0.5 0.57
2 AttrE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 BootEA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 BootEA-R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 BootEA-T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 Conve 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
7 GCN_Align 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 GMNN 1 1 0.3 0.5 0.333333 1 0.69
9 HolE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 IMUSE 0 0.3 0.1 0.25 0.333333 0 0.16
11 IPTransE 1 1 1 1 0.555556 1 0.93
12 JAPE 0 0.4 0.1 0.625 0.111111 0 0.21
13 KDCoE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
14 MTransE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 MultiKE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
16 ProjE 0 0 0 0 0.222222 0 0.04
17 RDGCN 0 0 0.1 0.125 0 0.166667 0.07
18 RotatE 0.5 0.1 0 0 0 0.333333 0.16
19 RSN4EA 1 0.4 0.6 0.625 0.555556 1 0.7
20 SEA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 SimplE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 TransD 0 0 0 0 0.111111 0 0.02
23 TransH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 TransR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Table 5. P-value of the two-sided t-test statistic between trivial graph alignment experiments, considering the Hits@1 of all methods. Assuming normality, sample independence and not considering Nan values.
AlignE AliNet AttrE BootEA BootEA_R GCN_A GMNN HolE IMUSE IPTransE JAPE MTransE ProjE RDGCN RotatE RSN4EA SEA SimplE TransD TransH TransR
AlignE 1.0
AliNet 2.709E-05 1.0
AttrE 1.105E-04 0.790 1.0
BootEA 0.851 7.452E-05 2.872E-04 1.0
BootEA_R 0.901 5.419E-05 2.2130E-04 0.950 1.0
GCN_A 0.960 2.300E-05 9.410E-05 0.813 0.862 1.0
GMNN 2.558E-11 1.828E-05 9.856E-06 4.738E-11 3.820E-11 2.237E-11 1.0
HolE 0.358 3.990E-07 1.447E-06 0.275 0.302 0.387 3.870E-12 1.0
IMUSE 0.001 0.298 0.458 0.003 0.002 0.001 8.131E-07 2.796E-05 1.0
IPTransE 0.824 0.338 0.370 0.865 0.851 0.813 0.062 0.651 0.482 1.0
JAPE 0.090 2.966E-08 7.574E-08 0.066 0.074 0.101 9.794E-13 0.390 1.722E-06 0.523 1.0
MTransE 0.129 3.021E-08 5.946E-08 0.094 0.105 0.145 3.570E-12 0.549 1.594E-06 0.566 0.736 1.0
ProjE 0.006 1.098E-09 2.003E-10 0.004 0.005 0.007 7.212E-12 0.047 8.170E-09 0.424 0.344 0.129 1.0
RDGCN 0.544 8.402E-06 3.256E-05 0.443 0.477 0.576 6.805E-12 0.840 3.671E-04 0.692 0.355 0.481 0.074 1.0
RotatE 0.618 5.428E-06 2.181E-05 0.502 0.540 0.654 8.316E-12 0.706 2.855E-04 0.721 0.249 0.350 0.032 0.890 1.0
RSN4EA 9.289E-06 0.854 0.663 2.707E-05 1.932E-05 7.858E-06 2.468E-05 1.304E-07 0.212 0.318 1.103E-08 1.240E-08 1.189E-09 3.020E-06 1.851E-06 1.0
SEA 0.986 3.090E-05 1.251E-04 0.866 0.915 0.946 2.713E-11 0.351 0.001 0.828 0.089 0.127 0.006 0.535 0.608 1.068E-05 1.0
SimplE 0.118 2.835E-08 6.347E-08 0.086 0.096 0.132 2.102E-12 0.501 1.637E-06 0.553 0.812 0.921 0.182 0.443 0.320 1.086E-08 0.116 1.0
TransD 0.673 3.743E-06 1.551E-05 0.546 0.588 0.712 9.322E-12 0.614 2.301E-04 0.739 0.187 0.267 0.015 0.814 0.921 1.213E-06 0.662 0.243 1.0
TransH 0.712 4.551E-06 1.900E-05 0.580 0.624 0.751 1.027E-11 0.576 2.765E-04 0.749 0.170 0.243 0.013 0.777 0.881 1.474E-06 0.699 0.221 0.957 1.0
TransR 3.190E-07 4.875E-11 3.488E-14 3.705E-07 3.770E-07 4.260E-07 1.318E-11 1.113E-06 2.681E-12 0.226 9.832E-05 5.334E-07 3.855E-07 6.728E-05 6.478E-06 3.522E-10 3.612E-07 3.104E-06 5.522E-07 4.258E-07 1.0
Table 6. P-value of the two-sided t-test statistic between trivial graph alignment experiments, considering the Hits@1 of all methods. Assuming normality, sample independence and not considering Nan values.
G-G 1.0
B-B 7.49E-30 1.0
L-L 3.84E-07 9.90e-14 1.0
AP-AP 3.06E-08 6.98E-08 0.195 1.0
G-B 7.67E-38 0.305 1.0
G-L 1.02E-23 1.95E-07 8.57E-07 1.0
G-AP 3.13E-13 0.209 4.60E-09 0.050 1.0
B-L 0.025 6.13E-25 0.198 1.23E-11 1.0
B-AP 0.236 7.99E-08 0.648 2.50E-06 0.724 1.0
L-AP 2.35E-07 1.20E-03 0.743 0.032 1.00E-08 5.58E-04 1.0
Figure 4. Bar chart containing the average increase in Hits@1 value when combining the AttrE module with either BootEA or Align-E or SEA, with respect to the module of each pair with the highest Hits@1 value. For the 4 types of experiments G-G, B-B, L-L and AP-AP. This is the average obtained from the averages obtained from all the classes aligned in each of the six datasets individually.

Modules distribution by averages


Repository with the scripts, data and results of the evaluation of 25 graph alignment methods offered by OpenEA







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