✨ I write simple, stupid and hence, readable "okay" codes with less WTFs/min from code reviews - mostly in Flutter, Node.js.
✨ Industries: Offshore IT Industry, Digital Agency, Health, Education, Finance.
Things you should know -
- 🔭 Currently working on: Dart & Flutter
- 🌱 Getting better at: Flutter, Swift, Kotlin, Agile Software Development, Technical Product Management
📕 Latest Blog Posts
- Resolviendo Artefactos con
en Flutter en Android, iOS y macOS - Innovation in Accessibility: Real Inclusion or Barrier for the Deaf Community?
- Error Handling in Dart: Should You Use
, Return Values, or Functional Approaches? - Talks
Dart Package: A Comprehensive Guide
Only Mercury is missing from a Solar System parade of planets in this early evening skyscape. Rising nearly opposite the Sun, bright Mars is at the far left. The other naked-eye planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus, can also be spotted, with the positions of too-faint Uranus and Neptune marked near the arcing trace of the ecliptic plane. On the far right and close to the western horizon after sunset is a young crescent Moon whose surface is partly illuminated by earthshine. In the foreground of the composite panorama captured on 2 January, planet Earth is represented by Mount Etna's lower Silvestri Crater. Of course Earth's early evening skies are full of planets for the entire month of January. On 13 January, a nearly Full Moon will appear to pass in front of Mars for skywatchers in the continental U.S. and Eastern Canada. January 14: Zoom APOD Lecture hosted by the Amateur Astronomers of Association of New York
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