List of papers, reports and links to materials on Big Data and related topics.
- Theoretical Basics
- General
- Block/Page/File Formats
- Storage Systems
- Big Data Management Systems
- Resource Management
- Parallel Processing Systems
- Hadoop Ecosystem
- SQL-on-Hadoop
- Stream/Message Processing
- Graph Processing
- Big Data Benchmarks
- Machine Learning
- [External Reading Lists] (#reading-lists)
- [Notes on Theory of Distributed Systems CS 465/565: Spring 2014, James Aspnes] (
- [Architecture of a Database System, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Michael Stonebraker and James Hamilton] (
[Toward Scalable Systems for Big Data Analytics A Technology Tutorial] ( (2014):In this paper, we present a literature survey and system tutorial for big data analytics platforms, aiming to provide an overall picture for nonexpert readers and instill a do-it-yourself spirit for advanced audiences to customize their own big-data solutions. First, we present the definition of big data and discuss big data challenges. Next, we present a systematic framework to decompose big data systems into four sequential modules, namely data generation, data acquisition, data storage, and data analytics. These four modules form a big data value chain. Following that, we present a detailed survey of numerous approaches and mechanisms from research and industry communities. In addition, we present the prevalent Hadoop framework for addressing big data challenges. Finally, we outline several evaluation benchmarks and potential research directions for big data systems.
[The Family of MapReduce and Large Scale Data Processing Systems] ( (2013): This article provides a comprehensive survey for a family of approaches and mechanisms of large scale data processing mechanisms that have been implemented based on the original idea of the MapReduce framework and are currently gaining a lot of momentum in both research and industrial communities. We also cover a set of introduced systems that have been implemented to provide declarative programming interfaces on top of the MapReduce framework. In addition, we review several large scale data processing systems that resemble some of the ideas of the MapReduce framework for different purposes and application scenarios. Finally, we discuss some of the future research directions for implementing the next generation of MapReduce-like solutions.
[Survey of Apache Big Data Stack] ( (2013): The first part of the report will focus on the overall layered architecture of the big data stack and rest of the report will discuss each layer starting from the bottom.
[The Beckman Report on Database Research] ( (2013): Every few years a group of database researchers meets to discuss the state of database research, its impact on practice, and important new directions. This report summarizes the discussion and conclusions of the eighth such meeting, held October 14-15, 2013 in Irvine, California. It observes that Big Data has now become a defining challenge of our time, and that the database research community is uniquely positioned to address it, with enormous opportunities to make transformative impact. To do so, the report recommends significantly more attention to five research areas: scalable big/fast data infrastructures; coping with diversity in the data management landscape; end-to-end processing and understanding of data; cloud services; and managing the diverse roles of people in the data life cycle.
[Survey of Large-Scale Data Management Systems for Big Data Applications] ( (2014): In this survey, we investigate, characterize and analyze the large-scale data management systems in depth and develop comprehensive taxonomies for various critical aspects covering the data model, the system architecture and the consistency model. We map the prevailing highly scalable data management systems to the proposed taxonomies, not only to classify the common techniques but also to provide a basis for analyzing current system scalability limitations. To overcome these limitations, we predicate and highlight the possible principles that future efforts need to be undertaken for the next generation large-scale data management systems.
The Anatomy of Big Data Computing (2015): Advances in information technology and its widespread growth in several areas of business, engineering, medical and scientific studies are resulting in information/data explosion. Knowledge discovery and decision making from such rapidly growing voluminous data is a challenging task in terms of data organization and processing, which is an emerging trend known as Big Data Computing; a new paradigm which combines large scale compute, new data intensive techniques and mathematical models to build data analytics. Big Data computing demands a huge storage and computing for data curation and processing that could be delivered from on-premise or clouds infrastructures. This paper discusses the evolution of Big Data computing, differences between traditional data warehousing and Big Data, taxonomy of Big Data computing and underpinning technologies, integrated platform of Big Data and Clouds known as Big Data Clouds, layered architecture and components of Big Data Cloud and finally discusses open technical challenges and future directions.
[(DSM) A decomposition storage model] ( (1985): This report examines the relative advantages of a storage model based on decomposition (of community view relations into binary relations containing a surrogate and one attribute) over conventional n-ary storage models.
[(PAX) Weaving Relations for Cache Performance] ( (2001): Relational database systems have traditionally optimzed for I/O performance and organized records sequentially on disk pages using the N-ary Storage Model (NSM) (a.k.a., slotted pages). Recent research, however, indicates that cache utilization and performance is becoming increasingly important on modern platforms. In this paper, we first demonstrate that in-page data placement is the key to high cache performance and that NSM exhibits low cache utilization on modern platforms. Next, we propose a new data organization model called PAX (Partition Attributes Across), that significantly improves cache performance by grouping together all values of each attribute within each page. Because PAX only affects layout inside the pages, it incurs no storage penalty and does not affect I/O behavior. According to our experimental results, when compared to NSM (a) PAX exhibits superior cache and memory bandwidth utilization, saving at least 75% of NSM’s stall time due to data cache accesses, (b) range selection queries and updates on memory-resident relations execute 17-25% faster, and (c) TPC-H queries involving I/O execute 11-48% faster.
[Column-Stores vs. Row-Stores: How Different Are They Really?] ( (2008)
[(HPL) A hybrid page layout integrating PAX and NSM] ( (2012): The present paper explores a hybrid page layout (HPL) that aims to combine the advantages of NSM and PAX. Predicate evaluation in large scan queries have the same number of cache faults as PAX, and space management uses two data areas growing towards each other. Moreover, the design defines a continuum between NSM and PAX in order to support both efficient scans and efficient insertions and updates. This design is equally applicable to cache lines within RAM memory (the original design goal of PAX) and to small pages on flash storage within large disk pages. Our experimental evaluation is based on an implementation in the former environment. It demonstrates that the HPL design scans almost as fast as the scan-optimized PAX layout and updates almost as fast as the update-optimized NSM layout, i.e., it is competitive with both in their best use cases.
[Column-Oriented Storage Techniques for MapReduce] ( (2011)
[Trojan Data Layouts: Right Shoes for a Running Elephant] ( (2011)
[Dremel: Interactive Analysis of Web-Scale Datasets] ( (2010) & [Parquet] ( Apache Parquet is a columnar storage format available to any project in the Hadoop ecosystem, regardless of the choice of data processing framework, data model or programming language.
[Parquet Performance] (
RCFile: A Fast and Space-efficient Data Placement Structure in MapReduce-based Warehouse Systems (2011): MapReduce-based data warehouse systems are playing important roles of supporting big data analytics to understand quickly the dynamics of user behavior trends and their needs in typical Web service providers and social network sites (e.g., Facebook). In such a system, the data placement structure is a critical factor that can affect the warehouse performance in a fundamental way. Based on our observations and analysis of Facebook production systems, we have characterized four requirements for the data placement structure: (1) fast data loading, (2) fast query processing, (3) highly efficient storage space utilization, and (4) strong adaptivity to highly dynamic workload patterns. We have examined three commonly accepted data placement structures in conventional databases, namely row-stores,column-stores, and hybrid-stores in the context of large data analysis using MapReduce. We show that they are not very suitable for big data processing in distributed systems. In this paper, we present a big data placement structure called RCFile (Record Columnar File) and its implementation in the Hadoop system. With intensive experiments, we show the effectiveness of RCFile in satisfying the four requirements. RCFile has been chosen in Facebook data warehouse system as the default option. It has also been adopted by Hive and Pig, the two most widely used data analysis systems developed in Facebook and Yahoo!
Understanding insights into the basic structure and essential issues of table placement methods in clusters & github code (2013): A table placement method is a critical component in big data analytics on distributed systems. It determines the way how data values in a two-dimensional table are organized and stored in the underlying cluster. Based on Hadoop computing environments, several table placement methods have been proposed and implemented. However, a comprehensive and systematic study to understand, to compare, and to evaluate different table placement methods has not been done. Thus, it is highly desirable to gain important insights into the basic structure and essential issues of table placement methods in the context of big data processing infrastructures. In this paper, we present such a study.
(ORC File) Major Technical Advancements in Apache Hive (2014)
Sql-on-hadoop: Full circle back to shared-nothing database architectures(2014): SQL query processing for analytics over Hadoop data has recently gained significant traction. Among many systems providing some SQL support over Hadoop, Hive is the first native Hadoop system that uses an underlying framework such as MapReduce or Tez to process SQL-like statements. Impala, on the other hand, represents the new emerging class of SQL-on-Hadoop systems that exploit a shared-nothing parallel database architecture over Hadoop. Both systems optimize their data ingestion via columnar storage, and promote different file formats: ORC and Parquet. In this paper, we compare the performance of these two systems by conducting a set of cluster experiments using a TPC-H like benchmark and two TPC-DS inspired workloads. We also closely study the I/O efficiency of their columnar formats using a set of micro-benchmarks. Our results show that Impala is 3.3X to 4.4X faster than Hive on MapReduce and 2.1X to 2.8X than Hive on Tez for the overall TPC-H experiments. Impala is also 8.2X to 10X faster than Hive on MapReduce and about 4.3X faster than Hive on Tez for the TPC-DS inspired experiments. Through detailed analysis of experimental results, we identify the reasons for this performance gap and examine the strengths and limitations of each system.
The Google File System (2003) & Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data (2006): Two core components of Google's data infrastructure. GFS is an append-only distributed file system for large sequential reads (data-intensive applications). BigTable is high-performance distributed data store that builds on GFS. One way to think about it is that GFS is optimized for high throughput, and BigTable explains how to build a low-latency data store on top of GFS. Some of these might have been replaced by newer proprietary technologies internal to Google, but the ideas stand.
[HDFS Architecture Guide] ( (2008) & [The hadoop distributed file system] ( (2010): The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is designed to store very large data sets reliably, and to stream those data sets at high bandwidth to user applications. In a large cluster, thousands of servers both host directly attached storage and execute user application tasks. By distributing storage and computation across many servers, the resource can grow with demand while remaining economical at every size. We describe the architecture of HDFS and report on experience using HDFS to manage 25 petabytes of enterprise data at Yahoo!.
C-Store: A Column-oriented DBMS (2005) & The Vertica Analytic Database: C-Store 7 Years Later (2012): C-Store is an influential, academic system done by the folks in New England. Vertica is the commercial incarnation of C-Store.
[Tachyon: Reliable, Memory Speed Storage for Cluster Computing Frameworks] ( (2014) & [Tachyon: Memory Throughput I/O for Cluster Computing Frameworks] ( Tachyon is a distributed file system enabling reliable data sharing at memory speed across cluster computing frameworks. While caching today improves read workloads, writes are either network or disk bound, as replication is used for fault-tolerance. Tachyon eliminates this bottleneck by pushing lineage, a well-known technique, into the storage layer. The key challenge in making a long-running lineage-based storage system is timely data recovery in case of failures. Tachyon addresses this issue by introducing a checkpointing algorithm that guarantees bounded recovery cost and resource allocation strategies for recomputation under commonly used resource schedulers. Our evaluation shows that Tachyon outperforms in-memory HDFS by 110x for writes. It also improves the end-to-end latency of a realistic workflow by 4x. Tachyon is open source and is deployed at multiple companies.
[(basics) NoSQL Databases] ( (2011)
[Scalable SQL and NoSQL Data Stores] ( (2011)
[Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data] ( (2006)
Chord: A Scalable Peer-to-peer Lookup Service for Internet Applications (2001) & Dynamo: Amazon’s Highly Available Key-value Store (2007): Chord was born in the days when distributed hash tables was a hot research. It does one thing, and does it really well: how to look up the location of a key in a completely distributed setting (peer-to-peer) using consistent hashing. The Dynamo paper explains how to build a distributed key-value store using Chord. Note some design decisions change from Chord to Dynamo, e.g. finger table O(logN) vs O(N), because in Dynamo's case, Amazon has more control over nodes in a data center, while Chord assumes peer-to-peer nodes in wide area networks.
[Cassandra-A Decentralized Structured Storage System] ( Cassandra is a distributed storage system for managing very large amounts of structured data spread out across many commodity servers, while providing highly available service with no single point of failure. Cassandra aims to run on top of an infrastructure of hundreds of nodes (possibly spread across different data centers). At this scale, small and large components fail continuously. The way Cassandra manages the persistent state in the face of these failures drives the reliability and scalability of the software systems relying on this service. While in many ways Cassandra resembles a database and shares many design and implementation strategies therewith, Cassandra does not support a full relational data model; instead, it provides clients with a simple data model that supports dynamic control over data layout and format. Cassandra system was designed to run on cheap commodity hardware and handle high write throughput while not sacriffcing read effciency.
[(book) Cassandra: The Definitive Guide] (
Spanner (2012): Spanner is "a scalable, multi-version, globally distributed, and synchronously replicated database". The linchpin that allows all this functionality is the TrueTime API which lets Spanner order events between nodes without having them communicate. There is some speculation that the TrueTime API is very similar to a vector clock but each node has to store less data. Sadly, a paper on TrueTime is promised, but hasn't yet been released.
[AsterixDB: A Scalable, Open Source BDMS] ( (2014): AsterixDB is a new, full-function BDMS (Big Data Management System) with a feature set that distinguishes it from other platforms in today’s open source Big Data ecosystem. Its features make it well-suited to applications like web data warehousing, social data storage and analysis, and other use cases related to Big Data. AsterixDB has a flexible NoSQL style data model; a query language that supports a wide range of queries; a scalable runtime; partitioned, LSM-based data storage and indexing (including B+ -tree, R-tree, and text indexes); support for external as well as natively stored data; a rich set of built-in types; support for fuzzy, spatial, and temporal types and queries; a built-in notion of data feeds for ingestion of data; and transaction support akin to that of a NoSQL store.
[Mesa: Geo-Replicated, Near Real-Time, Scalable Data Warehousing] ( (2014): Mesa is a highly scalable analytic data warehousing system that stores critical measurement data related to Google’s Internet advertising business. Mesa is designed to satisfy a complex and challenging set of user and systems requirements, including near real-time data ingestion and queryability, as well as high availability, reliability, fault tolerance,and scalability for large data and query volumes. Specifically, Mesa handles petabytes of data, processes millions of row updates per second, and serves billions of queries that fetch trillions of rows per day. Mesa is geo-replicated across multiple datacenters and provides consistent and repeatable query answers at low latency, even when an entire datacenter fails. This paper presents the Mesa system and reports the performance and scale that it achieves.
[DataHub: Collaborative Data Science & Dataset Version Management at Scale] ( (2014): Dataset Version Control System (DSVC), is a system for multi-version dataset management. DSVC’s goal is to provide a common substrate to enable data scientists to capture their modifications, minimize storage costs, use a declarative language to reason about versions, identify differences between versions, and share datasets with other scientists. Second, DATAHUB, is a hosted platform built on top of DSVC, that not only supports richer interaction capabilities, but also provides a number of novel tools for data cleaning, data search and integration, and data visualization tools.
[The Datacenter Needs an Operating System] ( (2011)
[Mesos: A Platform for Fine-Grained Resource Sharing in the Data Center] ( (2011) & [Apache Mesos] ( We present Mesos, a platform for sharing commodity clusters between multiple diverse cluster computing frameworks, such as Hadoop and MPI. Sharing improves cluster utilization and avoids per-framework data replication. Mesos shares resources in a fine-grained manner, allowing frameworks to achieve data locality by taking turns reading data stored on each machine. To support the sophisticated schedulers of today’s frameworks, Mesos introduces a distributed two-level scheduling mechanism called resource offers. Mesos decides how many resources to offer each framework, while frameworks decide which resources to accept and which computations to run on them. Our results show that Mesos can achieve near-optimal data locality when sharing the cluster among diverse frameworks, can scale to 50,000 (emulated) nodes, and is resilient to failures.
[Omega: flexible, scalable schedulers for large compute clusters] ( (2013): Increasing scale and the need for rapid response to changing requirements are hard to meet with current monolithic cluster scheduler architectures. This restricts the rate at which new features can be deployed, decreases efficiency and utilization, and will eventually limit cluster growth. We present a novel approach to address these needs using parallelism, shared state, and lock-free optimistic concurrency control. We compare this approach to existing cluster scheduler designs, evaluate how much interference between schedulers occurs and how much it matters in practice, present some techniques to alleviate it, and finally discuss a use case highlighting the advantages of our approach – all driven by real-life Google production workloads.
[Apache Hadoop YARN: yet another resource negotiator] ( (2013): The initial design of Apache Hadoop [1] was tightly focused on running massive, MapReduce jobs to process a web crawl. For increasingly diverse companies, Hadoop has become the data and computational agora — the de facto place where data and computational resources are shared and accessed. This broad adoption and ubiquitous usage has stretched the initial design well beyond its intended target, exposing two key shortcomings: 1) tight coupling of a specific programming model with the resource management infrastructure, forcing developers to abuse the MapReduce programming model, and 2) centralized handling of jobs’ control flow, which resulted in endless scalability concerns for the scheduler. In this paper, we summarize the design, development,and current state of deployment of the next generation of Hadoop’s compute platform: YARN. The new architecture we introduced decouples the programming model from the resource management infrastructure, and delegates many scheduling functions (e.g., task fault-tolerance) to per-application components. We provide experimental evidence demonstrating the improvements we made, confirm improved efficiency by reporting the experience of running YARN on production environments (including 100% of Yahoo! grids), and confirm the flexibility claims by discussing the porting of several programming frameworks onto YARN viz. Dryad, Giraph, Hoya, Hadoop MapReduce, REEF, Spark, Storm, Tez.
Fuxi: a Fault-Tolerant Resource Management and Job Scheduling System at Internet Scale (2014) Scalability and fault-tolerance are two fundamental challenges for all distributed computing at Internet scale. Despite many recent advances from both academia and industry, these two problems are still far from settled. In this paper, we present Fuxi, a resource management and job scheduling system that is capable of handling the kind of workload at Alibaba where hundreds of terabytes of data are generated and analyzed everyday to help optimize the company's business operations and user experiences. We employ several novel techniques to enable Fuxi to perform efficient scheduling of hundreds of thousands of concurrent tasks over large clusters with thousands of nodes: 1) an incremental resource management protocol that supports multi-dimensional resource allocation and data locality; 2) user-transparent failure recovery where failures of any Fuxi components will not impact the execution of user jobs; and 3) an effective detection mechanism and a multi-level blacklisting scheme that prevents them from affecting job execution. Our evaluation results demonstrate that 95% and 91% scheduled CPU/memory utilization can be fullled under synthetic workloads, and Fuxi is capable of achieving 2.36TB/minute throughput in GraySort. Additionally, the same Fuxi job only experiences approximately 16% slowdown under a 5% fault-injection rate. The slowdown only grows to 20% when we double the fault-injection rate to 10%. Fuxi has been deployed in our production environment since 2009, and it now manages hundreds of thousands of server nodes.
Towards a Resource Elasticity Benchmark for Cloud Environments (2014) Auto-scaling features offered by today's cloud infrastructures provide increased exibility especially for customers that experience high variations in the load intensity over time. However, auto-scaling features introduce new system quality attributes when considering their accuracy, timing, and boundaries. Therefore, distinguishing between different offerings has become a complex task, as it is not yet supported by reliable metrics and measurement approaches. In this paper, we discuss shortcomings of existing approaches for measuring and evaluating elastic behavior and propose a novel benchmark methodology speciffcally designed for evaluating the elasticity aspects of modern cloud platforms. The benchmark is based on open workloads with realistic load variation proles that are calibrated to induce identical resource demand variations independent of the underlying hardware performance. Furthermore, we propose new metrics that capture the accuracy of resource allocations and deallocations, as well as the timing aspects of an auto-scaling mechanism explicitly.
[Large-scale cluster management at Google with Borg (2015)] ( Google's Borg system is a cluster manager that runs hundreds of thousands of jobs, from many thousands of different applications, across a number of clusters each with up to tens of thousands of machines. It achieves high utilization by combining admission control, efficient task-packing, over-commitment, and machine sharing with process-level performance isolation. It supports high-availability applications with runtime features that minimize fault-recovery time, and scheduling policies that reduce the probability of correlated failures. Borg simplifies life for its users by offering a declarative job specification language, name service integration, real-time job monitoring, and tools to analyze and simulate system behavior. We present a summary of the Borg system architecture and features, important design decisions, a quantitative analysis of some of its policy decisions, and a qualitative examination of lessons learned from a decade of operational experience with it.
[Resources for Learning About Docker] (
MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters (2004): MapReduce is both a programming model (borrowed from an old concept in functional programming) and a system at Google for distributed data-intensive computation. The programming model is so simple yet expressive enough to capture a wide range of programming needs. The system, coupled with the model, is fault-tolerant and scalable. It is probably fair to say that half of the academia are now working on problems heavily influenced by MapReduce.
[Dryad: Distributed Data-Parallel Programs from Sequential Building Blocks] ( (2007): Dryad is a programming model developed at Microsoft that enables large scale dataflow programming. "The fundamental difference between the [MapReduce and Dryad] is that a Dryad application may specify an arbitrary communication DAG rather than requiring a sequence of map/distribute/sort/reduce operations".
[Spark: cluster computing with working sets] ( (2010): MapReduce and its variants have been highly successful in implementing large-scale data-intensive applications on commodity clusters. However, most of these systems are built around an acyclic data flow model that is not suitable for other popular applications. This paper focuses on one such class of applications: those that reuse a working set of data across multiple parallel operations. This includes many iterative machine learning algorithms, as well as interactive data analysis tools. We propose a new framework called Spark that supports these applications while retaining the scalability and fault tolerance of MapReduce. To achieve these goals, Spark introduces an abstraction called resilient distributed datasets (RDDs). An RDD is a read-only collection of objects partitioned across a set of machines that can be rebuilt if a partition is lost. Spark can outperform Hadoop by 10x in iterative machine learning jobs, and can be used to interactively query a 39 GB dataset with sub-second response time.
[Resilient distributed datasets: A fault-tolerant abstraction for in-memory cluster computing] ( (2012): We present Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs), a distributed memory abstraction that lets programmers perform in-memory computations on large clusters in a fault-tolerant manner. RDDs are motivated by two types of applications that current computing frameworks handle inefficiently: iterative algorithms and interactive data mining tools. In both cases, keeping data in memory can improve performance by an order of magnitude. To achieve fault tolerance efficiently, RDDs provide a restricted form of shared memory, based on coarse-grained transformations rather than fine-grained updates to shared state. However, we show that RDDs are expressive enough to capture a wide class of computations, including recent specialized programming models for iterative jobs, such as Pregel, and new applications that these models do not capture. We have implemented RDDs in a system called Spark, which we evaluate through a variety of user applications and benchmarks.
[(PhD Thesis Zaharia) An Architecture for Fast and General Data Processing on Large Clusters] ( (2014)
- [(book) Hadoop Operations - A Guide for Developers and Administrators] (
- [(book) Hadoop: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition] (
- [(book) Programming Pig, by Alan Gates] (
- [(book) Programming Hive, by Capriolo, Wampler, and Rutherglen] (
- [Spark Internals - Notes] (
Hive: a warehousing solution over a map-reduce framework (2009): In this paper, we present Hive, an open-source data warehousing solution built on top of Hadoop. Hive supports queries expressed in a SQL-like declarative language-HiveQL, which are compiled into map-reduce jobs executed on Hadoop. In addition, HiveQL supports custom map-reduce scripts to be plugged into queries. The language includes a type system with support for tables containing primitive types, collections like arrays and maps, and nested compositions of the same. The underlying IO libraries can be extended to query data in custom formats. Hive also includes a system catalog, Hive-Metastore, containing schemas and statistics, which is useful in data exploration and query optimization. In Facebook, the Hive warehouse contains several thousand tables with over 700 terabytes of data and is being used extensively for both reporting and ad-hoc analyses by more than 100 users.
Shark: SQL and Rich Analytics at Scale (2013): Describes the Shark system, which is the SQL engine built on top of Spark. More importantly, the paper discusses why previous SQL on Hadoop/MapReduce query engines were slow.
Tajo: A Distributed Data Warehouse System on Large Clusters (2013): In this demo, we present Tajo, a relational, distributed data warehouse system on shared-nothing clusters. It uses Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) as the storage layer and has its own query execution engine that we have developed instead of the MapReduce framework. A Tajo cluster consists of one master node and a number of workers across cluster nodes. The master is mainly responsible for query planning and the coordinator for workers. The master divides a query into small tasks and disseminates them to workers. Each worker has a local query engine that executes a directed acyclic graph of physical operators. A DAG of operators can take two or more input sources and be pipelined within the local query engine. In addition, Tajo can control distributed data flow more flexible than that of MapReduce and supports indexing techniques. By combining these features, Tajo can employ more optimized and efficient query processing, including the existing methods that have been studied in the traditional database research areas.
Apache DRILL: Interactive Ad-Hoc Analysis at Scale (2013): Apache Drill is a distributed system for interactive ad-hoc analysis of large-scale datasets. Designed to handle up to petabytes of data spread across thousands of servers, the goal of Drill is to respond to ad-hoc queries in a lowlatency manner. In this article, we introduce Drill’s architecture, discuss its extensibility points, and put it into the context of the emerging offerings in the interactive analytics realm.
Presto (2013)
Impala: A Modern, Open-Source SQL Engine for Hadoop (2015): Cloudera Impala is a modern, open-source MPP SQL engine architected from the ground up for the Hadoop data processing environment. Impala provides low latency and high concurrency for BI/analytic read-mostly queries on Hadoop, not delivered by batch frameworks such as Apache Hive. This paper presents Impala from a user's perspective, gives an overview of its architecture and main components and brie y demonstrates its superior performance compared against other popular SQL-on-Hadoop systems.
Spark SQL: Relational Data Processing in Spark (2015): Spark SQL is a new module in Apache Spark that integrates relational processing with Spark’s functional programming API. Built on our experience with Shark, Spark SQL lets Spark programmers leverage the benefits of relational processing (e.g., declarative queries and optimized storage), and lets SQL users call complex analytics libraries in Spark (e.g., machine learning). Compared to previous systems, Spark SQL makes two main additions. First, it offers much tighter integration between relational and procedural processing, through a declarative DataFrame API that integrates with procedural Spark code. Second, it includes a highly extensible optimizer, Catalyst, built using features of the Scala programming language, that makes it easy to add composable rules, control code generation, and define extension points. Using Catalyst, we have built a variety of features (e.g., schema inference for JSON, machine learning types, and query federation to external databases) tailored for the complex needs of modern data analysis. We see Spark SQL as an evolution of both SQL-on-Spark and of Spark itself, offering richer APIs and optimizations while keeping the benefits of the Spark programming model.
An Empirical Performance Evaluation of Distributed SQL Query Engines (2015) + Extended Technical Report(2014)
Processing Big Data With SQL on Hadoop (TDWI 2015)
SQL-on-Hadoop Tutorial (VLDB 2015)
Workload Characterization and Optimization of TPC-H Queries on Apache Spark (2015)
[Kafka: a Distributed Messaging System for Log Processing] ( (2012): Log processing has become a critical component of the data pipeline for consumer internet companies. We introduce Kafka, a distributed messaging system that we developed for collecting and delivering high volumes of log data with low latency. Our system incorporates ideas from existing log aggregators and messaging systems, and is suitable for both offline and online message consumption. We made quite a few unconventional yet practical design choices in Kafka to make our system efficient and scalable. Our experimental results show that Kafka has superi or performance when compared to two popular messaging systems. We have been using Kafka in production for some time and it is processing hundreds of gigabytes of new data each day.
Discretized Streams: An Efficient and Fault-Tolerant Model for Stream Processing on Large Clusters (2012): Many important “big data” applications need to process data arriving in real time. However, current programming models for distributed stream processing are relatively low-level, often leaving the user to worry about consistency of state across the system and fault recovery. Furthermore, the models that provide fault recovery do so in an expensive manner, requiring either hot replication or long recovery times. We propose a new programming model, discretized streams (D-Streams), that offers a high-level functional programming API, strong consistency, and efficient fault recovery. D-Streams support a new recovery mechanism that improves efficiency over the traditional replication and upstream backup solutions in streaming databases: parallel recovery of lost state across the cluster. We have prototyped D-Streams in an extension to the Spark cluster computing framework called Spark Streaming, which lets users seamlessly intermix streaming, batch and interactive queries.
[The big data ecosystem at LinkedIn] (
[Storm @ Twitter - Nathan Marz] (
[Storm @ Twitter - paper] (
[SAMOA: a platform for mining big data streams] (
[Streaming Systems] (
- [GraphX: Graph Processing in a Distributed Dataflow Framework] ( (2014): In this paper we argue that many of the advantages of specialized graph processing systems can be recovered in a modern general-purpose distributed dataflow system. We introduce GraphX, an embedded graph processing framework built on top of Apache Spark, a widely used distributed dataflow system. GraphX presents a familiar composable graph abstraction that is sufficient to express existing graph APIs, yet can be implemented using only a few basic dataflow operators (e.g., join, map, group-by). To achieve performance parity with specialized graph systems, GraphX recasts graph-specific optimizations as distributed join optimizations and materialized view maintenance.
[The HiBench benchmark suite: Characterization of the MapReduce-based data analysis] ( & [HiBench: A Representative and Comprehensive Hadoop Benchmark Suite] (
[Bigdatabench: A big data benchmark suite from internet services] (
[Bigbench: Towards an industry standard benchmark for big data analytics] ( & [BigBench Specification V0. 1] (
[A BigBench Implementation in the Hadoop Ecosystem] (
[Discussion of BigBench:A Proposed Industry Standard Performance Benchmark for Big Data] (
ALOJA: a Systematic Study of Hadoop Deployment Variables to Enable Automated Characterization of Cost-Effectiveness (2014): This article presents the ALOJA project, an initiative to produce mechanisms for an automated characterization of cost-effectiveness of Hadoop deployments and reports its initial results. ALOJA is the latest phase of a long-term collaborative engagement between BSC and Microsoft which, over the past 6 years has explored a range of different aspects of computing systems, software technologies and performance profiling. While during the last 5 years, Hadoop has become the de-facto platform for Big Data deployments, still little is understood of how the different layers of the software and hardware deployment options affects its performance. Early ALOJA results show that Hadoop’s runtime performance, and therefore its price, are critically affected by relatively simple software and hardware configuration choices e.g., number of mappers, compression, or volume configuration. Project ALOJA presents a vendor-neutral repository featuring over 5000 Hadoop runs, a test bed, and tools to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of different hardware, parameter tuning, and Cloud services for Hadoop. As few organizations have the time or performance profiling expertise, we expect our growing repository will benefit Hadoop customers to meet their Big Data application needs. ALOJA seeks to provide both knowledge and an online service to with which users make better informed configuration choices for their Hadoop compute infrastructure whether this be on-premise or cloud-based. The initial version of ALOJA’s Web application and sources are available at
[Liquid Benchmarking: A Platform for Democratizing the Performance Evaluation Process] (2015): We demonstrate Liquid Benchmarking as an online and cloud-based platform for democratizing the performance evaluation and benchmarking processes. In particular, the platform facilitates the process of sharing the experimental artifacts (software implementations, datasets, computing resources, benchmarking tasks) as services where the end user can easily create, mashup, run the experiments and visualize the experimental results with zero installation or configuration efforts. In addition, the collaborative features of the platform enables the user to share and comment on the results of the conducted experiments so that it can guarantee a transparent scientific crediting process. Furthermore, we demonstrate four benchmarking case studies that have been implemented using the Liquid Benchmarking platform on the following domains: XML compression techniques, graph indexing and querying techniques and string similarity join algorithms.
MLbase: A Distributed Machine-learning System (2013): Machine learning (ML) and statistical techniques are key to transforming big data into actionable knowledge. In spite of the modern primacy of data, the complexity of existing ML algorithms is often overwhelming—many users do not understand the trade-offs and challenges of parameterizing and choosing between different learning techniques. Furthermore, existing scalable systems that support machine learning are typically not accessible to ML researchers without a strong background in distributed systems and low-level primitives. In this work, we present our vision for MLbase, a novel system harnessing the power of machine learning for both end-users and ML researchers. MLbase provides (1) a simple declarative way to specify ML tasks, (2) a novel optimizer to select and dynamically adapt the choice of learning algorithm, (3) a set of high-level operators to enable ML researchers to scalably implement a wide range of ML methods without deep systems knowledge, and (4) a new run-time optimized for the data-access patterns of these high-level operators.
MLI: An API for Distributed Machine Learning (2013): MLI is an Application Programming Interface designed to address the challenges of building Machine Learning algorithms in a distributed setting based on data-centric computing. Its primary goal is to simplify the development of high-performance, scalable, distributed algorithms. Our initial results show that, relative to existing systems, this interface can be used to build distributed implementations of a wide variety of common Machine Learning algorithms with minimal complexity and highly competitive performance and scalability.
A survey of open source tools for machine learning with big data in the Hadoop ecosystem (2015)
Big data analytics: a survey (2015)
Deep learning applications and challenges in big data analytics (2015)
- [Readings in Databases] (