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Presentation metadata

Stefano Zaghi edited this page Nov 7, 2014 · 1 revision

For long scientific presentation it is often useful to define some (meta)data in order to reuse theme inside the presentation itself. Such a data are defined into as metadata. You can define the presentation metadata anywhere into your markdown source, however it has sense to place it at the beginning, inside the presentation preamble, that is just a convention rather than a physical part of the markdown document. The available metadata are:

title = 
subtitle = 
authors = []
authors_short = []
emails = []
affiliations = []
affiliations_short = []
logo = 
location = 
location_short = 
date = 
conference = 
conference_short = 
session = 
session_short = 
max_time = 25
dirs_to_copy = []

All metadata values are treated as string except the one with [] brackets that are list of strings. To define the presentation metadata you must use a specific environment, i.e. ---metadata----endmetadata:

metadata_name1 = metadata_value1
metadata_name2 = metadata_value2

A valid example is the following:

title              = Getting Started to play with
subtitle           = a bad-showcase of features 
authors            = ['Stefano Zaghi','John Doe']
authors_short      = ['S. Zaghi','J. Doe']
emails             = ['[email protected]','[email protected]']
affiliations       = ['NERD Laboratory, The World Most Uncool Research Center','LOST Institute, Missed People Research Institute']
affiliations_short = ['NERD Laboratory','LOST Institute']
location           = Via dell'Isola del Giorno Prima 139, Utopia, Universo
location_short     = Utopia, Universo
date               = 29th February, 2015
conference         = Nhill Symposium 2015
conference_short   = NS2015
session            = Third High Performance Sleeping, HPS3
session_short      = HPS3
logo               = images/logo.png
max_time           = 10
dirs_to_copy       = ['images']

Note that defining the values you do not need to enclose them into '', while it is mandatory for list values (i.e. authors, emails, affiliations, etc...). In case a metadata value is too long (accordingly to your preference) to be written inside only one line you can split it into multi-lines by the && line-break marker, e.g.:

affiliations = ['NERD Laboratory, The World Most Uncool Research Center', &&
                'LOST Institute, Missed People Research Institute']

The metadata should be auto-explicative, whereas the last two merit a comment:

  • max_time: this indicates the time (in minutes) you have for your presentation; this value is used to the countdown timer if you used it inside the presentation (e.g. it can be useful to visualize the remaining time for terminating in time your talk);
  • dirs_to_copy: this list contains the directories that will be copied into the output directory; as a matter of fact, it is common to place some contents (images, videos, tables, etc...) into subdirectories of your root presentation: uses relative paths thus such subdirectories must be copied into the output path.

Other metadata are available, but do not need to be assigned a value:

  • toc: this the Table of Contents which is automatically built up;
  • sectiontitle: the title of each section that is obtained parsing your source;
  • sectionnumber: the number of each section that is obtained parsing your source;
  • subsectiontitle: the title of each subsection that is obtained parsing your source;
  • subsectionnumber: the number of each subsection that is obtained parsing your source;
  • slidetitle: the title of each slide that is obtained parsing your source;
  • slidenumber: the number of each slide that is obtained parsing your source;
  • total_slides_number: this the total number of slides which is automatically built up;

All the metadata can be used inside the presentation. Two possibilities are available:

  1. use a metadata inside the theme definition; e.g. it is common to use slidetile inside the header of the slide;
  2. place the metadata directly into the slide contents using the $metadata[style] notation, where the [style] is the css style for rendering the metadata value and it is optional; e.g. $autors[font-size:120%] will be replaced by the name of the authors rendered with a font size 20% larger than the other slide contents one.
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