These are my personal configs. Although I am not 100 % proud of them, they get the job done, and github provides me with a free way to store them; therefore, why wouldn’t I share them?
- Disclaimer: The background is not mine, therefore I will not share it within this git-repo.
There are currently three configs:
- an i3-config
- the sway version of said config.
- and grey-beard-wm (emacs)
- more soon to come
- The emacs config will not work properly without installation of addition packages. I would also advise compiling emacs from source with SQLite (org-roam back end), Dynamic Module Support (a doom-emacs suggestion), and Native-Compilation (also a doom-emacs suggestion).
- Pictures:
This repository is a WIP and may forever stay a work in progress. That is for one reason: As an emacs user, you create problems you never had before and you will continue to do so until the end of time.