An implementation of a wireless Klipper, Bambu and Octoprint status display on an ESP32 + screen. Uses Moonraker to fetch data.
A simple and cheap solution to use a dedicated screen with Klipper, a 3d printing Firmware. Also now with Bambu Lab and Octoprint printers!
A ESP32-2432S028R is required to run this project. You can find out where to buy these on the "ESP32 Cheap Yellow Display" repository.
- View printer status
- View print progress and print statistics
- Start a print
- (When the printer is idle) move the printer
- (During a print) set fan speed, flow rate, speed and z offset
- Manage temperature
- Extrude/Retract filament
- Execute predefined gcode macros
- Toggle Moonraker power devices
- OTA updates
- Serial console over USB (115200 8n1, echo off, LF/LF)
- Control Klipper, Octoprint and Bambu printers.
- Wired Serial/Usb Klipper connection
On initial install, all data should be wiped. On updates, data should be able to be kept without issues.
When there is an update available, a button in the settings will appear that can be pressed to update. If automatic updates are preferred, there is a toggle in the settings to automatically update. This will right after connecting to wifi update the screen.
If you found this project helpful, please consider a donation to my Ko-Fi. It would help out a lot in the development of this project, due to the need to buy the screens.
Thank you!
All links below are affiliate links. Please also check yourself if there is a cheaper version available than the ones below. I have only linked ones that i have personally bought.
ESP32-2432S028R (2.8" Resistive, Cheapest)
ESP32-2432S032C (3.2" Capacitive)
- Only the capacitive version is supported! USB-C
- IPS version (not that great of a screen), Only the capacitive version is supported! USB-C
ESP32-3248S035C (3.5" Capacitive)
(Quite literally shots of the screen. I'm sorry)
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- xtouch
- ESP32-Cheap-Yellow-Display
- OperatorB for the ESP32-3248S035C display driver
- esp32-smartdisplay