- [DONE] - hardcoded divs with css for hiding/showing based on zoom
- [DONE] - js script
- [DONE] - hierarchical data sample (full and summary)
- [DONE] - make js widget that displays zoom level and width of visual viewport
- [DONE] - use css transform to zoom in on an element, and switch over to the full version of that element at a scale threshold. full version's dimensions should be the scale threshold times the dimensions of the summary version
- [DONE] fix the translation to get positioning right
- [DONE] get rid of zoomooz.js (figure out how it is translating the zoomed element and its chilren)
- [DONE] render after end of animation instead of timeout
- [DONE] clean up application.js, share element definition between js files
- [DONE] try 2 side by side zoomable elementss
- [DONE] add hooks to touch events to grab zoom and transform it into body scaling events
- [DONE] add SASS
- allow (fix) zooming in twice?
- disable scrolling and focus on clicking (simpler for now). isolate zoom functionality so that click/scroll zooming can be interchangeable later
- try nested zoomable elements
- only enhance the zoomed-in element? all elements at same level in zoom hierarchy? all elements in viewport? in vicinity of viewport?
- make good hierarchical sample data we can use (http://orteil.dashnet.org/nested)
- detect if an element takes up the entire viewport
- replace the entire DOM with that node
- zooming out: detect if zooming out to 100% and replace the dom with the element's parent
- scale up the focused element more quickly than its parent, and scale down its siblings
- look into map rendering engines
- intercept multitouch zoom events, translate them to css transforms that increase element sizes. trigger transformation to zoomed-in version when reaching size threshold.
- replacing native gestures will probably not be smooth
- allow actual zooming, and replace parent with child when zoomed in enough
Much of this is from notes about pixels at http://www.quirksmode.org/presentations/Spring2012/mobeers.pdf
Layout viewport: width in css pixels of the page that is being rendered.
Visual viewport: width in css pixels of the part of the page that is shown on the screen (decreases when zooming in.)
Desktop zooming: layout viewport actually gets smaller, percentage widths get recalculated.
Mobile zooming: layout viewport stays wide, visual viewport is shrunk.
- screen.width and screen.height are device pixels (useless since it is not CSS pixels)
- document.documentElement.clientWidth = layout viewport (in CSS pixels). EQUAL to "width" media query
- window.innerWidth = width of visual viewport in CSS pixels (how much viewer is seeing)
- document.documentElement.offsetWidth = width of <html> element in CS pixels
- window.pageXOffset = current scrolling offset in CSS pixels
- "width" media query is the LAYOUT viewport.
- meta viewport: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> sets the size of the LAYOUT viewport ("device-width", which is usually what you want, or pixel value). Setting layout to become device width now makes the "width" media query useful for triggering changes on device width.
- use css classes instead of js for applying transforms if possible: http://blog.teamtreehouse.com/using-jquery-to-detect-when-css3-animations-and-transitions-end
- http://www.quirksmode.org/presentations/Spring2012/mobeers.pdf
- https://thenewcircle.com/s/post/1141/a_pixel_is_not_a_pixel_ppk_explains_viewports
- js library for zooming in to DOM elements: http://jaukia.github.io/zoomooz/
- smoothly increases size of elements with CSS transform. Probably better for destktop rather than touchscreen.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zooming_user_interface
- general ZUI notes