This is a vite application generated by npx create vite which is then turned into a single-spa web application .
Every single-spa application has to implement single-spa lifecycle functions and this is performed by making use of the helper lib single-spa-preact.
This has the advantage that you can develop locally using a normal vite development flow (e.g. npm run dev), and then test and integrate with single-spa using the build and preview vite scripts.
Note: This example config is set to build a module in SystemJS format.
Run the following:
npm run dev
and the application will be available locally at http://localhost:5173
Run the following:
npm run build
npm run preview
This will serve the build at http://localhost:4173
In the root-config of your single-spa root application, you can then register this application via:
// Register a preact web app running through vite
name: "preact",
app: () =>
activeWhen: ["/"],