This project is created for my course in Udemy entitled Building Modern Responsive Web Applications. The following are the technologies/frameworks that I used for this project:
- HTML 5
- Bootstrap 3.3.7 - for creating responsive elements
- CSS 3
- Animate 3.7.0 - a CSS library for creating basic animations such as fade in, slide, etc.
- Font Awesome 4.7.0 - a CSS library that contains icons
- jQuery 3.3.1 - to support some of the third-party tools that we used (i.e. WOW, Magnific, etc.)
- Magnific Popup 1.1.0 - to create a gallery-like feel when clicking on images
- Wow 1.3.0 - for revealing animations only after scrolling to a certain content in the web page
- Owl Carousel 2.3.4 - for creating beautiful gallery sliders
- You will need to install a code editor to open the source code. Popular options include Visual Studio Code and Sublime Text.