This ros package is used to read mocap pose from vrpn and send the pose data to px4 flight controller through mavros at a frequency of 60Hz.
This package is default for motion capture vrpn system with distance unit 'm'. For systems with distance unit 'mm', you should change the mocap_unit
into "mm" in mocap2px4.launch
This ros package should be built on the onboard computer of the drone.
git clone
cd px4mocap/
source devel/setup.bash
Please install or update vrpn client to the newest version like (melodic
for ubuntu18 and noetic
for ubuntu20):
sudo apt install ros-melodic-vrpn-client-ros
If you have not installed mavros, then you can follow the command in ./ROS-install-command
to install mavros first (melodic
for ubuntu18 and noetic
for ubuntu20):
sudo apt install ros-melodic-mavros ros-melodic-mavros-extras -y
cd ROS-install-command
sudo chmod +x
sudo ./
To launch the px4mocap, please connect to the same WIFI with mocap server. Change the fcu_url
(onboard computer port), gcs_url
(QGroundControl IP), server
IP (motion capture system vrpn IP) and desired rigidpose_topic
(vrpn rigid body pose topic) in mocap2px4.launch
. Then
roslaunch px4mocap mocap2px4.launch
Then the xyz position and yaw angle (quaternion) will be sent to px4 flight controller(pixhawk).
Or you can use the shell script to launch quickly:
cd src/px4mocap/launch
# change the `source` path in first
Similarly, you can launch mavros.launch
and vrpn2mavros.launch
separately in your need.
Remember to check that the mocap pose data were transferred to the pixhawk properly:
rostopic echo /mavros/vision_pose/pose
rostopic echo /mavros/local_position/pose
Note that rostopic echo
is cpu and RAM consuming. Do not keep rostopic echo
on resource-limited onboard computer like raspberrypi.
Be sure to properly set EKF2_AID_MASK
in px4 v1.14.0 and newer version) and EKF2_HGT_REF
parameters of PX4 on QgroundControl to receive these pose messages.
Be sure to align body x axis to the heading of the drone when creating rigid body in Seeker(mocap software). Otherwise, the yaw angle calculated by mocap system will not be the angle from world x to the heading of the drone(Mavros use ENU world frame and FLU body frame).
Furthur more, you can set mavros
or vrpn2mavros
as auto-startup service on boot using systemctl
. It is worth noting that these ROS nodes should be launched a few seconds after roscore.service
has been launched. Otherwise, if the first ROS node which auto-start roscore by default is shut down occassionally, other ROS nodes will be shut down as well, which is unwanted.
cd px4mocap/src/px4mocap/launch
# change `ExecStart` path in **.service and **.sh first (must use absolute path).
# service文件中不要出现中文和注释!
sudo cp roscore.service /etc/systemd/system/roscore.service
sudo cp mavros.service /etc/systemd/system/mavros.service
sudo cp vrpn2mavros.service /etc/systemd/system/vrpn2mavros.service
sudo systemctl enable roscore.service mavros.service vrpn2mavros.service # enable service on boot
sudo systemctl daemon-reload # reload service
# other operations:
sudo systemctl status **.service # echo the output of the service
sudo systemctl disable **.service # disable service on boot
sudo systemctl start **.service # start service once
sudo systemctl stop **.service # stop the active service
Please feel free to ask questions in Issue.